Whitelist Server Phun Server | Direwolf20 v5.1.1 | 20 Slots | Whitelist | No Lag | TS3

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Previous Mod Experience?:Experienced with BC and IC2 (with gregtech)
Additional Info?: I have been playing mindcrack pack mainly but wanted to start on DW20 too so looking for a nice server to settle in
added thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1358869247][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: Decanus
Age: 24
Previous Mod Experience?: Ive been playing since midway through beta, and i have been using mods for the most part since then with progressively more mods as time went on.
Additional Info?: I enjoy playing Minecraft as i find it very relaxing, I have played a little online and hosted my own private server with friends for a while but it would be nice to be on the other side of the fence and let others worry about the details of hosting.
added thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1358869282][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: emmasteadman
Age: 27
Prev Exp: Custom, yogbox, Tekkit, FTB.
Add Info: Been playing since before any mods, and would like a nice server to build on in peace with like-minded ppl.
added, thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1358869322][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: kiwitunza1
Age: 17
Previous Mod Experience?: yes played tekkit for around 6 months
Additional Info?: ireally want to join a server with like-minded people who enjoy the game
added, thanks[DOUBLEPOST=1358869360][/DOUBLEPOST]
IGN: ElZendo
Age: 19
Previous Mod Experience?: Very extensive knowledge of Buildcraft, IC2, Thaumcraft 2 (learning 3 as i play), basically most mods supplied with FTB, although I am allways willing to learn new things.
Additional Info?: I try to play most days however due to work and family I cant play as much as I would like, when I do play I tend to start by making myself a house and getting a fair amount of resources before starting in any sorts of community projects.
added, thanks
Thanks for adding me neilos, but it seems that i can not log in to the server as it says i am not white listed.
IGN DemonicShadow89
Previous Mod Experience?:1 year
Additional Info?: Was a Moderator for a Year and a buddies server and i love to help people out
I added your IGN to the whitelist exactly as you wrote it here. I've re-added so try again.

Sorry to say the same has happened to me Neilios.

Just to confirm my in game name is El as in elephant, then zendo - ElZendo
Sorry to say the same has happened to me Neilios.

Just to confirm my in game name is El as in elephant, then zendo - ElZendo
I've re-added you, it might have been to do with a whitelist reload command. please try again
IGN: 3in10
Age: 19
Previous Mod Experience?: Had some but still willing to learn,
Additional Info?: iv been playing mincraft since it was in Beta Version,
IGN: Gobbie_Snatcher
Age: 14
PME: i've been playing tekkit for about a year and a half and then began playing the DW20 mod pack for about a year and has just gotten into computercraft programming and is going well allready created a few handy programs
Additional info: i have tried playing on some other servers and find it very frustrating when your stuff goes missing. i hope i am able to gain a spot on your server and will be able to help.
IGN: xGillas
Age: 14
previous mod experience: i played minecraft and mods 1,5 year an di have lot of experiences
Additional info: i have good ideas and like work with xycraft
IGN: PlattnerX
Age: 17
Previous Mod Experience?: playing with a friend a few weeks in mindcrack
Additional Info?: none

if you can please add my friend aswell

IGN: dor27
Age: 17
Previous Mod Experience?: same as me
Additional Info?: none
Me and Chili have added the mods, but we get the some errors, I got this one:
Forge Mod Loader has found world ID mismatches
ID 702 (ModID: GregTech_Addon, type GT_BUG) is missing​
ID 703 (ModID: GregTech_Addon, type GT_Ore) is missing​
ID 700 (ModID: GregTech_Addon, type GT_Block) is missing​
ID 701 (ModID: GregTech_Addon, type GT_TransparentTileEntity) is missing​
ID 645 (ModID: AdvancedMachines, type blockAdvMachine) is missing​
ID 704 (ModID: GregTech_Addon, type GT_LeadBlock) is missing​
You cannot connect to this server​

and Chili got this one:
GregTech_Addon : MC146_v2.77f​
AdvancedMachines : 4.7b​
I get ID conflicks...above rapishare link gives "Download permission denied by uploader"
IGN: Skagvard
Age: 18
Previous Mod Experience?: Quite alot of Tekkit not over the top or anything, i did not spend every night for 2 months of summer break playing it... Well good thing i dont need alot of sleep :)
Additional Info?: I love to build big and complex structures, love to help people out that don't know all that mutch about the mod // mods. And i really hate floating trees