FTB Mage Quest {ALPHA} Bug Reports

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I downloaded this mod pack yesterday, seen there was an update today so I downloaded that, but I seem to be having a problem both with the 1.02 and same problem with 1.03 and that is my chickens (if I can even find them) I put them in a pen right outside of my house, but I have yet to get any eggs from them, they seem to be giving me feathers instead. I have tried searching all over the web and cant seem to find a solution to it. I downloaded another modpack for 1.7.10 and had no problem getting eggs from the chickens, but I really want to play Mage Quest modpack. Is anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it? I tried to take out the Adventurer's amulet to see if it was the eagles causing the problem but the problem still continued[DOUBLEPOST=1412740123][/DOUBLEPOST]I played for 9 hours total between yesterday and today, so its not like I didnt give them time ;) but all I got was a fist full of feathers, from live chickens :P
I downloaded this mod pack yesterday, seen there was an update today so I downloaded that, but I seem to be having a problem both with the 1.02 and same problem with 1.03 and that is my chickens (if I can even find them) I put them in a pen right outside of my house, but I have yet to get any eggs from them, they seem to be giving me feathers instead. I have tried searching all over the web and cant seem to find a solution to it. I downloaded another modpack for 1.7.10 and had no problem getting eggs from the chickens, but I really want to play Mage Quest modpack. Is anyone else having this issue or know how to fix it? I tried to take out the Adventurer's amulet to see if it was the eagles causing the problem but the problem still continued[DOUBLEPOST=1412740123][/DOUBLEPOST]I played for 9 hours total between yesterday and today, so its not like I didnt give them time ;) but all I got was a fist full of feathers, from live chickens :p
This is a bug caused by using an older version of the Adventurer's Amulets mod. You can either disable it, or update it manually to the most recent version (1.4.0c). I believe--though I wouldn't swear to it, since I eventually opted to just disable AA for now--that 1.4.0c also requires Enchiridion to be installed.
Well drat... somehow I forgot to toss the new Adventurer's Amulet in. Its on the list..... and I downloaded it... and somehow I didn't put it in. :(
I dont know if this is bug per say, but the Modpack runs fine, then after about 10 minutes or so, when I open my inventory or a chest inventory it goes into crippling lag, I have removed some of the mods that I really deem essential, but still having same problems, NEI seems to be acting strange too, only show me a few pages of item, and not searching from time to time, I am going to backup world, erase modpack and reinstall, to see if that help, but do any of you have any ideas beyond that? I have updated to newest version of Java and newest Video Drivers. No effect.

EDIT - backed up save, erase modpack, reinstalled, also updated to newest adventure amulets and that mod it required, now no more inventory lag, but more lag in generally still researching that one, but now eagles (which now have their own model/texture) are not as prevalent, but still alot of them, but I have found chickens much more regularly! I really believe my current lag issue is not mod pack based, as it continued after I closed the pack.
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I dont know if this is bug per say, but the Modpack runs fine, then after about 10 minutes or so, when I open my inventory or a chest inventory it goes into crippling lag, I have removed some of the mods that I really deem essential, but still having same problems, NEI seems to be acting strange too, only show me a few pages of item, and not searching from time to time, I am going to backup world, erase modpack and reinstall, to see if that help, but do any of you have any ideas beyond that? I have updated to newest version of Java and newest Video Drivers. No effect.

Not really, that's pretty vague , not enough for me to replicate it :(
Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: Automagy
Pastebin link to crash log:

Not sure if anyone else has seen this, but I can't craft avarice pearl in Thaumatorium nor crucible. When I place the ender pearl in the Thaumatorium no recipe shows up. When placed in the crucible with lucrum it just breaks down into essentia.

edit: ender pearl in the Thaumatorium
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Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: Unknown

if you left click any block with a stick a chat message pops up giving you all sorts of information about that block (name, metadata value, mod it originates from).
It looks like one of the mods has left some debug code.
Version: 1.0.3 Mod: Unknown
Not sure if this is a bug, but thought it anyway, Endermen do not drop Ender Pearls when summoned and killed, making it impossible to use most of Thaumcraft 4, as the matrix cube needs one. Endermen seem even less scarce at night then before.
Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: don't know what mod causes it, version 1.0.3 of the pack
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/p0y50jF7
Whats the bug? game crashes when i do /help
Can it be repeated? Yes
Known Fix: don't do /help XD

I also have the too many eagles problem but that has been refered already
Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: inventory tweaks
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/kYBeqw07
Whats the bug?: crash, which I'm somewhat sure was triggered by the "repair-friendly" option, as it crashed right before my pick breaking and was switched out of my hot bar. I'd be completely sure if I hadn't experienced my picks being switched out of my hot bar several times before, all without a single crash.
Can it be repeated?: yup
Known Fix: Disable the repair-friendly option :p
I downloaded this pack, and ran it. I am not sure myself of what happened, but it has something to do with connecting to somewhere.Here's the log (in "button" form):

(NOTE: At line 213, I clicked the "launch" button again.)

EDIT: I tried deleting the modpack folder and reinstalling, but the SAME thing happened. Please help me!

EDIT: For some reason, my paste was removed. Will try again sometime later.
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Well #*&#$%*&#&* ... let me get over this cold and I'll see what I can do about that.

my naive solution using MineTweaker 3:
http://pastebin.com/4cS6HQac - Botania
http://pastebin.com/8HGiLvKe - Blood magic
- ModTweaker:1.7 supports "Orb crafting", so I remove old recipe using it. Can't get ModTweaker to add the recipe, so adding it using plain MineTweaker.

If you want to use it, install MineTweaker 3.0.9B+ and ModTweaker 0.6 in the pack and drop files in minecraft/scripts/{botania|bloodMagic}.zs.
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my naive solution using MineTweaker 3:
http://pastebin.com/4cS6HQac - Botania
http://pastebin.com/8HGiLvKe - Blood magic
- ModTweaker:1.7 supports "Orb crafting", so I remove old recipe using it. Can't get ModTweaker to add the recipe, so adding it using plain MineTweaker.

If you want to use it, install MineTweaker 3.0.9B+ and ModTweaker 0.6 in the pack and drop files in minecraft/scripts/{botania|bloodMagic}.zs.

Works like a charm!
Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: 1.0.3
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/24KuGH9K
Whats the bug? Minecraft client, and FTB console closes / crashes
Can it be repeated? yes
Known Fix: none that I can find

I am enjoying the pack so far but I didn't get that far into it when I encountered this problem. I was opening a chest found under a greatwood tree when this happened. The game closed... Now every time I load that world the game, launcher, and console all close. No error message is given that I can see, I had to grab the console log from the file since it closes and I couldn't copy it directly from the console.
Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: 1.0.3
Pastebin link to crash log: http://pastebin.com/24KuGH9K
Whats the bug? Minecraft client, and FTB console closes / crashes
Can it be repeated? yes
Known Fix: none that I can find

I am enjoying the pack so far but I didn't get that far into it when I encountered this problem. I was opening a chest found under a greatwood tree when this happened. The game closed... Now every time I load that world the game, launcher, and console all close. No error message is given that I can see, I had to grab the console log from the file since it closes and I couldn't copy it directly from the console.

Mod Pack: FTB Mage Quest
Mod & Version: 1.0.3
Whats the bug?

Was mining near bedrock when I hit a water covered obsidian bed, when I swam up into the water, encountered what I think was a slime, dropped down to swap to my sword, when a set of empty hearts appeared above my hunger bar, they began to slowly fill grey, and when they filled I died. Now, the problem with this is, when I died it spawned a weeping angel with my name, but I was stuck in a state where the game thought I was dead, but I still had control, the menu to respawn/save&quit did not appear, I could open the regular menu and I saved, and completely closed out of minecraft, upon re-entering I was still in this state, could break blocks, and open my inventory for a frame or two before it would close, chests/furnaces/etc. couldn't be accessed, /kill pops up the message, but does nothing, the death waypoint is 500 blocks off in an area with ungenerated chunks. The world became unplayable, but the issue did not persist. (/kill in a new world did not replicate)

I don't know what mod it is that gave me the grey hearts.
Ok found the source of the issue, and a solution is in the works: https://github.com/ganymedes01/Headcrumbs/issues/11

for those having the crash when starting a world, delete the file called "usercache.json" in your install location. It will regenerate and fix the issue.

I've searched my install location and then my entire computer and the only userchache.json is located in my .minecraft folder, will the fix update fix the crash without having to delete that file or am i doomed to never play this pack?
This isn't a bug, per se, but there's no tank/drum sort of thing in the Mage Pack -- which means no way to store/transfer life essence for Blood Magic. Am I missing something that's already in the pack, or is there a magic themed fluid storage mod out there that could fill the gap?