FTB Mage Quest {ALPHA} Bug Reports

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Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: 1.0.3
Pastebin link to crash log: none (not a crash)
Whats the bug? see below
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: none

Just found a pretty nasty dupe bug.
Example to reproduce the bug : Put a barrel with diamond in it and lock it to diamond. Then remove any diamond in the barrel, and keep at least 9 on you. Put a supercrafting frame on the barrel, and give him the Diamond block recipe. Then, right-click or shift right-click on the supercrafting frame will craft you a block of diamond if you have at least 9 on you, but you will keep your 9 diamond and will get a diamond block too.
As long as you have enough diamond on you, you can craft infinite diamond block even if the barrel is empty. This can be done with anything that can be crafted in a supercrafting frame. Most likely related to the way supercrafting frame interact with a locked barrel
Hope it helps !
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This isn't a bug, per se, but there's no tank/drum sort of thing in the Mage Pack -- which means no way to store/transfer life essence for Blood Magic. Am I missing something that's already in the pack, or is there a magic themed fluid storage mod out there that could fill the gap?

Upcoming version of Sanquimancy will have Blood tank. And recent version of Automagy already has Thirsty Tank.
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Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: 1.0.3
Whats the bug? Super Item Frames appear not to work as intended. They work as regular item frames (allowing one item in), but don't allow addition or removal of items. Also, the Super Item Frame does not break when punched.
Can it be repeated? yes
Mod Pack FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Verison: 1.0.3
Pastebin: http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/07ab6a63
Bug: Crash on startup
Repeatable? Yes

NOTE: Not the usercache.json issue (find . | grep usercache.json turns up nothing)

EDIT2: Seems to have passed that, but I'm missing gnu/trove? (updated java here)
EDIT3: But trove is in libraries... so confuse.
EDIT4: ofc it works as root (shouldn't do this, but meh). Oh well.
EDIT5; Solved. Deleted libraries file and redownloaded.
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There is something wrong with crafting alchemichy set from blood. The brewing stand that I can craft is from brewing-API put it wants vanilla brewing stand in the recipe. I can craft the alchemichy set if I jump to my creaative world and craft this with vanilla brewing stand.
When I made an enchanted broom from witchery and placed it, my client crashed. Now, every time I just open my inventory, where the broom should be, client crashes as well.
Mod Pack FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Verison: 1.0.3
Bug: Talisman Fusion
Repeatable? Yes

I can't get a Research Note for the Talisman Fusion. When I click on the research, it takes one paper and some ink but I get nothing.
Mod Pack FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Verison: 1.0.3
Bug: Talisman Fusion
Repeatable? Yes

I can't get a Research Note for the Talisman Fusion. When I click on the research, it takes one paper and some ink but I get nothing.
Just realizing this mod was in the pack. Give me a couple days or so and I will have a new version of Talismans 2 out with a fix that the modpack creator can get.
Just a note that this is still an issue.
The new version of Talisman still doesn't work. Updating thaumcraft doesn't fix either, although you can't use the absolutely most recent version because it requires a newer Forge build.
Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Verson: 1.0.3
Bug: I tried launching this pack once again, and I got the error I got on 10/15/2014: ([])
(This paste shouldn't expire.)
Repeatable: For me, yes.
Fix: None I have found Update launcher

Note: I tried downloading another pack; it gave me the same error. This might be an issue with the download servers or my internet, instead of the pack.

EDIT: Was using an outdated launcher. Tried updating it. Will report with results soon.

EDIT #2: It works!
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Pack FTB Mage Quest
Whatever the recommended version is:
After reading through some of the bug reports on here I thought I'd add some comments. Some people have mentioned eagles in their worlds and no chickens. I haven't seen any eagles but I have a ridiculous amount of chickens. They are spawning in huge packs. I'm also getting plenty of eggs from them. I've also noticed large groups of pigs.
I also had the problem with the Brewing stand API overwriting the brewing stand recipe and ended up cheating in the items I needed after making them and destroying the originals.
I also can't research the Talisman thing.
I have modified the pack slightly but only after the world had already been generated. I added bibliocraft and optifine. I also removed Weeping Angels after they stranded me in the nether. I had just created my portal and popped in the nether for a first look around but unfortunately I didn't set a way point for my portal as I hadn't intended to go out of sight of it. However, I turned a corner and ran into an angel who immediately teleported me to somewhere else. After searching around for my portal for sometime I realised I was never going to find it and ended up cheating in some obsidian so I could get out of the nether. I was over 2000 blocks from home :(
Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: Archmagus 0.6.0
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/AJ9ZLud1
Whats the bug? Attempting to spawn a Potion of Instant Mana (command /give playername 4141) crashes the game and makes the world unplayable. Upon loading the world, the playermodel shows, the game hangs and then crashes.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: None known. Attempted use of third party software (INVedit) resulted in the item not even showing in my inventory (and I accidentily deleted my wand)

Something I'd like to add - Weeping Angels instantly kill you in the nether. And in the overworld, every hit teleports you, or puts a countdown in the form of grey hearts and a darkening screen. When the countdown hits 0 (10 grey hearts) you instantly die.
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Yea I experienced that with Weeping Angels. When they teleported me in the nether I also had the gray hearts and darkening screen but I went into creative so I could fly around looking for my portal so I didn't die when it hit zero. I eventually cheated in obsidian to make a portal out. Weeping angels got deactivated at that point.
It would've been pretty cool if everything in that mod didn't instantly kill you. I'd suggest removing it from the modpack as a whole seeing as it's a broken mess.
Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: thaumcraft

for some reason i cant use the "F" keybinding for adding wond focus. ive tryed changing the keybinding and still no worky. and i tried looking in the config file and i dont see the text. so i dont know what to do.
Can it be repeated? probably
Known Fix: no idea.
Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: thaumcraft

for some reason i cant use the "F" keybinding for adding wond focus. ive tryed changing the keybinding and still no worky. and i tried looking in the config file and i dont see the text. so i dont know what to do.
Can it be repeated? probably
Known Fix: no idea.
Are you holding the key or just pressing it? You need to hold it to bring up the radial Foci menu where you choose which foci to equip
Are you holding the key or just pressing it? You need to hold it to bring up the radial Foci menu where you choose which foci to equip

No im holding "F". ive tryed holding f with and without my gold banded greatwood wand, ive tryed shift and then F. ive tried putting the foci in a pouch
ive tryed having the foci in my hotbar and on my belt......nothing seems to work

I can make a video if you want and load it to youtube. and i might just do that. if thats ok. not sure about the rules on that
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Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: 1.04
Whats the bug? On death losing Adventurer Amulet Baubles, Archmagus mana levels, and I have not tried repeating this last one. But I died accidentally over sacrificing to my Blood Altar and it made my Pyroclast Amulet(Botania) disappear.
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: I do not know a fix. I think the mana levels are a bug in Archmagus. Which means its prolly outta your guys hands.