Right Folks, here goes nothing.
Since I'm not much of a creative builder I figured I'd post some shots of my wizard's tower-to-be on here and ask for your opinions. I've only just started laying the ground work but the thing I'm most stuck on is what blocks go well together with the ones I'm already using (FYI, playing the DW20 pack with Chisel mod added in), in particular for the floors.
- entryways will be pillar quartz blocks with chisel's fantasy block as a "cap".
- walls will probably be marble (not the Chisel marble but the ProjectRedmarble).
From the 2nd SS you may see I'm currently trying out smooth sandstone in combination with glowstone blocks.
For the record: I intend to build quite a ways upward, adding a floor somewhere to install my infusion altar in. In an off-shoot of the main tower, I intend to create a wand recharge room. Not quite sure how I'm going to handle the jars yet as I'm not sure what the range is for the altar to draw vis from jars.
I'd appreciate any and all input and ideas from you guys...seen some incredible builds pass in this thread, making my own wizard's tower seem very insignificant.
Thanks once more,
View from ground to main entrance (will be 4 entryways in total btw):
View on "ground floor":