IC2 is slowly dying out ?

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Until something as simple as solar power gets into other mods, I don't see Industrial Craft dying. It's simply the best way to power stuff without human intervention unless you want to have an enormous base with trains, rails, trees, boilers, laggy nether lava pumps or others things all connected with dozens of pipes and liquids going every where and machines that look like an ugly mess and even sometimes mob farms just to get an automated power system, it's just ridiculous.

Err. Thats the whole reason packs like ftb are so great: all the complex systems you can build. Ofcourse there are a lot of players who go straight for a gravichest but i personally tend to have a biofuel production running before i get something better than my iron armor.

If you just want cool armor ic2 is the best way to start. But most other mods use bc energy and for me those mods are where the fun is.

Currently my base doesnt have a single ic2 machine.[DOUBLEPOST=1367739963][/DOUBLEPOST]
But Pulverizers and Powered Furnaces are horrible. They are slow, energy inefficient, and not upgradable. The Induction Smelter just seems unnecessary except for getting slag, which is not that useful. I don't understand why people would rather use Pulverizers at the start and then move on to Macerators.

Thats why people tend to build more than one after a while. One can easily keep up with a quarry. And one of the biggest benefits is that you can stack it so you for example always have a chest full of glass. You cant do that with ic2 alone.
I use and love the IC machines for one reason: speed. Now I'm at the point in the game where resource scarcity is not a thing, the only thing I care about is how long it takes to make stuff. My machines are all overclocked to the point where they can do about 5 operations per second. None of the other mods come anywhere near that.
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Are you aware that not everyone loves GregTech? I know everyone's too polite to say so, but it actually isn't as universally adored as you might think.

Not everyone likes it, but a large number of people use it nonetheless.
Interesting nobody mentions the mining drill... I wont go out of my house without it.

Once upon a time I wouldn't leave the house without a diamond drill, these days there are many options: MPS power tool, thaumcraft tools/wands, vajra (from an ic2 addon mod), tinker's construct...

As for ic2 dying... it's a solid mod but is a little stale. I've been planning for a few weeks to use no ic2 at all other than glass fibre cable in my next world.
Thankfully, there hasn't been too much harping on this in this particular thread...but I swear, every time I see TE vs IC2 pop up, I want to page a moderator and slam the thread closed.

Furnace and Pulverizer. That's it. The similarities start and end there. If you seriously see TE as a killer of IC2, then all you really want is more ore. I actually have far more IC2 stuff in my FC house than I do TE stuff. I'm even working on a TE/IC2 crossover.

It's not just TE that's "killing" IC2 though. Modular Power Suits are an awesome replacement to quantum suits and pretty much any power tool IC2 offers (and Tinker's will also offer good alternatives for tools). Also, Redstone Conduits/RECs make MJ power just as easy to transfer and store as EU and much safer and easier as well (no risk of stuff exploding and no dealing with "how much EU per packet does this cable/machine accept?"). The IC2 miner and pump have a lot of competition as well from BC, SC, RP2, etc.

Of course there's still stuff like mining lasers, scaffolding, crops and some other things, but for me most of those aren't enough reason to stick with an aging mod that I've slowly grown to dislike more and more (and I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Forestry go into crops at some point as well).

Like I said before, for me GT's higher tier machines are the only thing keeping IC2 interesting/worth keeping around. Most of the other add-ons to IC2 you can easily do without if you don't have IC2 anyway (if you run stuff on MJ power there are plenty of great power sources besides solar for example).

And yes, TE machines are getting upgrades. No, TE machines are currently not "slow", and if you think so, you are a caveman who still sits huddled around the glow of your furnace like it's the first night instead of actually automating things intelligently.

Cool and I agree with TE machines not being slow. At the moment (without upgrades) if you need more speed you can always build more machines and split the load.
Until something as simple as solar power gets into other mods

UE has solar (and it's quite overpowered).

I also know KingLemming has mentioned making solar on a stream, but I don't quite know if it was a joke or not.
I think the bigger question here is: (Aside from something like the mod not being updated for the newest version of MC that FTB will be working off of) Why would we want to get rid of IC2?

FTB's (and any similar type of modpack collection) greatest strength by far is its level of content and variety. You can do just about anything you want in a menagerie of different ways. Removing options is a very, very bad idea. Particularly if they're options that flesh out the feeling of progression in the game.

The only valid reason (aside from the aforementioned outdating) that I could see is if we got a mod, or collection of mods, that entirely replaced IC2 and all subsequent addons to it in function. As it stands, there is nothing like that around. MJ and the other sources of energy are great, but they don't replace EU, and EU doesn't replace them. My base uses almost every single kind of power in a variety of different ways. I wouldn't want to lose any of them. Even if I didn't use MJ I wouldn't want to lose it as a power alternative, and I assume that I'd feel the same way about EU in whatever parallel Universe in which I don't use it.
IMO, we need more addons to IC2, bigger than just more Solar Panels. Greg Tech would be a decent example on how to do it.

No, mods need to be able to take in multiple types of power. Good examples are MFFS and AE. its not smart for a new mod to bet on a single horse. Especially if that horse is rather stale and has seen better days.
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it seems like UE has heat generators, which are even more OP than solars ^_^'

Meh. Solars-shmolars. The most boring power source ever.
I think the bigger question here is: (Aside from something like the mod not being updated for the newest version of MC that FTB will be working off of) Why would we want to get rid of IC2?

I dont see anyone wanting to get rid of any mods unless its causing problems. Ic2 is fine, even though i personally dont really use ít.
Of course there's still stuff like mining lasers, scaffolding, crops and some other things, but for me most of those aren't enough reason to stick with an aging mod that I've slowly grown to dislike more and more (and I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see Forestry go into crops at some point as well).

I've mentioned before, base IC2 is basically "Tech for Steve". The only thing useful about it is the stuff your character wears. (and a couple machines required only for IC2 construction of those items you wear and not available elsewhere like compressor and extractor)

Even there, addons have taken all those items a step further, and IC2 has become only a technical requirement (you must have IC2 or EU will not work) more than a game requirement.

The crops though were and are always a joke. Furthermore, the "game space" they would occupy if they didn't suck are taken up by bees.
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I think the bigger question here is: (Aside from something like the mod not being updated for the newest version of MC that FTB will be working off of) Why would we want to get rid of IC2?

FTB's (and any similar type of modpack collection) greatest strength by far is its level of content and variety. You can do just about anything you want in a menagerie of different ways. Removing options is a very, very bad idea. Particularly if they're options that flesh out the feeling of progression in the game.

The only valid reason (aside from the aforementioned outdating) that I could see is if we got a mod, or collection of mods, that entirely replaced IC2 and all subsequent addons to it in function. As it stands, there is nothing like that around. MJ and the other sources of energy are great, but they don't replace EU, and EU doesn't replace them. My base uses almost every single kind of power in a variety of different ways. I wouldn't want to lose any of them. Even if I didn't use MJ I wouldn't want to lose it as a power alternative, and I assume that I'd feel the same way about EU in whatever parallel Universe in which I don't use it.
Well, we don't have to get rid of IC2. It exists, but it's like vanilla minecraft now. We are not very interested in vanilla minecraft, but we obviously can't get rid of it. The difference between vanilla and IC2 is that vanilla had an update with some cool features recently, while IC2 is still the same...

And look at KirinDave's Resonant Rises series. It seems like UE stuff can replace all the energy networks except RP2 and, probably factorization.
Well, we don't have to get rid of IC2. It exists, but it's like vanilla minecraft now. We are not very interested in vanilla minecraft, but we obviously can't get rid of it. The difference between vanilla and IC2 is that vanilla had an update with some cool features recently, while IC2 is still the same...

And look at KirinDave's Resonant Rises series. It seems like UE stuff can replace all the energy networks except RP2 and, probably factorization.

IC2 is a foundation for quite a few other mods. IC2 doesn't get updated often, but those mods do. As stated above, GregTech is still quite active, and GregTech wouldn't exist without the IC2 foundation.

But, more than anything, I just simply like EU more than any other source of energy. With GT, there's a clear line of progression in terms of energy capacity that I can follow. How long does it take to make a redstone energy cell? A couple days at most?

Without a clear line of progression, my interest fades pretty quickly. As it stands, GT is 100 percent of the reason that I played FTB longer than a month. I certainly don't want to lose that.
IC2 is a foundation for quite a few other mods. IC2 doesn't get updated often, but those mods do. As stated above, GregTech is still quite active, and GregTech wouldn't exist without the IC2 foundation.

But, more than anything, I just simply like EU more than any other source of energy. With GT, there's a clear line of progression in terms of energy capacity that I can follow. How long does it take to make a redstone energy cell? A couple days at most?

Without a clear line of progression, my interest fades pretty quickly. As it stands, GT is 100 percent of the reason that I played FTB longer than a month. I certainly don't want to lose that.
With TE and BC-based mods you just don't focus on storing energy, more on producing and spending it. Redstone energy cell is more like a buffer + a nice portable source of energy. And you still can check Universal Electricity and Mekanism if you want tiered energy storage, but meh. I don't care if i can store more or less energy at middle-to-lategame. I still have to produce more than I consume, so storage capacity only matters when I charge something like jetpack or powersuit.
For me the reason to get rid of IC2 would be all its weird mechanics and that would be plenty of reason for me. The mechanics of most other mods make a lot more sense and are a lot more fun in my opinion.

More options might be better, but for me the decision is easy if I have to pick between "put up with inferior tools and senseless mechanics" or "great tools with logical mechanics".
Also the whole "you need 5 machines to make 10 components to make this 1 machine/tool/whatever" is actually what I dislike about IC2. Look at TE and MFR, they have relatively simple recipes you can learn and remember. Some people consider that OP, personally I just think it's just far better usability. I wouldn't mind needing 10+ Diamonds for a Pulverizer, as long as the crafting doesn't require 10 recipes/machines and 50 steps to make.
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With TE and BC-based mods you just don't focus on storing energy, more on producing and spending it. Redstone energy cell is more like a buffer + a nice portable source of energy. And you still can check Universal Electricity and Mekanism if you want tiered energy storage, but meh. I don't care if i can store more or less energy at middle-to-lategame. I still have to produce more than I consume, so storage capacity only matters when I charge something like jetpack or powersuit.

I get that. It's merely personal preference. We could argue all day about why you use steam turbines instead of power converters, right? It simply comes down to personal preference instead of actual efficiency at that point.

I prefer having a large reserve of power. It's the same reason why I have a reserve of 36 thousand buckets of biofuel for my boilers.

whythisname said:
For me the reason to get rid of IC2 would be all its weird mechanics and that would be plenty of reason for me. The mechanics of most other mods make a lot more sense and are a lot more fun in my opinion.

I have to ask out of curiosity: In regards to what do the other mods make more sense?
Thankfully, there hasn't been too much harping on this in this particular thread...but I swear, every time I see TE vs IC2 pop up, I want to page a moderator and slam the thread closed.

Furnace and Pulverizer. That's it. The similarities start and end there. If you seriously see TE as a killer of IC2, then all you really want is more ore. I actually have far more IC2 stuff in my FC house than I do TE stuff. I'm even working on a TE/IC2 crossover.

And yes, TE machines are getting upgrades. No, TE machines are currently not "slow", and if you think so, you are a caveman who still sits huddled around the glow of your furnace like it's the first night instead of actually automating things intelligently.

TE/IC2 crossover?
Holy shit, sir, I love you even more.

I think IC2 isn't dying out, it's just that people who play with addons (mainly GT - which is one of my favourite mods, BTW) have a mod that really shows its potential on mid-game stage.
TE shines early on, and it stays as a foundation over the game (I gained more gold by pulverizing copper than by effectively pulverizing gold - also, Liquiducts are awesome).
IC2+GT shines the rest of the whole game.
I don't want to leave IC2 for a reason:
I discovered its full potential back in a Tekkit SkyBlock.
I had pumpkins and reeds and wheat via crops.

IC2 is like RP2:
Sometimes there are better ways of doing what it does, but most people don't want to leave it for the sheer fact it is the backbone for almost all the mods.