rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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Glad to see an update, looks awesome. I have a suggestion, maybe consider adding the Custom NPCs mod so you can add villagers and guards to liven the place up a bit. The low res textures on the NPCs might stand out a bit with your soartex pack though.
Hmm yeah, they would stand out a lot. And probably contribute to more resource load than they are worth. But have considered just grabbing some Witchery guards and normal villagers for some select locations once I am ready for it.

But like the idea and if it was more of a creative build, then it might be something I would go with. But sounds like there is a lot of imbalanced stuff in the mod too :P
You can assign custom textures to CustomNPC's. Etho's done a lot of that in his modded playthrough. (When it's working well enough for him to play and post. :P

Imbalanced? Mostly it's self-restraint, like every other mod, and you have a remarkable amount of that.
Quite a build there. While I have the knowhow I seldom have the patience for such elaborate large scale builds. At least it makes it less painful to move on to newer versions.

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As always, I've had to mop up a little drool. I want to come live in your kingdom.

I'm not sure how they'll look with your pack, but OpenBlocks adds a Bear Trap that will prevent mobs from walking. I used them once to hold Villagers behind the counters of the shops I built. Might make for a way to post sentries at the gates, or archers at strategic positions.

Quite a build there. While I have the knowhow I seldom have the patience for such elaborate large scale builds. At least it makes it less painful to move on to newer versions.

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Nothing to this scale, but I've been quite sad when leaving bases behind when my server mates all decide it's time to try a new pack. I'm likely the most aesthetically conscious of the group, and I happen to have substantially less playing time than the rest. Naturally, this leads to them blowing through the pack progression well before I have a base to be proud of, then them piddling around with other games while I tinker, followed by a server reset blowing my creation back to square one. I'm not sure I could just walk away from a beautiful build of this scale (or others before it in this thread.
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Nothing to this scale, but I've been quite sad when leaving bases behind when my server mates all decide it's time to try a new pack. I'm likely the most aesthetically conscious of the group, and I happen to have substantially less playing time than the rest. Naturally, this leads to them blowing through the pack progression well before I have a base to be proud of, then them piddling around with other games while I tinker, followed by a server reset blowing my creation back to square one. I'm not sure I could just walk away from a beautiful build of this scale (or others before it in this thread.
Yes this is the main reason why I cannot see myself play on servers any more.

But I am actually quite ok with the natural progress of the worlds now. Once I have had my time to do things and it all comes to a natural conclusion, then I don't mind moving on as much. It is the process of building stuff that matters.

I still got most of my worlds however, just in case I wanted to go back and tinker some more :P
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Maybe that's it then. I've never reached anywhere close to a point I've considered finished. I usually build a few buildings at a time, slowly upgrading them as I work on tech/magic projects that will be housed in them. I'm not sure I've ever finished a single building to the standards I want, let alone the entire base.

If my computer weren't absolute crap, I'd likely play more SSP. I would miss the social side of things, but I think it would allow me to finish a project over time. Unfortunately, my computer bogs down when trying to run any of the standard packs. I've been fiddling with making my own pack (using Reika's mods as a base) with some success, but I've been forced to keep mod count low. So far in my testing, that's been a good feeling, although I miss some functionality provided by OpenBlocks and XU, which have too much dead weight for the reasons I want them.
I suggest playing with Modular Mayhem. It's a pretty light weight pack. Sub 100 mods if only just. It's quite a bit of fun, especially since there are a lot of mods you don't normally see, though it has both XU (Sans generators), and Open Blocks.

Me personally, I enjoy the tech side of things, but it eventually leads to being trapped in the base. Even if you're building you are constantly running back to get things or waiting for them to craft or process. It's one of the reasons I love trains. There's always something to do. Usually it's go figure out why they bloody trains are jammed AGAIN. :P

I'm hoping eventually to find or make a pack with something as good as the Early versions of Ars Magicka 2. That combined with Thaumcraft Staves made exploring Roguelike Dungeons a lot of fun. (The change to shaped spells really screwed AM2 up.)
Ohh boy, it's gonna be good when 1.8.9 becomes mainstream. ChiselNBits looks to be a game changer for creative building.
However storing all them bits is quite a pain. And might actually look odd for > 16x16 res textures.
I would love to see what creative folks with boundless patience can do with it. It also sounds like it could get laggy, but yhe mod aparently uses it's own thread to handle it's processing.
But I recon sparing use of the blocks will make for some great builds.

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Ohh boy, it's gonna be good when 1.8.9 becomes mainstream. ChiselNBits looks to be a game changer for creative building.
However storing all them bits is quite a pain. And might actually look odd for > 16x16 res textures.
I would love to see what creative folks with boundless patience can do with it. It also sounds like it could get laggy, but yhe mod aparently uses it's own thread to handle it's processing.
But I recon sparing use of the blocks will make for some great builds.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
It sounds great for making some custom cosmetic items like statues, furniture and stuff(I have especially found microblocks etc. too limited for small statues etc. in the past). For a couple of unique stuff to brighten up the place. But I think it will be too time consuming for general building.
I'd probably use it on exterior walls, so I can have the exterior be brick and in insides something else without needing a 2 thick wall.
The beauty of the mod is that for big builds all you need to meticulously craft is a few base peices then copy that peice enough times. But artful use of regular blocks will still be a nessesity. As working with bits is finniky.
I still want to see a whole building made out of bits though. For a performance test mainly. I take the claim that they don't hurt performance with a grain of salt.

Even then it will be great for detailing windowsills and bordering.

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I'll likely end up using it like microblocks. Build something, then flesh it out with the smaller ones. Of course, being able to sink decorations into other blocks looks like it's going to be quite a bit of fun.
Chisel 'n' bits is nothing new as it has been around since 1.5.2 originally as Mine Painter. You may want to have a look at it here. It's 1.7.10 ready.
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Chisel 'n' bits is nothing new as it has been around since 1.5.2 originally as Mine Painter. You may want to have a look at it here. It's 1.7.10 ready.
By the comments it looked rife with crash bugs and mod incompatibilities. However you are right you could sculpt with that mod.
I also remember a tiny blocks mod that let you place tiny versions of blocks in to a block.
But ChiselNBits looks to be the first reliable version of a sculpting mod. Aparently its something to do with how 1.8.9 renders tile entities now.

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So as people may have noticed from the rest of the thread(and forum in general), Imgur have decided that they are not actually an image hosting site(they fooled me) and using them as such is in breach of their terms of use. Therefore they have blocked hotlinking from this forum...
I specifically chose to use Imgur because I wanted a stable, reliable place to host my images in one place exactly so I wouldn't stand in this position...

So right now I don't really know what to do with the hundreds of previous posts that are now junk and as well as what to do with future updates.
You're not the only one. Though apparently links to on site galleries still work. I know of at least one other site that ran headlong into the issue.

Photobucket is my upload spot of choice, and has been even during their more dirt-baggy times.
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So as people may have noticed from the rest of the thread(and forum in general), Imgur have decided that they are not actually an image hosting site(they fooled me) and using them as such is in breach of their terms of use. Therefore they have blocked hotlinking from this forum...
I specifically chose to use Imgur because I wanted a stable, reliable place to host my images in one place exactly so I wouldn't stand in this position...

So right now I don't really know what to do with the hundreds of previous posts that are now junk and as well as what to do with future updates.

that's a real b*tch move... it's funny how sites like that just suddendly decide "hey, we're an image hosting site... wait, now we're not".
I've had countless of other image hosting websites just suddendly doing sh*t like that on me aswell
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Ok, MAN there have been a lot of stuff built and going on since last. Where to start....

Why not where we left off:
The Alfheim Portal building:

I felt the portal belonged at the castle. So built the proper setting for it.


A Gather golem to pick up the goodies from the elves when I cannot be bothered to stand and wait for them send stuff back. (If I could only send them a Stack Upgrade to investigate...)


But as fitting I felt the portal was to the castle mound, as little does the rest of Botania belong there. Luckily there is a lovely Magical Forest handy at the foot of the mountain:

Perfect atmosphere for an "elven" lodge.


Crafting area:

The Daybloom and Nightshades are functional, but in terms of mana produced I chose to add them purely for the cosmetic reason. (I am running a version before the passive decay change)

Lots of mana storage:

In addition to these 9 pools there are 4 more below(feeding them) for automation purposes. Couple of pools for each of the Catalysts and the Terrasteel plate will draw from these pools.


So far a bit empty(room for expansion ;)), but placed my Runic Altar here. Ladder leads up to a sort of attic(a floor that spans the length of the house, but has only little space).

Oh, yeah some mad Thaumaturge came by and planted a flower:

He was mumbling to himself, looking over his shoulders a lot for things that weren't there...

Ok there is something missing you might say :p Where are all the mana producing stuff?
Stuck them in a "crypts"(WiP) under the house:

It is really messy and didnt want it to clutter everything up :p
So far just powering it all with overflow fuels(Alumentum, Coal, Charcoal) that would otherwise get voided. Oh and a Serenade of the Nether because I could :p

And so far with overflow fuel have been plenty to cause me to swim in Terrasteel(when I can be bothered to make it). So made myself some nice new armour and tools:

With bad textures :p
Was nice to have armour that could be enchanted and have Runic shields applied for a change(and was worth it).
That Dreamwood under the Mana Pylons?
The pillars in the Apothecary circle? No that is Detailed Mossy Cobblestone Bricks from Chisel.
For reference the roofs on the "elven" buildings is Dreamwood. The floors are Dreamwood planks.