Ok, MAN there have been a lot of stuff built and going on since last. Where to start....
Why not where we left off:
The Alfheim Portal building:
I felt the portal belonged at the castle. So built the proper setting for it.
A Gather golem to pick up the goodies from the elves when I cannot be bothered to stand and wait for them send stuff back. (If I could only send them a Stack Upgrade to investigate...)
But as fitting I felt the portal was to the castle mound, as little does the rest of Botania belong there. Luckily there is a lovely Magical Forest handy at the foot of the mountain:
Perfect atmosphere for an "elven" lodge.
Crafting area:
The Daybloom and Nightshades are functional, but in terms of mana produced I chose to add them purely for the cosmetic reason. (I am running a version before the passive decay change)
Lots of mana storage:
In addition to these 9 pools there are 4 more below(feeding them) for automation purposes. Couple of pools for each of the Catalysts and the Terrasteel plate will draw from these pools.
So far a bit empty(room for expansion

), but placed my Runic Altar here. Ladder leads up to a sort of attic(a floor that spans the length of the house, but has only little space).
Oh, yeah some mad Thaumaturge came by and planted a flower:
He was mumbling to himself, looking over his shoulders a lot for things that weren't there...
Ok there is something missing you might say

Where are all the mana producing stuff?
Stuck them in a "crypts"(WiP) under the house:
It is really messy and didnt want it to clutter everything up

So far just powering it all with overflow fuels(Alumentum, Coal, Charcoal) that would otherwise get voided. Oh and a Serenade of the Nether because I could
And so far with overflow fuel have been plenty to cause me to swim in Terrasteel(when I can be bothered to make it). So made myself some nice new armour and tools:
With bad textures

Was nice to have armour that could be enchanted and have Runic shields applied for a change(and was worth it).