Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

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In version 1.3.1. I can't sift Mars, Vienus & Mercury rocks and stones (I have not been on other planets). Sorry for my bad English
wait for 1.3.0
When is going to come out?
I've been compiling a list of useful items to decompose in minechem for some of the harder elements (nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, etc) as well as a list of easy ways to make harder elements using fusion/fission manipulation (einsteinium for ender pearls, plutonium for blaze powder, copernicium for nether stars). I can post some of it if anyone would be interested.
yes, please
I guess it's part of the rollback that you cannot decompose double-compressed-cobblestone anymore?

(Just wondering, since I didn't get any "new-version"-warning when I started it, but the recipe for decomposing it suddenly is missing. For 1-time-compressed cobblestone it's still in)
I guess it's part of the rollback that you cannot decompose double-compressed-cobblestone anymore?

(Just wondering, since I didn't get any "new-version"-warning when I started it, but the recipe for decomposing it suddenly is missing. For 1-time-compressed cobblestone it's still in)
We converted back to 1.2.0 due to the major bugs which we couldn't solve in time. If you launch the pack again you should be back on the 1.2.0 version and there should be a zip in the world's save folder containing the world from before the update.
When is going to come out?
yes, please
sure thing. I'll use spoiler tags in case some people in this thread want to figure things out on their own. Also, if anyone has anything to add or change to my lists, feel free. I'm always looking for better methods.

Easy Items farmed for chems
Item              Method of reproduction          farmed for
cactus            farmed on sand                  nitrogen
string 45%        silkworms on tree leaves        nitrogen
potato 40%,       farmed                          potassium
carrot 100%       farmed                          20 Carbon, 30 Hydrogen, 1 Oxygen
                                                  Good fuel due to the multiple carrot drops per farm.
Bone              sieved                          5 calcium, 3 phosphorus per bone
                                                  Calcium used for ender pearls. Phosphorus makes glowstone
dye,light blue    lapis + bone meal = 2           copper, sulfur
dye,cyan          lapis + cactus green = 2        copper, sulfur
dye,magenta       lapis + 2 red + bone meal = 4   copper, sulfur
dye, yellow       bone meal on grass blocks       2 potassium
dye, red          bone meal on grass blocks       2 nitrogen
dye, lapis        sieved                          aluminum, sulfur
cocoa beans 40%   farmed on jungle wood           76 Carbon, 182 Hydrogen, 11 Oxygen, 4 nitrogen.
                                                  Good fuel and N but hard to automate.
Melon (block)     farmed                          34 Carbon, 81 Hydrogen, 20 Oxygen, 1 Nitrogen.
                                                  Slow nitrogen since it takes 9 melon wedges to make
mushroom (brown)  grows fast on mycellum          2 nitrogen, 1 phosphorus
Soul Sand         see below                       Einsteinium for ender pearls, Lead, low beryllium (use end stone)
end stone         see below                       Plutonium for blaze powder, Einsteinium for ender pearls,
                                                  Beryllium for fission/fusion chambers, lithium makes more end stone.
nether brick      see below                       Tungsten, beryllium Only real source of tungsten (W). Low on beryllium

Soul sand is made by right clicking sand on a barrel of witch water (water in barrel on mycellum)
End stone is made by right clicking glowstone on a stone barrel of lava
Netherrack is made by right clicking redstone on a stone barrel of lava. Smelt this into nether bricks (single not block)

Element combination (fusion) cheat sheet
Make         Element 1      Element 2
Gold         Tin            Copper
Plutonium    Lead           Magnesium
Copernicium  Zinc           Lead
Einsteinium  Gold           Calcium
Einsteinium  Lead           Chlorine
Titanium     Silicon        Oxygen
Titanium     Sulfur         Carbon
Phosphorus   Oxygen         Nitrogen
Sulfur       Oxygen         Oxygen

2 Nitrogen from 1 Silicon

My commonly used molecules/components
Name               Chemical Formula  Easy farm  Used in
Titanium Dioxide   TiO2              bone meal  wool
Cellulose          C6H10O5           organics   hootch
potassium nitrate  KNO3              none       gunpowder
Glycine            C2H5NO2           none       wool/string
Iron Oxide         Fe2O3             none       add Cu to make redstone
Calcium Carbonate  CaCO3             none       ender pearls
Threonine          C4H9NO3           none       leather (2)
Cysteine           C3H7NO2S          none       leather (2)
Proline            C5H9NO2           none       leather (3)
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I am having issues getting on the Beta server, says I am missing several mods like Tardis and Daleks. Should I get these individually or is that the wrong server?

Nevermind, the buttons to the launcher seems hidden :P
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Iron farm
Create a cobblestone generator
send the cobblestone to the chemical decomposer(use a stack upgrade on the transfer node)
get the iron chemical Fe

Cobblestone generator

Place a hole at 1234
Place another hole at 2
Place a bucket of water at 1
Place a bucket of lava at 4
cover up the water and lava then place a transfer node over the created cobblestone.
You also need a world interaction upgrade.
Iron farm
Create a cobblestone generator
send the cobblestone to the chemical decomposer(use a stack upgrade on the transfer node)
get the iron chemical Fe

Stackupgrade on the cobblegen wont do anything. More World interactions would help. And keep the transferways short so you dont need speed upgrades. You might want to put a crafter inbtw. to make compressed cobble for decomp. :)
Maximizing Ender Pearls using minechem
This assumes that you have both fusion and fission chambers, and a supply of the more common elements laying around. I'm only outlining the harder to get elements.

1. Decompose bones for both phosphorus and calcium.
2. Turn the phosphorus into glowstone dust at the synth.
3. Turn the calcium into Calcium Carbonate at the synth.
3. Use the glowstone dust on a stone barrel of lava to make endstone. I usually do a stack at a time.
4. Decompose the end stone and store the three possible radioactives it produces into a lead chest.
5. Convert Francium (87) into Einsteinium (99) by combining it with Magnesium (12). Magnesium is a common byproduct of gravel production.
6. Convert Plutonium (94) into Einsteinium (99) by combining it with Boron (5). Boron can be made by splitting Na (11) with fusion.
7. Combine all Einsteinium with Calcium Carbonate at the synth to make your ender pearls.
8. (optional) Use any lithium you decomposed to make a few more end stone.
Repeat as many times as you need ender pearls. I usually get somewhere between 8 to 12 ender pearls per stack of glowstone/end stone.
Thanks alot! That list helps so much :)

And a question from me:
Anyone got anything from "Electrical Age" to work, yet?
I tried to use it, but no matter what I do the setup either immediately blows up or the machines simply don't get any power. I even tried copying the setups from the tutorial/showcase-map from the mod, but I just can't get it to run :/

And: Anyone can tell me if you find silicon-ore on the mars? (NEI shows only the overworld-looking-ore not a mars-version or so. if there is no ore avaible, the recipe for getting silicon-dust of electrical age would need a fix, since it seems only achievable with galacticraft-silicon-ore)
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question about removal of the modular systems mod. I swear I saw mention of it earlier in thread but can't find that now but definately seeing followup questions about same.

Dyonovan (person who makes tcnodetracker) has taken over that mod and rewrote it, last updated on 7/23, so assuming that it's still in development.

Trying to picture a life of minechem without ae or anything resembling that and not getting a warm and comfy feeling. TBH, I've never used modular systems and haven't the resources yet to play with it and sorta avoiding same cause of impeding deletion. Any info on this would be most appreciated.

Also looked at changelog and noticed addition of dalek/tardis mods and hqm reset. Is that only on mymc and if so, any idea when that version will hit ftb?
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We are currently fixing 1.3 ... if that version has been stable a few days on the test server we will push it to ftb.

The remake of modular systems is in fact a good thing, perhaps he will make the small aditions we proposed to the original dev (who opted to make another random bag mod instead) so ms becomes an alternative to AE2. In the current remake i didnt see any of the storage blocks yet, so we may have to wait a bit more for that :)

For now it will stay in so people dont loose stuff but with the change to the remake the original blocks will be lost. We will issue a warning when we make the transision.
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