Unsupported Monster 1.6.4 Bug Reports

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Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.1 SMP and SSP
Mod & Version: NEI with Tinker's Construct & Reactorcraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A, No crash
Whats the bug? In NEI, The recipes for Cobalt, Heavy Water, and Ender Pearls are somehow being confused. Smelting cobalt gives you heavy water which turns into cobalt in a casting table/bin, while smelting Ender pearls gives you liquid cobalt, which turns into various End/Ender items. Additionally, the texture for heavy water appears to have hieroglyphs on it, possibly from another mod. Note that actually smelting Cobalt does give you cobalt, likewise with Ender pearls.
Can it be repeated? Yes, check NEI
Known Fix: Unknown

Update: Apparently all native TCon smeltery recipes suffer this mixup, and it's not just with TCon/Reactorcraft; i.e. Liquid Manyullyn turns into...fish oil. Yum?
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Mod Pack: Monster 1.02
Mod & Version: RotaryCraft 1.6 v10
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/X6tyh926
Whats the bug? I tried to type rotarycraft into NEI and when I typed o my game closed and when i loaded it back up my world was 100% gone.
Can it be repeated? Well I don't want to start another world to have it get deleted again, so I'm not sure.
Known Fix: none.
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2
Mod & Version: RotaryCraft 1.6 v10h
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: Placing an HSLA Steel ingot into a crafting table yields steel nuggets instead of RotaryCraft's ball bearings - this prevents multiple RotaryCraft components and machines from being craftable as there is no workaround without changing the configs.
Can it be repeated?: Yes, simply craft an HSLA Steel ingot by itself in either your player inventory crafting area or in any crafting table.
Known Fix: Edit the RotaryCraft configs to disable use of RotaryCraft HSLA steel for other mods' items (this does not prevent ReactorCraft or RotaryCraft from using HSLA steel).
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.1
what's the bug?: Severe block lag and low TPS.
Disabling mariculture helped our TPS, and our map files seem to have come out without any issues so far.

We are still having issues with block lag and freezes, and we are considering restarting the map without ATG and using BOP as the generator. I am guess that disabling ATG will corrupt the map file. Has anyone tried?
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.1 SMP
Mod & Version: RotaryCraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: When attempting to place the Liquid Spiller, after one second it immediately vanishes. Placing it next to a block breaker disconnects the player. Attempted crafting one instead of using creative, same result.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: None
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.1 SMP
Mod & Version: Railcraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: Refined Firestone can be easily charged by combining on anvil. Ex.: 73 charge+15 charge=688 charge @ 6 EXP levels.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: None
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 Both Single and Multi Player SMP
Mod & Version: Thaumcraft 4
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: An over abundance of Thaumcraft Altars. I've created 10 worlds with ATG and some BOP biomes enabled and seem to run into an alter about every 100 blocks or so. I'm currently looking at 11 Altars in a 400 block radius. Seems like they are generating far too many.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: None
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.1 SMP
Mod & Version: Rotarycraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: The Floodlight, once activated, instantly reduces FPS for all players in the region by at least 20, up to as much as 50. Especially noticeable when shined across an ocean at ocean level.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: Breaking the floodlight restores FPS for affected players.
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.1 SMP
Mod & Version: Rotarycraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: Solar Towers have abnormally high processing requirements. In Opis report, each Solar Receiver reports 600-900us update times. This is a solar tower with 11 blocks and 168 mirrors.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: Unknown

Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.1 SMP
Mod & Version: Opis
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/ZpNZQ2E2
What's the bug?: Attempting to double-click on a Solar Receiver Entity in Opis chunk report crashed the client.
Can it be repeated?: No, works fine after restart
Known Fix: unknown

Note: We'd test in 1.0.2 but the server download page hasn't updated...plus it's down completely right now.
Note: We'd test in 1.0.2 but the server download page hasn't updated...plus it's down completely right now.
I just popped a link on your profile for download, as well as a note on how to get that kind of link in the future. Thanks for the reports. =)
I just popped a link on your profile for download, as well as a note on how to get that kind of link in the future. Thanks for the reports. =)
Thank you! I wasn't aware you could download servers for non-recommended versions with that method. And in thanks, our first 1.0.2 bug! ;)

Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Rotarycraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: In the Extractor, occasionally the GUI will flicker rapidly between full power/speed/torque and zero, as well as an extra red bar immediately above the final processing stage slot.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: Unknown
Screenshot of flickered GUI: http://imgur.com/GcaKXmL

Edit: Additional detail discovered. This apparently happens when no power is being received; this was discovered adjacent to another bug as follows:

Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Rotarycraft
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: Solar Towers will spontaneously (exact cause undetermined) stop functioning/stop accepting water from ThermalExpansion tanks set atop the tower structure. This may be when chunks containing the tower unload. The towers also appear to not properly detect sunrise/sunset and continue operating at 100% efficiency/output after dark.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known Fix: Unknown
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Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Railcraft & Engineer's Toolbox
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: Duplication bug. Omitting details from public access, please PM for more info.
Can it be repeated?: Yes, though not entirely sure how yet.
Known Fix: Unknown
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2
Mod & Version: Unknown
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/x5ZFzgvX
What's the bug?: If you type into chat "/" then attempt to auto-complete it will cause the client to crash.
Can it be repeated?: Yes.
Known fix: Be careful when using auto-compete.

*Edit: This also happens when trying to auto-complete "/b".*
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That issue is solved in the newest Mariculture update.

Are you talking about Mariculture 1.1.4d?
Just want to make sure there's not a misunderstanding here as that's the current latest public release which those above are reporting as not helping.
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2
Mod & Version: ModularPowersuits 1.6.2-0.9.0-84
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: I installed a maxed out elite battery in my power armor chest piece, but it says it only stores 500k instead of 5M.
Can it be repeated?: Yes.
Known fix: none

The math changed. Its not a bug.[DOUBLEPOST=1388125404][/DOUBLEPOST]
Are you talking about Mariculture 1.1.4d?
Just want to make sure there's not a misunderstanding here as that's the current latest public release which those above are reporting as not helping.

Yes 1.1.4d is the one that seems to have solved it for me.
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: MFR & Magical Crops
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: While Magical Crop seeds are registered with the MFR Planter, the MFR harvester does not appear to be able to harvest the fully grown plant.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known fix: Unknown

Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Natura
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: A Redwood tree will grow from a single sapling in a short time, rather than the required 7x7 pattern & days of growth indicated in the tooltip.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known fix: Unknown

Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Modular Powersuits
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: Energy storage levels do not match across various descriptions (applies to all parts.) Tooltip values are a factor of 10 off from the indicated power levels in the tinker table. This applies to all three battery types. Additionally, the power gauge value on the side of the screen does not match the value of stored energy shown in the tooltip.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known fix: Unknown

Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Modular Powersuits
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: Energy storage can be overcharged. Install a higher tier and lower tier battery, then remove the higher tier battery; the remaining power will be the base energy from the higher tier battery and be over capacity for the current battery's storage capacity.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known fix: Unknown

Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Modular Powersuits
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: The energy/heat gauges are in the same spot as player potion effects (i.e. poison, night vision, etc.) This makes them overlap and difficult to read.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known fix: Unknown
Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP

Mod Pack: Monster 1.0.2 SMP
Mod & Version: Natura
Pastebin link to crash log: N/A
What's the bug?: A Redwood tree will grow from a single sapling in a short time, rather than the required 7x7 pattern & days of growth indicated in the tooltip.
Can it be repeated?: Yes
Known fix: Unknown

You sure you are using a Natura redwood sapling and not a Biomes O Plenty redwood sapling?
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