Whitelist Server Phun Server | Direwolf20 v5.1.1 | 20 Slots | Whitelist | No Lag | TS3

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IGN: bobisfun321
Age: 15 (Sophomore)
Previous Mod Experience?: I've played Feed the beast before for months since the newest update of 1.4.2 came out and have experienced many feed the beast servers.
Additional Info?: I have great mod experience and watched many videos about mods through the Mindcrack FTB server (the actual server) and the Forgecraft server. I believe I haven't been banned before but the only close instance was with a Dwarfs vs Zombies game through misunderstandings :p I have never griefed on any survival server even where it is allowed. I hope to be trusted and share my experiences with your server :)
IGN: AlecCraft305
Previous mod experiences: I have the mod pack of direwolf20 and I play every day. I am still getting used to it.
Additional Info: I have a youtube channel and will be recording when I play. I never cuss, grief, or spam players. I do not kill other players because that is disrespectful. I would like to join because this seems like a nice server where you would be respected. I also watch ethoslab to learn more about this modpack and thanks to him I really want to join. I wish for the people of this server to help me and I help them and I ask that you please pick me.
Age:14 (I'm extremely quiet though)
Previous Mod Experience?: Well, its pretty new relative to some other packs, but yes, I have played very similarpacks, I'm just shaky with programming and gregtech
Additional Info?: I have a teamspeak, brand new though so may not be totally available right away, I might film some interactions and stuff, Is that OK? And also, I like the pun in the title of the server. I am glad to have a non-pvp server, cause all the other servers are pvp with like six legit players who hunt down others before they can even get iron.
IGN: waffleboythst and wafflehobo737
Age 14 (would love to be on teamspeak or Skype) btw im not very quiet
Previous mod experience: I watch Direwolf20 every morning and I feel that I have learned most of the mods and I feel that I am a great builder aesthetically . I am on most of the week-end but not so much during the week. I have been looking for a server for a long time now and I couldn't seem to find one?! If you could whitelist the both of us that would be great. :cool::)
p.s. My Skype name is th3gr34tg0l14th spelled exactly like that.
previous mod experience: tekkit classic and ftb direwolf20
additional info: i have a pretty good amount of experience with this pack especially because me and alot of my friends have a server that we play on i hope u see this and accept thx :)
I'm not whitelisted on the server any more Neilios, tried getting on at 11:30 on the 02/02/13!

Will try again later today I imagine.

~ ElZendo
I was making changes to the server and repairing TF in admin mode which means no one can join. I literally finished just now so everyone can re-connect just fine.
neilios, I'm still stuck in the tf, is there any possibility you can tp/mcedit me in the overworld? (already got a fix from martinflipper, but now I get a internal server error)

edit: I already was in the twilight forest, but now there is a new one. This might be the cause of being stuck.
"internal server error"
IGN: Frankiejoh
Age: 16
Previous Mod Experience?:I have played a bit with friends and i love ftb direwolf is my favorite pack I have experimented with all of the core mods.
Additional Info?: I am a friendly and a very kind person i offer help to all.

Would it be okay if i post for my buddy who will be playing with me.

IGN: Phoniex768
Previous Mod Experience?: Me and my friend have messed with alot of the mods he is the one doing most of the cool stuff i just mine and farm i used very little machines my friend will be busy teaching me alot.
Additional Info?: I love to learn new things and i would like to experience it with peopel and get to meet new friends.
IGN: kendfinger
Age: 13
Previous Mod Experience?: I've played FTB since the day it came out
Additional Info?: I'm a Mod developer on BukkitForge and Universal Electricity. I own a modding community. I am trying to work to bring Modders closer to users.
So wait, are greg tech machine recipe rewrites on? Also, if theres no comment saying were added, and were not on the list does that mean we arent?
IGN: darkpheonix68
Age: 28
Previous Mod Experience?: I was an admin of a tekkit server named dawgcraft. Looking into FTB. I would say I was well versed in tekkit as of 3-4 months ago.
Additional Info?: In addition to tekkit I also host a server called derpislands thats vanilla. Overall I'm pretty trustworthy and mature. We use ventrilo a lot on my server so I am used to voice chat. I like to build and FTB allows me to build more things. Also another applicant FrankieJoh was a test moderator on my server I know he is trustworthy as well.
IGN: Omlettwender
Age: 23
Previous Mod Experience?: Playing modded Minecraft sincd 1.8.1
Additional Info?: I'm a software engineering student from Austria looking for a nice community to play Minecraft with.
previous mod experience: tekkit classic and ftb direwolf20
additional info: i have a pretty good amount of experience with this pack especially because me and alot of my friends have a server that we play on i hope u see this and accept thx :)
You didn't add your IGN?

IGN: cornflakes69
Age: 15
Previous Mod Experience?: Technic, tekkit, mindcrack mod pack
Additional Info?: none
IGN: pelmenis
Age: 23
Previous Mod Experience?: about 4monhts still learning stuff
Additional Info?:i like small servers with friendly community.
So wait, are greg tech machine recipe rewrites on? Also, if theres no comment saying were added, and were not on the list does that mean we arent?
Use the download given on the first page, place those congigs in your config folder in the dw20 pack and it will be all fine :)