rhn's continued adventures: a build journal, guide collection etc.

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Hes back with a bang. I personally struggle with that style of architecture not to mention having it flow with the landscape so nicely.

I may sounds like friendly fan, but i am still silently waiting for my moment mr. rhn, to take all your glory and worshipers. Keep it in mind while reading my slimy compliments...

I mentally nominated rhn "Gandalf of ftb forums" a while back. Masterzh is more like the dark lord Sauron. I guess that makes me something like Gollum. I want to see them battle to the death.

But seriously, I do encourage masterzh to start a new world, share progress updates just for the fun of it, to liven up the discussion in the only part of the forum I really care about.
Bloody hell, that's a fantastic build. Where (on earth) do you get your inspiration from?
Actually I modified a design that seems to be common if you google "minecraft modern villa".
For example this:
So the major structural parts of the house are not as original an idea as I would like :p But I just loved the design when I saw it.

But while I was building it I missed something that had more mixed materials. Maybe some wood and/or natural stone materials added in. Maybe next time.
"So RHN, how do you expect to get to work and back every day with your new villa being so remote?"

Already got that covered!

The station:

Bunker exit/entrance:

Station at the Desert Camp:

The camp I build a while a go for the Austere Bees, Salination plants etc. http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...ide-collection-etc.42664/page-37#post-1020155



Way too much work put into this bridge :P It is almost entirely made out of Carpenter's Blocks, Carpenter's Slopes, Carpenter's Barriers(fences) and microblocks... :rolleyes:

Couldn't resist improving small things along the route:

Placed some Netherrack along this lava pit and put in a RC Smoker out of sight from the track(track is just out of the picture at the top) :P

Village station:

Purely decoration. I have not bothered to set up golden tickets etc. for the stop.


One of the tunnels intersected with a ravine. Added some TC crystal clusters as decorations/light sources.

One of the watery areas:

The railway passes several smaller lakes and rivers. Some of them are entirely natural, others I have modified or created. This one was partly here, but I raised the water level several blocks in the entire area.

Water refilling stop:

Wasn't really necessary. As long as the Locomotive doesn't idle for extensive periods at the starting station before leaving it should have plenty water for the entire trip. But I liked the idea so added it anyway :P

Second bridge:

This one slightly simpler, but still made mostly of Carpenter's Blocks and Microblocks. The IC2 Iron Scaffold cannot be placed unsupported, so it has to be placed on Carpenter's Blocks :P

Trio of redwoods:

Have not decided whether I should do something with these or not. Seems too perfect an opportunity to miss :P
At least I have the railway close to it now. Already prepared some of the stations for this additional stop.

More watery details:

Again a case of there being some messed up watery rivers here originally. I modified them and connected them all up so then flow downhill properly into the mangrove below.

Map of the whole railway:

The entire trip is actually about 2500 blocks long. Love these scenic trips, but rather glad it is done :P
Reminds me of setting up a huge amount of tracks for my own train, along with a routing system to boot back on monster. Everyone on the server used to love going on the train XD. Had a refuel/rewater station just past the exit of each station so the train would fill itself back up befoer the journey.

In any case, I did make a few bridges and tunnels, and while I did like the look of them, your bridges blow mine out of the water, quite literally. My railway wasn't that long round trip either, i think from furthest point to furthest point it'd prob have been around 1000 blocks at most.
Reminds me of setting up a huge amount of tracks for my own train, along with a routing system to boot back on monster. Everyone on the server used to love going on the train XD. Had a refuel/rewater station just past the exit of each station so the train would fill itself back up befoer the journey.
Yeah have also done some scenic train rides on a couple servers I played on earlier. Seemed to be popular among the other, people liked to take them for the ride. Just never put this much effort into the actual laying of the tracks. I love how it ended up, but man it was a lot of work for just a length of track :p

But when you first get stuck on the idea that the track need a gravel bed, then you need something to hold the gravel in place on the slopes... and then it just escalates...
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Damn, thats one long, slow ride. I am still planning on doing a scenic cart ride through Eldaria for my next game (whenever I finally stop procrastinating), Seeing what a measly 2500 block-long ride really puts the idea into perspective. It would be great if there was some method akin to buildcraft landmarks to plan out the route and then have a track-layer do the rest. But still, what you are doing here is motivates me to make my vision a reality. Its not going to be easy, but its really the best use of rails especially on the eldaria map which is all about majestic scenery.

Also great job on the bridge.
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It would be great if there was some method akin to buildcraft landmarks to plan out the route and then have a track-layer do the rest. But still, what you are doing here is motivates me to make my vision a reality. Its not going to be easy, but its really the best use of rails especially on the eldaria map which is all about majestic scenery.
If you can do without the gravel, slopes, tricked out tunnels etc. then I dont really find it that big a deal to lay normal locomotive tracks like this. The biggest part of it is choosing the route for sure. I really wanted it to be more dynamic, but on the other hand it had to be direct in order to be useful as a means of transport. And as I prospected the different sites between the stations it just fitted so well with a straight line :p (thought about making a scenic route option for the line, that takes a longer more curvy path. But so much work just for me taking it a few times :p)

But else if you are making a scenic tour, I prefer to simply fly ahead and place some waypoints to places that I want to go to. Then I just start out from one end, moving through the landscape and follow it as best I can. And make sure to take advantage of all the small little landscape gems ;)
You have to try and avoid constant switches in direction however as well as keep the slopes bunched together instead of many steps of one block. It gives a really irritating experience if you have too jagged movements all the time. So there is usually a lot of modifying the landscape involved for this.
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That's pretty amazing. My trick for laying track is to build everything, and lay down the three rails for the corners. Then I send either a Railcraft Track layer, or a Steve's cart with solar/coal engine and all the large railers I can fit, to do my laying for me. If for no reason beyond them looking cool. (Railcrafts has a cool light, Steve's has the rails piled on top and they slowly shrink in numbers as it runs down on them.)
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If you can do without the gravel, slopes, tricked out tunnels etc. then I dont really find it that big a deal to lay normal locomotive tracks like this. The biggest part of it is choosing the route for sure. I really wanted it to be more dynamic, but on the other hand it had to be direct in order to be useful as a means of transport. And as I prospected the different sites between the stations it just fitted so well with a straight line :p (thought about making a scenic route option for the line, that takes a longer more curvy path. But so much work just for me taking it a few times :p)

But else if you are making a scenic tour, I prefer to simply fly ahead and place some waypoints to places that I want to go to. Then I just start out from one end, moving through the landscape and follow it as best I can. And make sure to take advantage of all the small little landscape gems ;)
You have to try and avoid constant switches in direction however as well as keep the slopes bunched together instead of many steps of one block. It gives a really irritating experience if you have too jagged movements all the time. So there is usually a lot of modifying the landscape involved for this.

It would be great if someone came up with a wider turn for rails, because the sharp turns are really a nuisance. Traincraft was well on its way to actually "redefining rails" with its wide turns but I havent heard jack from it in a long while.
Every time I thought I built something nice I look at this thread and feel kinda bad. It's really impressive how about everything you build is awesome with incredible detail (that station at the village for example, really nice idea). Keep up the good work!
What modpack are you running this on?

Edit: Nevermind, TPPI :P - do you have any issues with performance?
do you have any issues with performance?
After a year of EXTENSIVE building stuff, YEAH! :p

But I am actually running the world on my own dedicated server, so that helps. But by now the centre of my main base is really low FPS ;) But that will be a problem in any modpack where you build stuff concentrated. But I have all the way through tried to choose reasonable solutions(and directly discard bad solutions), only build what I need instead of going total overboard, and kept a constant eye on troublesome things. And that have paid off as it have kept the world stable and running for a year now.

I have been thinking about how to possible continue to expand the main base without further performance degradation. Maybe I can do something with relocating parts of it to far away areas/dimensions and then do some portal trickery to make the transition almost unnoticeable.
After a year of EXTENSIVE building stuff, YEAH! :p

But I am actually running the world on my own dedicated server, so that helps. But by now the centre of my main base is really low FPS ;) But that will be a problem in any modpack where you build stuff concentrated. But I have all the way through tried to choose reasonable solutions(and directly discard bad solutions), only build what I need instead of going total overboard, and kept a constant eye on troublesome things. And that have paid off as it have kept the world stable and running for a year now.

I have been thinking about how to possible continue to expand the main base without further performance degradation. Maybe I can do something with relocating parts of it to far away areas/dimensions and then do some portal trickery to make the transition almost unnoticeable.

I found one of your earlier world downloads and did some digging as to the performance hits, it seems the main performance hit by far is your ME network. If you can upgrade to a newer modpack you might be better off - they've changed performance stuff in more recent versions, and updates don't target 1.6.4 anymore, they're all targeting 1.7.10.
I found one of your earlier world downloads and did some digging as to the performance hits, it seems the main performance hit by far is your ME network. If you can upgrade to a newer modpack you might be better off - they've changed performance stuff in more recent versions, and updates don't target 1.6.4 anymore, they're all targeting 1.7.10.
Sure, there are many updates and improvements in 1.7 that I wish I had. But as I mentioned many times I am yet to find a 1.7 pack that I actually want to play.
Yeah, you're right, the 1.7 modpacks seem to be pretty new right now still. I've liked FTB Infinity so far, but they're releasing new ones still. Would you be able to post an updated download of the world? I really like the changes you've made :)
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Honestly, with the sheer number of micro and carpenter's blocks, I'm surprised your entire world still runs at all, let alone well enough to build things.