So I decided that my base would be in the Twilight Forest this time around, simply because it's my favorite dimension, and I wouldn't have to worry about day/night anymore. This is my plaza of sorts and enchanting/mystical flower-making station.
Another shot of the plaza.
Welcome to the Mystic Gardens (work in progress), my botanical and soon to be witchery set up, the pictures below show my mana generation.
This is my Hydranges fountain (that looks like a flower! ouo). There're eight all surrounding the 3x3 pool, with some adjecsent water sources for the ones further out, all made as infinite resourses, this was my first generator after some quick overworld stuff with some of those dayblooms.
Aaand here's my Thermalilly lava gen (Ha ha take that using lava for something other than RF power :y). It's currently inactive due to the pool being full and stuff. How I got the lava sources to show up was a combination of Buildcraft, Blood Magic and ExtraUtilities. Below (in a maintanence room) is a Serenade of the Nether ritual going on, then a pump, well, pumps it out and the lava goes though transfer pipes to a floodgate that outputs it. I also have a redstone mana spreader timed for every five seconds with a Project red timer, about enough time for a burst to get sent.
Moving on, this is the Blackstone (abyssal) Altar, my fully completed Blood Altar (gosh dang those withers were a pain) and I have some monster spawners I snagged under it and a Well of Suffering/Ritual of Regeneration there as well, allowing me to fill my essence network when I'm afk while on LAN. Behind it goes misc rituals, including the ritual of binding spot.
Finally, my house. Since this is the Twilight Forest after all, what better house is there than a treehouse?

Currently, it's still being worked on, and I've yet to fill it or make a basement for tech stuff and a Thuamcraft dungeon when I get around to doing that stuff. Also it's empty as a ghost town, I am planning on adding furniture for looks and stuff (which, can I get some suggestions as to what I should do?)
My lobby, complete with a functional moving elevator* (*when I update dynamic transport, anyway) and also the displays of my whacky adventures so far in old, beat-up armor form.
Veiw of Blackstone Altar, Mystical Gardens and the future site of the Library of Ages (the now fallen oak walk-through to my base)from Floor 2 (Observation deck/Lounge Room)
Speaking of the Lounge Room, here it is in it's currently-barren state.
Then there's the second floor, my personal room for shenanigans (crafting, storage, etc, etc.), Also empty as hell at the moment :U
Oh, hello small bibiloteca of ages nice to meet you. The linking books go back to the overworld for whatever reason I have to go there for, and the Nether, at a fortress, respectfully.
Speaking of the overworld, here was the little cave I was camping out in and made it look pretty while I was here, I've yet to move my smeltery over but it's a task to do when my new basement is made, and some chests and cocoa farm and etc stuff. also I go here mining sometime.
That's it for now and I promise I'm not giving up on this one this time!