rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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This is breathtaking, mindblowing and incredible! The rich variety of materials! Shapes! Perfect use of lightning! The bed placement is just pure mindf*ck! I am very glad you finally took my advice, left boring castles and show us something so different, proving i was wrong the whole time and you truly are...

I did catch what you edited out. Respond in PM.
That wasn't actually intended and therefore I removed the post after 10 seconds or something like that, was still in the post window from something I decided not to post. Sorry for that
I have been a bit lazy recently with updates, I apologize for that. Perhaps it has partly been because some of you have been following along on Twitch and I haven't felt it as necessary. I will try and do better in the future.

Lets see if I can remember all the details that have been made since last update.

Castle entrance:

Lots of landscaping and collapsible blocks work making the road up to the castle.
Using the TiCo Barricades as palisades etc.
(note to self: Go finish applying the Moss Stone now that you have made more)

Did some work on the gatehouse at the same time:



Drawbridge operated gate and portcullis. Arrow slits and and murder holes ofc. ;)

Took a break from the more cosmetic work and decided to move from the village in order to have space to be able to set up some proper processing and sorting. Not yet able to foresee the final location and solutions for this, so set up temporarily in the cathedral:

Rushed a small Logistic Pipes network and hooked this up to a Storage Drawers setup:

Thanks to the Drawer Controller and the Logistic Pipes I now have a fully fledged sorting system(with Enderpouch as input option) complete with item search function(Request pipe and Remote Orderer on an Ender Chest with connected Ender Pouch). This is really handy when out and about/building/exploring/etc. for two-way connection to the storage network back at base. Really glad it was possible to set this up so early.

I decided that it was time to get started on some magic mods. Thaumcraft was the obvious candidate to start out with. But before that could be done, the proper settings had to be arranged:

Tried to go for a "mages circle/college" style tower.
The exterior is not finished, just decided to put it on hold until I have better flight options, preferably creative style flight. PITA doing it with a Flaxbeards jetpack that keeps running out of steam:p

The tower will have each floor dedicated to different thaumcraft mechanics/craftings:
Alchemical crafting:

Library(research, enchanting):

(dont mind that hole in the roof, have just been putting in infusion stabilizers)



There are a couple more floors, among them the "attic" in the spire. Plan to use one of them for merging and later energizing nodes(which will then be relayed down the tower). Will also need to find a place for a wand recharging pedestal+nodes most likely.

On another note I have added Aroma1997s Dimensional world and set up a BC quarry there(I hate quarrying in the overworld). Nothing fancy and so far very slow(3x Stirling Generators burning whatever I have spare +3x EnderIO Photovoltaic cells to at least keep it going when I forget to refuel it :p).

Currently I am branching out once again and am building a place to start Blood Magic(you might have noticed the spiky chubby tower to the right of the Thaumcraft tower). Trying to get the basics started of most of the mods, then I can always go back and finish the details of the buildings as I advance further into the mods later(and have better tools and materials to do so). At least that is the plan :)
Do Golems handle microblocks any better now?
I have never really had any problems with it. Sure occasionally you might end up with a corner that they will get caught in, but I find that it can easily be tweaked to prevent that by applying the microblocks a little different. As long as you build stuff that is reasonably normal, like stairs that a player could traverse, then you wouldn't have too much trouble.

I did in this instance have a problem with the golems "falling" off the side of the steps up to the top platform and getting stuck in the diagonal Carpenters slope wall. But I think it would be unfair to require them to navigate a weird mix of microblocks and carpenters slopes like that :P That is why I have the normal full sized blocks in the turn on the steps(you can just spot it on the picture).
Just curious, but what do you think an hour count would look like at this point? I'm still working on the same building I was when you started your world, and I'm not sure if I'm just really slow, or if my very limited play time is the bigger reason (likely this).
Looks like a slab, and not a full one. Looks like it's the proper one block high though, so that works. I always had them get stuck on microblock slabs, even if they were placed like vanilla ones.
Just curious, but what do you think an hour count would look like at this point? I'm still working on the same building I was when you started your world, and I'm not sure if I'm just really slow, or if my very limited play time is the bigger reason (likely this).
I am not very efficient with my time I think. I spend a lot of time just idling around looking at things and thinking about what/how to do it.
But I do have an abundance of spare time to kill, so that is most likely why you feel I have made more progress compared to you ;)
Currently down with nasty flu and simply cannot concentrate for very long on building. And really haven't been feeling like doing it either. For the same reason the updates have been a bit scarce lately, despite there being a bit of a backlog of stuff to post about.
Lets try and make up for some of that:

Humble beginnings of Blood Magic

Build this basic outline for a ziggurat/tower/whatever to serve as backdrop for my Blood Magic endeavours:

All the Blood Magic rituals and altars are so large so the tower is probably going to be mostly cosmetic and work as an entryway to the depths beneath the tower where the real stuff happens:

Quickly grew tired of stabbing myself for blood, so set up this crude mob farm with some Cursed Earth:

and funneled the mobs down to the alter where I could sacrifice them:

Bit of automation for swapping slates and handling loots and I could switch brain of and just hack the mobs with dagger(if it was not for the damn baby zombies :mad: that could glitch themselves through the fence post).

Eventually progressed enough to make a proper Crafting Altar and get Well of Suffering up and running(among other things):

Increased the length of the Cursed earth farm and took the opposite "prison cell" in use as well(as was planned all a long ;)).
Added a third Altar which will be recharging my LP network(so far still WiP).

Not yet really taken advantage of this progress fully, but have made myself a full set up bound armour with sigil upgrades. Have helped me when fighting different stuff. Need to get myself some Wither skulls and fight some Withers next for the next Altar. I think some autospawning might be needed for the skulls, so put that BM a bit on hold until that is built.

Still a lot of work left in decorating/building this place up. I Just don't have any previous experience with BM, so really want to get the practical features down first before I spend a lot of time building the facades around them.
Getting Wood

Cutting down the occasional Fir tree to make room for something have really kept me stocked with wood and charcoal pretty well so far. But recently I have been hitting the charcoal pretty hard for the Quarry and various processing. So it was time to start thinking of some automated tree farming. But if you have not figured out by now, such a thing need the proper setting ;)

A little sawmill out in the forest

Well, its pretty close to the village actually :p

Since there is no obvious sources of power available in this location(no stream for waterwheel, too low for a windmill) the villagers consulted the local lords wizard for help on how to power the sawmill:

Clean and renewable golem power!

The saw in action:

Accommodations for the workers:

"But, where is the tree farm?"

So far just planted them down. I got so much Fir wood from clearing the area that I will be good for a while longer lol(And I think I should clear a bigger area to make it look realistic). Haven't chunkloaded the area either. Maybe I will wait till I have set up a proper item sorting system capable of handling overflow(Thinking of starting AE2).

I started by having the golems farm 2x2 Spruce, which fitted in nicely with the Fir. But the output was rather overwhelming(1 Gather golem could not keep up) and trees with leaves all the way down to the ground kept spawning, which prevented the golem from chopping them down. Normal Spruce trees seems a bit more balanced.

Worked some more on the road leading down from the castle:

Lots of collapsible blocks. I don't like how "right angles" it looks, so will have to modify it a bit. But at least the big parts are done. There is a small part missing still from the bottom of the slope to the village. I left that till I know where it need to hook up to the village.

Bonus pic:

Some of the stuff I have been working on recently :)
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whah love this update!, with regards to the mage towers may i inquire on your block palette?
Your worker accommodations look inviting. I think being a serf in your kingdom might not be so bad. Nothing like the way @malicious_bloke treats his people.

I've built a tree farm in my current world using a Thaumium Golem lumberjack, a Straw Golem to plant saplings, and collection is accomplished with Botania Hopperhocks. If you dont like the look of Hopperhocks in the picture, you can bury them and they will collect through the forest floor. It's nice too, in that you can have multiple types of tree growing and being harvested at once.
Your worker accommodations look inviting. I think being a serf in your kingdom might not be so bad. Nothing like the way @malicious_bloke treats his people.

I've built a tree farm in my current world using a Thaumium Golem lumberjack, a Straw Golem to plant saplings, and collection is accomplished with Botania Hopperhocks. If you dont like the look of Hopperhocks in the picture, you can bury them and they will collect through the forest floor. It's nice too, in that you can have multiple types of tree growing and being harvested at once.
I picked Clay golems for the planter so he could plant several saplings each trip. I was originally doing the 2x2 Spruce, so didnt want it to end up growing normal ones while the planter golem was running back and forward with 1 sapling at the time.

The whole idea of doing it this way, was to do it with golems. If I were to replace the gather golems, I could just use Random Things Item Collectors.
I tend to like wood golems for item collection. They're relatively quick and reasonably strong. Tiny spectacles and the... terra? upgrade make them carry more and from a longer range. I usually have two centered on a chest in the middle of the plantation.
Most cores for me have an ideal material, sometimes it depends on what(and how often) they transporting. Wood/Tallow/Thaumium can be subsituted for Flesh/Clay/Iron if I need the extra upgrade and don't really mind the extra warp (for flesh) or don't need the second upgrade (for Clay/Iron)
Gather: Wood (sometimes I'll use Tallow, bulkier golems are too slow i find.)
Alchemy: Tallow
Use: Straw or Wood, depending on use.
Empty/Fill/Sorting: Wood (for higher throughput I switch out for Tallow like with Gather,)
Harvest: Straw (Speed is the main consideration here, as golem strength matters little.)
Decanting: Straw/Clay As they always carry a bucket's worth of fluid, unless transporting from tank to tank, strength isn't an issue, however if gathering something like lava, the inflammable Clay golem is generally better. (Tallow golems are still flammable iirc)
Butcher/Guard: Thaumium
Fishing: Thaumium
Chopping: Thaumium
I tend to like wood golems for item collection. They're relatively quick and reasonably strong. Tiny spectacles and the... terra? upgrade make them carry more and from a longer range. I usually have two centered on a chest in the middle of the plantation.
Most cores for me have an ideal material, sometimes it depends on what(and how often) they transporting. Wood/Tallow/Thaumium can be subsituted for Flesh/Clay/Iron if I need the extra upgrade and don't really mind the extra warp (for flesh) or don't need the second upgrade (for Clay/Iron)
Gather: Wood (sometimes I'll use Tallow, bulkier golems are too slow i find.)
Alchemy: Tallow
Use: Straw or Wood, depending on use.
Empty/Fill/Sorting: Wood (for higher throughput I switch out for Tallow like with Gather,)
Harvest: Straw (Speed is the main consideration here, as golem strength matters little.)
Decanting: Straw/Clay As they always carry a bucket's worth of fluid, unless transporting from tank to tank, strength isn't an issue, however if gathering something like lava, the inflammable Clay golem is generally better. (Tallow golems are still flammable iirc)
Butcher/Guard: Thaumium
Fishing: Thaumium
Chopping: Thaumium
If it was a crop farm, then I would have used a Wooden golem for Gathering as well since it would be lots of different items(that doesnt stack) that drops. But once more: I made them for a 2x2 Spruce farm where each tree drops stacks of wood and saplings. Having a golem that could carry more per run was clearly preferable over one that runs back and forward with few items. I don't know if it is optimal now with normal trees, but don't really care either. It works :P