rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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so... are you goin to call it the aerie? :D
Maybe I can fit in a couple of bird nests somewhere ;)

Converted one of the blacksmiths in the village:

It now serves as a Flaxbeard's Steam Power workshop.

Crucibles + Molds for making Brass. Boilers etc. for producing steam.


Made it all so I could get some proper jetpack flight. It is still crude but works well enough when combined with the Hang Glider(bit annoyed that using the Jetpack seems to kill all forward momentum). And the Exo suit supplies lots of other features.

Still working on the layout of the castle:

Running out of Cobble however(Using a chisel variant of it for now) :P
With a new, more powerful, computer in the works, is there any chance you would consider streaming as you go? I agree with you that I'd rather be playing than watching someone else play most of the time, but I'm sure we could learn a ton just watching you piddle around. No pressure, but I know I'm not alone in wanting to watch a master work a canvas.

I'm happy you made the jump to 1.7 finally, and even more excited about the prospect of you doing something a little less clean and modern. As amazing as your work has been, I feel I usually identify better with your starter "hovels" than with the best and sterile finished products. It mostly due to my preference for my own builds being more castle-age and less space-age. With your change in style, have you considered a change in texture pack, or are you bound to yours? You make it work wonders, just curious if it had crossed you mind. I always found Soartex to be too sterile for this type of project (I like John Smith, even though some of it is a bit cartoony), although I'm sure you'll make me eat those words.

Keep up the amazing content as always.
With a new, more powerful, computer in the works, is there any chance you would consider streaming as you go? I agree with you that I'd rather be playing than watching someone else play most of the time, but I'm sure we could learn a ton just watching you piddle around. No pressure, but I know I'm not alone in wanting to watch a master work a canvas.
Hmm I have thought about it. If people are really interested in spending time watching me derping around with very simple stuff for hours on end, then I can look into it.
It would not be scheduled or announced. It would just be whenever I am around. But suppose I could try it out.

With your change in style, have you considered a change in texture pack, or are you bound to yours?
I get your point. But tbh Soartex is simply the look of Minecraft for me. It would also me a monumental task to swap pack and familiarise myself with all the different building blocks again.
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From what I recall, the two packs aren't that dissimilar, but at the least, I'd like to see a side by side picture. Perhaps the aerial of the castle?
For the record, rhn_mc on twitch is the best screensaver I've ever had. Thanks for sharing your work.
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For the record, rhn_mc on twitch is the best screensaver I've ever had. Thanks for sharing your work.
Glad to provide you with this completely unnecessary and obsolete service(unless you still use a CRT) :p

Toyed a bit with a Signature banner to make it a bit easier for you guys to see when I am on or not. I usually don't like signatures, but meh...
Tried to make it the least obnoxious as possible, but could only find this big ass banner that actually works. Made it in a colour scheme that shouldn't clash with the default theme of the forum at least.

Oh and sorry for the questionable music taste :p It appears to not be a simple matter to split the sound to only get Minecraft stuff.
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Just hit me that I should probably post some updates to those not following on Twitch ;)

Work progresses on the castle:

The "Cloister":


Took a while to do all those Collapsible blocks for the roof(not that bad tbh with a few tricks ;)), but well worth the result I think.

Also been playing around with the roof structure in the "Cathedral":

Also cleared some land for my serfs, I mean Villagers to farm on:

So far they have been too lazy to build any farms. They just stay in the village... I need to be more strict on them.

Other progress:
QED for Magnum Torches. YAY!

Activated my sigil(that I found earlier when exploring) for Unstable Ingots for a Builder's Wand:

This have helped a ton when building!
Got a pile of Cursed earth for future uses at the same time of course.
For some reason I can't sign up for a twitch account, doesn't give me the option, anyone else have this issue bc i'm trying to keep up with RHN but its difficult without getting alerts
I can only hope you will deplete your "lets play with coublestone now!" ~desire pretty soon and get back to modern builds.

Realize that even in his Monster build of a massive space ship, most of his build at this point in progressing was cobblestone. Granted, old school castle lends itself better to staying cobblestone than that build, but know that this is likely far from furnished just yet.

Even if you don't like this particular style of build, know that you can learn a lot from the tricks and techniques used, which can still make you a better builder in the end. Think of it like a string quartet playing Iron Maiden - it sure sounds different without all the distortion and reverb, but its still beautiful and elegant at heart, and now harder to hide simple mistakes. Maybe not the best analogy, but whatever. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but skill is in the hand of the Master.
Realize that even in his Monster build of a massive space ship, most of his build at this point in progressing was cobblestone. Granted, old school castle lends itself better to staying cobblestone than that build, but know that this is likely far from furnished just yet.

Even if you don't like this particular style of build, know that you can learn a lot from the tricks and techniques used, which can still make you a better builder in the end. Think of it like a string quartet playing Iron Maiden - it sure sounds different without all the distortion and reverb, but its still beautiful and elegant at heart, and now harder to hide simple mistakes. Maybe not the best analogy, but whatever. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but skill is in the hand of the Master.
Nice yes, but more limiting if you decide to "role-play" and build themed things. Mr. Rhn cant make me better builder and i highly doubt he can teach me some new amazing techniques or tricks regarding speed of building in creative. (no i dont care for survival, sorry) His modern builds were/are great "amusement" for my bored mind and i see this as waste of talented builder time. Nice and even way nicer medieval builds can be achieved in vanilla with no problem and apart from few fancy candles here and there i dont see how this can be entertaining for any of us. Of course then i realize "magic" bulls... is what MC modding is all about these days so i guess i have to get back in my military-tech-science-cave and wait for atomic winter for new begging. I was only hoping i would be able to watch rare "rhn modest attempts" in my "modded MC TV channel".

Ofc mr. Rhn is as always and everyone free to build whatever .... he wants.
Ofc mr. Rhn is as always and everyone free to build whatever .... he wants.
That is the sole motivation for that I do. What I want. How I want it :p

But spend so much time on it so thought someone else might get a kick out of seeing it. Hence why all this started. ;)

Nice and even way nicer medieval builds can be achieved in vanilla with no problem and apart from few fancy candles here and there i dont see how this can be entertaining for any of us.
Unsure why you would have that opinion. There are tons of tools available in modded MC to make way way nicer medieval builds. Carpenters, microblocks, various building blocks(for those of us that doesn't just retexture stuff).
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My newest creation that I am sure mazterzh will be proud of!


Yeah... I had to count the walls when I placed the torches... its a 9x9... Lol

Don't worry. Its temporary, unfinished and part of something bigger(it is the inside of one of the towers in the cathedral that I temporarily refurbished as storage area and made this area upstairs for my bed etc :p

Just thought I would share this moment of shame ;)
This is breathtaking, mindblowing and incredible! The rich variety of materials! Shapes! Perfect use of lightning! The bed placement is just pure mindf*ck! I am very glad you finally took my advice, left boring castles and show us something so different, proving i was wrong the whole time and you truly are...

I did catch what you edited out. Respond in PM.