I have been a bit lazy recently with updates, I apologize for that. Perhaps it has partly been because some of you have been following along on Twitch and I haven't felt it as necessary. I will try and do better in the future.
Lets see if I can remember all the details that have been made since last update.
Castle entrance:
Lots of landscaping and collapsible blocks work making the road up to the castle.
Using the TiCo Barricades as palisades etc.
(note to self: Go finish applying the Moss Stone now that you have made more)
Did some work on the gatehouse at the same time:
Drawbridge operated gate and portcullis. Arrow slits and and murder holes ofc.
Took a break from the more cosmetic work and decided to move from the village in order to have space to be able to set up some proper processing and sorting. Not yet able to foresee the final location and solutions for this, so set up temporarily in the cathedral:
Rushed a small Logistic Pipes network and hooked this up to a Storage Drawers setup:
Thanks to the Drawer Controller and the Logistic Pipes I now have a fully fledged sorting system(with Enderpouch as input option) complete with item search function(Request pipe and Remote Orderer on an Ender Chest with connected Ender Pouch). This is really handy when out and about/building/exploring/etc. for two-way connection to the storage network back at base. Really glad it was possible to set this up so early.
I decided that it was time to get started on some magic mods. Thaumcraft was the obvious candidate to start out with. But before that could be done, the proper settings had to be arranged:
Tried to go for a "mages circle/college" style tower.
The exterior is not finished, just decided to put it on hold until I have better flight options, preferably creative style flight. PITA doing it with a Flaxbeards jetpack that keeps running out of steam
The tower will have each floor dedicated to different thaumcraft mechanics/craftings:
Alchemical crafting:
Library(research, enchanting):
(dont mind that hole in the roof, have just been putting in infusion stabilizers)
There are a couple more floors, among them the "attic" in the spire. Plan to use one of them for merging and later energizing nodes(which will then be relayed down the tower). Will also need to find a place for a wand recharging pedestal+nodes most likely.
On another note I have added Aroma1997s Dimensional world and set up a BC quarry there(I hate quarrying in the overworld). Nothing fancy and so far very slow(3x Stirling Generators burning whatever I have spare +3x EnderIO Photovoltaic cells to at least keep it going when I forget to refuel it

Currently I am branching out once again and am building a place to start Blood Magic(you might have noticed the spiky chubby tower to the right of the Thaumcraft tower). Trying to get the basics started of most of the mods, then I can always go back and finish the details of the buildings as I advance further into the mods later(and have better tools and materials to do so). At least that is the plan