I found the exact location. Was pretty simple using the F3 light meter. It is a block smack in the middle of the air in one of the pits, rather puzzling location. I suppose it could be a left over from the Wrath Lamps I used before I added the water (and glass that keeps the water away from the reactors for easier access). If it persists I might try worldedit on this and a few other troublesome spots. Have had some different multipart components(PR wires, Mekanism pipes etc.) bug out in a few locations too.Regarding mysterious light-source i suggest you check its not behind block which appear to be lighted-up or exactly above on ceiling. If you had floodlamps installed you may know about debug option to show light-source-beam which helped a lot as those lamps use to leave some light-sources behind. Other way around is to use forge-wordedit and cut specific block. I had multiple problems with unplaceable blocks or bugged areas all solved with above tool. Disabling smooth lighting can help you pinpoint exact location.
Yeah would be awesome if the crane thingy was functionalI think i remember you showing us those holes for reactors. Control room looks nice. I was a bit disappointed that loading crane is only aesthetic, lightning is pretty basic and there is no special entrance to these rooms as far as i can see but meh. On right side of last picture i see some fancy displays is it part of control room ? I guess reactors are fed by/controlled by AE.

I agree on the lighting, I will probably try and redo that somehow. Just not sure how. In other places I have added fictive lamps and then used hidden torches covered by microblocks in the floors/walls to give the actual lights where I wanted it(generally where the lamps in RL would have cast its light). But that idea doesn't work with the water

Yes since the reactor room grew out as part of normal early survival need for power there is no real entrance for the place. It is generally just another room in the bunker(at least the control room is). Had it been a creative build or later than it was I definitely would have made it a separate section/building. (there is a slight problem I think in how close the nuclear fuel refinery is to the kitchen

I could make the entrance to the nuclear reactors go through the lockerrooms of the fuel refinery area. That probably makes more sense than through the control area. Will look into that.
The "fancy displays" are CC Monitors showing the status of my BigReactor reactors. That section is still a WiP. Very much so because I am having problems with that any CC scripts that I try will randomly terminate themselves without any error messages and the Computers will not reboot themselves again. All my other CC scripts runs fine, it is only the ones that interact with the BR reactors that cause problems...
Best guess is that it is some problem with how my server runs, as I think it was fine before I transferred it over. Could be that one of the requests is timing out or something due to the large load in the area.
I have set up a ME subnetwork(don't want radioactive matter in my normal network!) yes that handles the fuel for the reactors. The actual fuel is inserted/extracted with Routers(It was easier since two pairs can service all of the reactors, 32xUranium and 4xMOX). ME then crafts the fuel to insert into the routers and processes the spent cells.I guess reactors are fed by/controlled by AE.