IGN: bobisfun321
Age: 15 (Sophomore)
Previous Mod Experience?: I've played Feed the beast before for months since the newest update of 1.4.2 came out and have experienced many feed the beast servers.
Additional Info?: I have great mod experience and watched many videos about mods through the Mindcrack FTB server (the actual server) and the Forgecraft server. I believe I haven't been banned before but the only close instance was with a Dwarfs vs Zombies game through misunderstandings
I have never griefed on any survival server even where it is allowed. I hope to be trusted and share my experiences with your server 
Age: 15 (Sophomore)
Previous Mod Experience?: I've played Feed the beast before for months since the newest update of 1.4.2 came out and have experienced many feed the beast servers.
Additional Info?: I have great mod experience and watched many videos about mods through the Mindcrack FTB server (the actual server) and the Forgecraft server. I believe I haven't been banned before but the only close instance was with a Dwarfs vs Zombies game through misunderstandings