I have been trying to find where to put this on the forum but after searching for an hour, I'm still lost here. It's not a bug or a game techsupport issue, it's just something that was working yesterday in the game, and isn't working now for no reason whatsoever. If someone can point me in the direction of where this goes, I will gladly move it.
I currently play on FTB Infinity (Evolved, though I don't have that enabled) and my issue is with AE. I have two metal formers with a ME Interface on each one (one for rolling and one for extruding) for autocrafting. Since I put that in a while back, it has been a huge time saver. Problem is, one of them just stopped working today. I haven't made any changes to my set up at all, in fact I haven't been crafting anything. It just randomly said device offline. I can't get my ME to read it, though it has no issues with the other metal former. If I manually put something into the metal former, it will make it and put it into the interface, but it won't send to the ME. I was originally using the block ME Interface (438) but someone came over and changed them over to the ones that look like import/export buses (4349:440). Even though it had been working fine and I have not added any additional channels, I thought I'd try upgrading to the dense cables, but that also did nothing. While trying to get it to work, I was able to get it to switch (so the Interface on the extruding metal former was online) but that caused the first interface to stop working. All it says is device missing channel. Again, I haven't changed a single thing and it was working perfectly for over a week now. Does anyone have any ideas what could have gone wrong and how I can get it working again? I would greatly appreciate it.