I just popped a link on your profile for download, as well as a note on how to get that kind of link in the future. Thanks for the reports. =)
Thank you! I wasn't aware you could download servers for non-recommended versions with that method. And in thanks, our first 1.0.2 bug!
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Rotarycraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: In the Extractor, occasionally the GUI will flicker rapidly between full power/speed/torque and zero, as well as an extra red bar immediately above the final processing stage slot.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: Unknown
Screenshot of flickered GUI:
Edit: Additional detail discovered. This apparently happens when no power is being received; this was discovered adjacent to another bug as follows:
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Rotarycraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: Solar Towers will spontaneously (exact cause undetermined) stop functioning/stop accepting water from ThermalExpansion tanks set atop the tower structure. This may be when chunks containing the tower unload. The towers also appear to not properly detect sunrise/sunset and continue operating at 100% efficiency/output after dark.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: Unknown