so... are you goin to call it the aerie?![]()
Hmm I have thought about it. If people are really interested in spending time watching me derping around with very simple stuff for hours on end, then I can look into it.With a new, more powerful, computer in the works, is there any chance you would consider streaming as you go? I agree with you that I'd rather be playing than watching someone else play most of the time, but I'm sure we could learn a ton just watching you piddle around. No pressure, but I know I'm not alone in wanting to watch a master work a canvas.
I get your point. But tbh Soartex is simply the look of Minecraft for me. It would also me a monumental task to swap pack and familiarise myself with all the different building blocks again.With your change in style, have you considered a change in texture pack, or are you bound to yours?
Glad to provide you with this completely unnecessary and obsolete service(unless you still use a CRT)For the record, rhn_mc on twitch is the best screensaver I've ever had. Thanks for sharing your work.
I can only hope you will deplete your "lets play with coublestone now!" ~desire pretty soon and get back to modern builds.
I will be back to doing some SciFi stuff eventuallyI can only hope you will deplete your "lets play with coublestone now!" ~desire pretty soon and get back to modern builds.
Nice yes, but more limiting if you decide to "role-play" and build themed things. Mr. Rhn cant make me better builder and i highly doubt he can teach me some new amazing techniques or tricks regarding speed of building in creative. (no i dont care for survival, sorry) His modern builds were/are great "amusement" for my bored mind and i see this as waste of talented builder time. Nice and even way nicer medieval builds can be achieved in vanilla with no problem and apart from few fancy candles here and there i dont see how this can be entertaining for any of us. Of course then i realize "magic" bulls... is what MC modding is all about these days so i guess i have to get back in my military-tech-science-cave and wait for atomic winter for new begging. I was only hoping i would be able to watch rare "rhn modest attempts" in my "modded MC TV channel".Realize that even in his Monster build of a massive space ship, most of his build at this point in progressing was cobblestone. Granted, old school castle lends itself better to staying cobblestone than that build, but know that this is likely far from furnished just yet.
Even if you don't like this particular style of build, know that you can learn a lot from the tricks and techniques used, which can still make you a better builder in the end. Think of it like a string quartet playing Iron Maiden - it sure sounds different without all the distortion and reverb, but its still beautiful and elegant at heart, and now harder to hide simple mistakes. Maybe not the best analogy, but whatever. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but skill is in the hand of the Master.
That is the sole motivation for that I do. What I want. How I want itOfc mr. Rhn is as always and everyone free to build whatever .... he wants.
Unsure why you would have that opinion. There are tons of tools available in modded MC to make way way nicer medieval builds. Carpenters, microblocks, various building blocks(for those of us that doesn't just retexture stuff).Nice and even way nicer medieval builds can be achieved in vanilla with no problem and apart from few fancy candles here and there i dont see how this can be entertaining for any of us.
I did catch what you edited out. Respond in PM.