Listed - 1.7.10 - HQM/SURVIVAL - Galactic Science - something fresh!

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Planning on switching over to conduits I guess.
That's my plan too. I don't care much for the basic fluid conduits because they gravity controlled. I want the pressure conduits and that means i need an alloy smelter which means i need to go to mars first. to that end, i am busily grinding gravel and moon turf for my rocket at night and terraforming the area around my base during the day. It is a race to see which is completed first.

side note: I have finally finished all of the quests that i can without leaving the moon. which means i now spend alot of my playing time just watching stuff grind away in the autosieve.

note 2: powering my decomposer and sythesizer only with the only the cobblestone i am generating any way is the best thing ever!
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Love this pack, but it seems that i can't place blocks on the moon when they are adjacent to other blocks. It happened once when i was making a tree farm, i dug a hole in the ground and tried to place dirt in it, and i crashed. It also happened when i was laying out iron gravel to hammer. here is the log for the latter:
Can you reproduce this in a new world?
Well we got 6 tiers right now :

T1 - You start on the moon
T2 - You reach Mars /EIO / Automation / Power
T3 - You reach the other planets for Nuclear Power and Stargate Construction
T4- You build the Stargate, power it, find the coordinates of the Underworld Temple where the insane Tardis is held
T5 - You reconstruct the Tardis Key in the Temple and then ...
T6 - Fly off to all the places, bosses, worlds and stuff that the Dalek Mod gives you

Right now the mods and base mechanics for all tiers are in, but T4/T5 transition is not done 100% yet.

I just recently set up an RFTools teleporter between my moon base and mars, and I'm currently at the end of T2 (finished both my fission and fusion minechem builds). Not quite sure what purpose the stargate will serve with the somewhat cheap cost of RFtools teleporters. Perhaps some stuff needs to be changed/rearranged there.

That's my plan too. I don't care much for the basic fluid conduits because they gravity controlled. I want the pressure conduits and that means i need an alloy smelter which means i need to go to mars first. to that end, i am busily grinding gravel and moon turf for my rocket at night and terraforming the area around my base during the day. It is a race to see which is completed first.

side note: I have finally finished all of the quests that i can without leaving the moon. which means i now spend alot of my playing time just watching stuff grind away in the autosieve.

note 2: powering my decomposer and sythesizer only with the only the cobblestone i am generating any way is the best thing ever!
The basic fluid conduits I used worked just fine for transferring lava from my crucibles to drum, then again from drum to stone barrel. I don't think they are gravity based (needing an external pump). You just have to right click the base with a wrench and set it to export "always on" instead of "on redstone signal".
@Caithleen let me know if you need any help with minechem scripts, adding/removing chemiclals/elements/recipes :p
On this note, I think there are certain objects that should never be allowed into a decomposer. I lost a golden bag full of stuff because I accidentally missed the right spot when I shift clicked in my inventory. Breaking down basic stuff, building blocks and components is fine, but complex items, especially bags and containers, should have their recipes removed from minechem.

Edit: Got a shot of my work area:

1. Fission chamber with my tall battery next to it, and my RFtools teleporter in front.
2. Fusion chamber. I tried to get the two as close as I could to each other for easy access.
3. Cobblegen with my crucible/lava/stone barrel setup behind and to the right.
4. Cobblegen goes into this chest. The switch above starts feeding cobble into my chemical decomposer at 5.
5. Chests above are both sorting chests with sorting barrels next to it. I can place items into the wooden chest and it will drop them into the decomposer to break down, and spits the components back into the same chest. It repeats this for any compounds until you are left with base components. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (most prolific elements) go into barrels. Still trying to figure out how to get the rest into the iron chest beside it without it also pulling out the compounds.

The cool thing about the setup at 5 is that I can drop a stack of logs into it, and it will replenish my barrels.

And yes, i build for function and compactness, and not as much for asthetics.

Here's some other miscellaneous shots from around my base:
Two chambers outside view
Front yard with tree farm
Crazy system that sieves/crushes down to dust, and smelts using sorting chests.

Figured people might like to see some shots of my base.
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Obsidian farm

Here is a fast and efficient Obsidian farm. Obsidian gives you silicon dioxide which can be used to get gravel(-->gold) and sand, among other things.
It is great for those who are afraid of being anywhere near lava!


ignore the periods...
Place a hole at 12345678
Place another hole at 3
Place a bucket of water at 1
place a dispenser at 5 facing 4
place a block breaker at 7 facing 4 (from openblocks)
place a redstone clock in 8 and 6 (from extra utilities)
place a hopper on top of the dispenser... All Done!! Use your method of choice to deliver the buckets to the hopper.

Cobblestone generator


Place a hole at 1234
Place another hole at 2
Place a bucket of water at 1
Place a bucket of lava at 4
cover up the water and lava then place a transfer node over the created cobblestone.
You also need a world interaction upgrade.
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Obsidian farm
Here is a fast and efficient Obsidian farm. Obsidian gives you silicon dioxide which can be used to get gravel(-->gold) and sand, among other things.
It is great for those who are afraid of being anywhere near lava!


ignore the periods...
Place a hole at 12345678
Place another hole at 3
Place a bucket of water at 1
place a dispenser at 5 facing 4
place a block breaker at 7 facing 4 (from openblocks)
place a redstone clock in 8 and 6 (from extra utilities)
place a hopper on top of the dispenser... All Done!! Use your method of choice to deliver the buckets to the hopper.
buckets? doesn't sound very automated to me. I store my crucible made lava in a drum, so converting this to buckets sounds like a nightmare. I'll look into ways to automate something similar without using buckets. You're on the right track though.

Edit:figured it out using piped in lava... here's an easy to make auto harvesting obsidian farm, provided you have a liquid lava source. (That has been mentioned earlier in this thread) I'll leave the logistics up to you as to where to place this in your base. This could be elevated or dug into the ground with the items piped out into a chest. the choice is up to you.
1. place down a chest to store your obsidian in.
2. place a hopper attached to the back of the chest.
3. place a stone barrel on top of the hopper.
4. 1 block above the stone barrel, place a block on each side, creating a place to put water in without it flooding your base.
5. place a water source block inside this enclosed space.
6. pipe lava into the side of the stone barrel using the method of your choice (I use fluid conduits)
This of course can all be placed under the floor and the water source block can even be used to support your farm, combining several functions into one space!

Cobblestone generator


Place a hole at 1234
Place another hole at 2
Place a bucket of water at 1
Place a bucket of lava at 4
cover up the water and lava then place a transfer node over the created cobblestone.
You also need a world interaction upgrade.
Since you are using a transfer node and a world interaction upgrade, you don't need the extra gaps. Just make sure you have a block of cobble in the center with a source block of water, lava on two sides (diagonal or across both work), and your transfer node anywhere else touching the cobblestone block. Since the transfer node never actually breaks any blocks, you don't run the risk of accidentally turning your cobblestone generator into a wet obsidian block. :p
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On this note, I think there are certain objects that should never be allowed into a decomposer. I lost a golden bag full of stuff because I accidentally missed the right spot when I shift clicked in my inventory. Breaking down basic stuff, building blocks and components is fine, but complex items, especially bags and containers, should have their recipes removed from minechem.
I could only find golden bag, if you find another item which should be blacklisted let me know.
Golden Bag will be removed in 1.3.0
That's my plan too. I don't care much for the basic fluid conduits because they gravity controlled. I want the pressure conduits and that means i need an alloy smelter which means i need to go to mars first. to that end, i am busily grinding gravel and moon turf for my rocket at night and terraforming the area around my base during the day. It is a race to see which is completed first.

side note: I have finally finished all of the quests that i can without leaving the moon. which means i now spend alot of my playing time just watching stuff grind away in the autosieve.

note 2: powering my decomposer and sythesizer only with the only the cobblestone i am generating any way is the best thing ever!

For the T1 "grind" You should aim for automatic decomposing of obsidian, automatic synth of gravel and enough stirlings to power 4-8 sieves. When this setup runs well you get the required ressources in 3-4h :)

Dont forget to decompose ALL THE THINGS!!!!

E.g. why do i hand out copper chests ? ;)
I just recently set up an RFTools teleporter between my moon base and mars, and I'm currently at the end of T2 (finished both my fission and fusion minechem builds). Not quite sure what purpose the stargate will serve with the somewhat cheap cost of RFtools teleporters. Perhaps some stuff needs to be changed/rearranged there.

The stargate is the only way to reach the T4 dimension ;)

Nice setup btw!
The stargate is the only way to reach the T4 dimension ;)

Nice setup btw!
Thanks! And glad to hear it. I wasn't sure if you intended for the rf teleporters to be capable of eliminating repeated planetary rocket trips. As for the sieves, instead of having multiple ones, I just crafted a bunch of the fortune and speed upgrades, which seems to do the trick as well, at the cost of a little extra energy. I've been compiling a list of useful items to decompose in minechem for some of the harder elements (nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, etc) as well as a list of easy ways to make harder elements using fusion/fission manipulation (einsteinium for ender pearls, plutonium for blaze powder, copernicium for nether stars). I can post some of it if anyone would be interested.
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Im fine with the RF teleporters esp. for servers since loosing your rocket is bad. But we are working on a solution for this, too.

Ofc upgraded sieves are nicer then spamming them, but you cant craft the upgrades @t1 ;)
Im fine with the RF teleporters esp. for servers since loosing your rocket is bad. But we are working on a solution for this, too.

Ofc upgraded sieves are nicer then spamming them, but you cant craft the upgrades @t1 ;)
I'm glad to hear this about the teleported since this was what I wanted to do myself. Unfortunately, for me, everything is now on hold because of having to repair a traitorous computer.
at is a spawn paul egg?
didn't know either, so I spawned one because I had a few of them. it spawned some overgrown neutral human from nuclearcraft. He started suffocating, so I decided to just kill him quickly. He dropped a pizza named "Domino's Special". lol
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