IC2 is slowly dying out ?

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I have to ask out of curiosity: In regards to what do the other mods make more sense?

The whole wrench stuff IC2 has going on. Sure we have the OmniWrench (which I love), but that doesn't take away IC2's own wrench mechanics are just stupid. Stuff breaking when using the right tool, that's just lame especially because it's only a problem early game, the time when breaking something hurts the most. It also doesn't make sense a hand tool would be more crude than a power tool.

Watermills can't accept water from pipes while Geothermals can accept Lava through pipes. Any BC machines/engines that need water can accept it through pipes. Pumping water directly into a mill would be OP? That's just a matter of adjusting how much water it will accept and how much power that will generate, just like solar and wind energy are balanced through how much EU/t they produce.

The recipes in IC2 are also a bit problematic. With TE you have the "machine frame" which is the core component of (almost) everything. MFR has a machine base (I'm not sure what it's called atm) which every recipe uses. And in general both have similar recipe structures, basically if you learn the way they are structured (for example TE: machine frame in the center, reception coil/pneumatic servo on the bottom, 2-3 different items around that with 2 open squares on the top-left and top-right) you can potentially guess the recipe for every machine in those mods. It also means you only have to do 3-4 crafts from raw materials to finished machine (machine frame, reception coil, piston, Pulverizer = 4 crafts).
In IC2 you will never be able to do that as its machine block and chips are all over the place, not to mention both of those require several additional steps from plain iron, copper, etc.

And then there is the whole deal with IC2 cables, get Glass Fiber and you'll never need anything else. Ignoring Glass Fiber though, it doesn't make sense mid tier gold cables are the most expensive of the "copper, gold, refined iron" line of "regular" cables.

And I'm pretty sure there are many more inconsistencies in IC2 which other mods simply don't have.
The whole wrench stuff IC2 has going on. Sure we have the OmniWrench (which I love), but that doesn't take away IC2's own wrench mechanics are just stupid. Stuff breaking when using the right tool, that's just lame especially because it's only a problem early game, the time when breaking something hurts the most. It also doesn't make sense a hand tool would be more crude than a power tool.

Try lossless wrench mode, and not putting your machines in stupid places to start with. But yeah- it needs a little work. Ideally make the electric one totally lossless.
The right tool for the right job mechanic does make sense- its a bad idea to take a pickaxe to an expensive/fragile piece of equipment.

I've only broke machines late game- when I thought 'screw it, its easier to make a new one than go and get the wrench'

Watermills can't accept water from pipes while Geothermals can accept Lava through pipes. Any BC machines/engines that need water can accept it through pipes. Pumping water directly into a mill would be OP? That's just a matter of adjusting how much water it will accept and how much power that will generate, just like solar and wind energy are balanced through how much EU/t they produce.

Watermills can be placed underwater to work the same as turbines/solars. Originally geothermals behaved the same with pumping lava in.

The recipes in IC2 are also a bit problematic. With TE you have the "machine frame" which is the core component of (almost) everything. MFR has a machine base (I'm not sure what it's called atm) which every recipe uses. And in general both have similar recipe structures, basically if you learn the way they are structured (for example TE: machine frame in the center, reception coil/pneumatic servo on the bottom, 2-3 different items around that with 2 open squares on the top-left and top-right) you can potentially guess the recipe for every machine in those mods. It also means you only have to do 3-4 crafts from raw materials to finished machine (machine frame, reception coil, piston, Pulverizer = 4 crafts).
In IC2 you will never be able to do that as its machine block and chips are all over the place, not to mention both of those require several additional steps from plain iron, copper, etc.
All very similar with the basic machine crafting.
TE- machine frame with coil/servo on bottom, ingots/glass left and right, random on top.
MFR- factory module, 3 plastic on top
IC- machine block, circuit goes under it in the grid.
The MRF plastic is equally tedious to deal with as the refined iron.

And then there is the whole deal with IC2 cables, get Glass Fiber and you'll never need anything else. Ignoring Glass Fiber though, it doesn't make sense mid tier gold cables are the most expensive of the "copper, gold, refined iron" line of "regular" cables.
And I'm pretty sure there are many more inconsistencies in IC2 which other mods simply don't have.

Gold is fairly cheap to come by, generally iron is more expensive. Refined iron cables loose a lot of energy over distance, their only used for extreme voltage capacity.
The cables were added for when people just played IC2 and buildcraft, as part of this modpack you'll only use the metal wires as crafting ingredients.
Diamond was designed as a 'super' cable- same way you don't drop back to powerpipes when you have TC conduits.

Generally I agree with you- IC2 could use a little work to bring it up to par, but its not really as bad as you make it out to be.
Gold is fairly cheap to come by, generally iron is more expensive. .

Too bad these threads tend to derail into people making rediculous claims just to prove a point. What are you trying to prove other than "that other guy is wrong"?

Iron spawns a LOT more than gold. The only way to run out is if you just spam solars. Period. You trying to prove someones OPINION wrong is just sad.
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Too bad these threads tend to derail into people making rediculous claims just to prove a point.

Iron spawns a lot more than gold, but it also gets used a lot more. (and I don't do the solar spam either).
I based that claim on my own experience of playing modded MC- Iron (along with copper and redstone) is one of the materials I have to make extra mining trips for- where's I pick up enough gold/silver/lead to see me by without running short. Result? Iron can be more expensive than gold- its supply and demand.
Not quite as 'rediculous' as you claim.
Too bad these threads tend to derail into people making rediculous claims just to prove a point. What are you trying to prove other than "that other guy is wrong"?

I think he meant that iron is more useful than gold. When you think about it, gold isn't used that much at all in IC2. Its used in other mods, but people don't design their mods around other mods (unless its an addon to said mod).

EDIT: Damn ninjas, its not my fault I type so slow :mad:
Try lossless wrench mode, and not putting your machines in stupid places to start with. But yeah- it needs a little work. Ideally make the electric one totally lossless.
The right tool for the right job mechanic does make sense- its a bad idea to take a pickaxe to an expensive/fragile piece of equipment.

I've only broke machines late game- when I thought 'screw it, its easier to make a new one than go and get the wrench'

I know about the lossless mode on the electric wrench, that doesn't make it a good mechanic or something to like. And don't tell me you never miss placed a block, it happens to all of us and to penalize such a small mistake by turning it into a lottery is just retarded. And MC has "the wrong tool for the wrong job" every where, if you want to pick up a chest you're not going to smash it with an axe either, but those are the rules Mojang set and what mods should stick to imho.
Also look at how the OmniWrench/Crescent Hammer works with TE, those are good mechanics which I'm fine with (the way you pick up redstone conduits and stuff with them).

Watermills can be placed underwater to work the same as turbines/solars. Originally geothermals behaved the same with pumping lava in.

Yeah and that makes it more consistent how? You can pipe water buckets and water bottles into watermills. Maybe I'm weird, but if you can pump water buckets into a mill I think you should also be able to pump in water through pipes. Another solution would be to make is so watermills don't accept anything through item pipes, that would at least make it consistent in the sense you either fuel it manually or place it next to water for automatic/passive power generation.

All very similar with the basic machine crafting.
TE- machine frame with coil/servo on bottom, ingots/glass left and right, random on top.
MFR- factory module, 3 plastic on top
IC- machine block, circuit goes under it in the grid.
The MRF plastic is equally tedious to deal with as the refined iron.

For IC2 that's not true. Canning machine, Electrolyzer and Pump all have circuit on top and machine block under it. Also the stuff around those is very inconsistent, both in "white space" and in materials. And it's not really the refined iron that adds a lot of steps, it's the chips. A chip+machine block is a lot more crafting steps than a machine frame+coil/servo, you can't deny that.

Gold is fairly cheap to come by, generally iron is more expensive. Refined iron cables loose a lot of energy over distance, their only used for extreme voltage capacity.
The cables were added for when people just played IC2 and buildcraft, as part of this modpack you'll only use the metal wires as crafting ingredients.
Diamond was designed as a 'super' cable- same way you don't drop back to powerpipes when you have TC conduits.

I don't know where you dig then because I'm pretty sure you can get a lot more Iron out of the ground than Gold. That's the measure I'm going by here and results in a "high tier cable that's cheap and a mid tier cable that's expensive". In my games I'm always needing more gold, for me it's one of those ores I have to make mining trips for, while Iron is not.

Generally I agree with you- IC2 could use a little work to bring it up to par, but its not really as bad as you make it out to be.

I'm just pointing out inconsistencies. I agree it could be fine with a little work, but as it is now all those inconsistencies just make me favor other mods over IC2 and make me consider dropping IC2 completely in favor of those other mods.
Iron spawns a lot more than gold, but it also gets used a lot more. (and I don't do the solar spam either).

Well my experience is that iron is ubiquitous, and by the time you use it in large enough quantity to feel any pinch, you're also needing gold at the same level of irritation. Unless you use one of the many many ways to generate both iron and gold, that is. Redstone, and in fact any vanilla item, is equally as non-rare

Copper itself, isn't vanilla, and still doesn't manage to be rare. Along with tin, any rarity feeling passes within a day or so of starting a world. Silver, and increasingly lead, on the other hand(s) are annoyingly rare and it gets worse as the world ages - until such a point as you're making silver with UUmatter or similar mechanics
Copper itself, isn't vanilla, and still doesn't manage to be rare. Along with tin, any rarity feeling passes within a day or so of starting a world. Silver, and increasingly lead, on the other hand(s) are annoyingly rare and it gets worse as the world ages - until such a point as you're making silver with UUmatter or similar mechanics
It feels to me like you described the exact opposite of my world.
I always see silver and lead, there's so much that sometimes I don't bother picking it up. But copper and tin are rare for me, not so much tin as copper.
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Still haven't found a use for silver or lead in MindCrack yet. Probably because most of my efforts have gone into IC2 and GregTech. So hence I also found copper and tin to be in relatively short supply, especially compared to iron - got stacks of blocks - but certainly not compared to gold. Doesn't help that GregTech nerfs the output on a few recipes that require copper and tin (bronze and cells come immediately to mind).

Getting back to the wrench mechanic, whythisname has a point - you'd expect a hand-tool to be gentler and more controlled then an electric tool, especially when the player character has full knowledge as to the design of his target. "Lossless" mode on the electric wrench is also nonsensical - cranking up the power to lower the force on the machine?
IC2 imo is not dying out I consider gregtech and other addons to be IC2 as a whole just as I do buildcraft with boilers and TE. I tend to start IC2 after buildcraft simply because you need a little infrastructure of equipment going to keep the gregtech machines going strong. I believe IC2 machines to be more specialty based where as buildcraft is more factory/machine line based.

Without IC2 there would be no gregtech and gregtech is awesome.
Something I forgot is that the mod has been upated in the past.. Yeah not as much as say all the others.. But I forgot about Nuke Power... Think that has been one of the biggest updates to the mod for a long time.. And plants (which a lot of people don't even realize IC2 has). Last time I built a nuke 1.3.5 I didn't have much choices for cooling, and cells, and uranium.... Now its got all sorts of options.

Still not as big of change as others... And I still suggest in my Opinion that gregTech is keeping it alive.. Even if half to community dislikes it... Still enough to keep it alive. At any rate even if I am wrong... And its just not GregTech... IE Quantum Suits and solar panels... Which is debatable the point is that its the addons keeping it going and not actually IC2.
I dunno about anyone else, But IC2 is the only electrical system i can deal with,

Even though it isn't making any ground breaking developments, It's an important base for a bunch of other things,
I mean, Could you use gregtech without IC2 as it's crutch?
What about coffee? among other neato plants

Gregtech helps vitalize it, But greg tech is an ADDON for ic2,
Even though i think GT has no right to tamper with IC's original recippies

And now i wait for people to yell at me for having an opinion
GT is going to use Universal Electricity natively :p
... I wish I had a "I don't like" button... (For the content, not you ;))

~ I'd like to know what you guys think about this. Share your opinions and correct me if I'm wrong please. ~
IC2 dying out? Depends on how you mean that question.... If your asking should it be removed from FTB then the answer is nope, it's not, and shouldn't be removed. Look at IC2 as a base for for other mods... GregTech, Advanced Machined, Solar stuff, etc... And while base IC2 might not get new features all the time, (Not saying they don't get new features) why mess with something that that works? They were basically THE tech mode back in the day, they have a very large user base and there mod is nicely flushed out. And addons add a large variety.

If your asking is IC2 being replaced with other mods? That is more a personal preference question, debatable to way more opinion then the first one. MY personal opinion is that each mod adds a different way of doing things, each of them having a positive or negative side, and as with every mod, it is YOUR choice weather to use it or not. YOU get to choose to go use a macerater vs. pulverizer + slag vs. Grinder/mixer/slag furnace/crystalizer vs other options... I choose to use them all, (gotta catch them all...) because I set up each one for what it does best.

~ The Induction Smelter just seems unnecessary except for getting slag, which is not that useful. ~
Do you not use slag? My TE line is setup around the production and use of slag/rich slag, plus I use a LOT of rockwool.

As with everything, feel free to point your fingers at me and say mean things about me, but realize that when you point your finger at me, you're point three at yourself. :D
Still haven't found a use for silver or lead in MindCrack yet. Probably because most of my efforts have gone into IC2 and GregTech.

Factorization---the bits beside routers---chews up a lot of lead and a bit of silver. RP2 chews up silver for blue alloy ingots.

The question is: IC2 is dying but would you replace it?

I already have for most things. Seems like most of my IC2 infrastructure exists solely to make more IC2 infrastructure.