The building to the right is my mob grinder, consisting of about 5 or so diamond-dollied spawners from the moon dungeons that drop onto conveyors that push them to the center, where they fall onto EXU Diamond spikes, and a vacuum hopper to pick up the drops/xp (feeds into a barrel, never got more sophisticated than this).

It's sealed using an airlock and oxygen sealer so I can afk right near the spawn chamber.
(note: had to put an extra layer of enderio glass there because extra utilities dark glass doesn't count as a sealable block)
As for the base, I liked the "dome" idea, and if you've got time to build something, might as well make it pretty, and I love the theme of the pack.
The dome on the right was originally cobble, before I set up a soulsand generator and was able to get enough quartz to build it properly. It's got a double-airlock, so as not to depressurize the domes (I have an alarm setup with an oxygen detector that gives an audible warning from Electrical Age)
Inside the main dome it's a bit of a mess, as Modular Storage in general I find buggy and overshadowed by refined relocation barrels. I've got little setups here and there, nothing to autosmelt everything, just generally grab a 100+ stack of iron ore and toss it through a sag mill. It finishes eventually. I could scale up, but no real need, as it suits my purposes:
basic necessities:
Enderio-powered sifting system, input obsidian, get fat loot out. using "special chests to auto stack everything. Router Reborn is one of my favorite mods now.
Power Gen:
Had to upgrade this to get that ender quarry going at a decent clip (damn Vanusian crystals, and Ununpentium!) Initially run by sterling generators that absolutly sip power due to being controlled by an EnderIO power monitor, I had to upgrade to Turbines to get that ender quarry kicking:
Powered by a Cellulose munching syngas fed by a Progressive Automation Farm: (currently overloaded on potatoes)