FTB Infinity 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

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Bullshit. See the little 'add mod' button...

He probably meant that FTB doesn't help you with errors and crashes if you add mods to packs.
Automated Alchamy, is that disabled in expert mode? cant form it even with a fully charged silverwood wand.

EDIT: no mather, error 40
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I don't know if this is the right place for this, but anyway...

I am currently using version 2.3.0. Is there any way to update the server to 2.3.3 without having to re-download the pack and copy my world over? Maybe a command or an sh/bat script?
Say, does 2.3.0 and above use Forge 1566? I ask because some of the mods I have in my addon pack require it for the latest versions, but 2.2.2 doesn't use it.
Anyone have any issues with 2.4.2 and Forestry Digger's Pack? I upgraded from 2.3.5, and I wasn't able to put stuff like sand, stone, gravel and cobble. Some of the chisel stuff like Limestone and Marble still work.
Anyone have any issues with 2.4.2 and Forestry Digger's Pack? I upgraded from 2.3.5, and I wasn't able to put stuff like sand, stone, gravel and cobble. Some of the chisel stuff like Limestone and Marble still work.

Same issue here. And I forgot to backup my configs, so can't tell you what's changed.

Also iron/tin/lead ores etc not picked up by Miners backpack, mob drops by Hunters and so on.... something's broken.
Same issue here. And I forgot to backup my configs, so can't tell you what's changed.

Also iron/tin/lead ores etc not picked up by Miners backpack, mob drops by Hunters and so on.... something's broken.

Or it's a by design decision. That said if that's the case then really they should be making any 'chest' like things not carryable.
Hmm Anyone been playing around with Logistics Pipes and Tesseracts. Worked fine in 2.3.5 but since updating to 2.4.2 I can't seem to send stuff over the tesseract.

I can fix the item part by using an Logistics Inventory System Connector pipe and an ender chest, but i can't send over EU anymore thrue the LP/Ender Chest/Tesseract system

Also, if you have breed a blood bee in 2.3.5 it was removed in 2.4.2 and causes the server to crash untill you go and turn
B:clear.invalid.chromosomes to true in the Generics section in the forestry config, but it will still crash the client if you ie. try to open an industrial apiary where you had such a bee "installed"...
Just in case anyone is interested this seed gave me a world which repeatedly gave me Mooshroom Island, Spruce and Fir tree biomes( I forget the names sorry) and some occasional jungle. I traveled a lot hoping to find birch tree saplings and only found a few oak saplings in a village chest. Since I have not had a lot of experience with Mooshroom Island biome, I discovered monsters do not spawn there. I hit F7 to check the area I was working and I did not get any yellow or red X's and thought something was wrong. So I stayed unprotected overnight right in the middle of the biome some 20 blocks from the nearest biome edge. Sure enough I was safe.
This is Infinity modpack for MC 1.7.10 in Normal mode: -42496667393640438951
There was an issue at one point where all seeds generated a ton of Mooshroom Island biomes. I believe the root cause was having Biomes O'Plenty as an active mod, but not selected for world generation (that is, selected a regular Vanilla world gen). If you disable or remove BoP, the seed would not generate the same way. If you leave BoP active and select it during world generation, everything should go smooth as well.

If you were to disable BoP now that you have loaded a bunch of chunks, the existing chunks will remain unaffected, but future chunks should generate naturally (chunk borders may look a bit odd though).
I selected BOP and this is what I got. This did not happen the first time, I created a world. Tons of Mooshroom Island biomes as an issue is kinda weird.
I am guessing since a random number algorithm was used to select biomes to generate, BOP needs a new one.
Disabling BOP, at this point, is a very good suggestion.
Yeah, I never really looked into the root cause of the issue, as when I was playing Infinity we had BoP enabled and selected for world gen. My only real issue was the "Dimensional Bleed" caused by a few BoP biomes sharing ID numbers with other mod's biomes, causing thing like Twilight Forest biomes to occasionally spawn in the Overworld. I'm not sure if that issue was ever addressed, now that I think about it, but I believe disabling a particular Biome ID from BoP solved the issue for us (not sure which one it is now, but I'll ask my server admin if you run into if too).
Just to confirm what was said over the last 3 previous posts, I did some trial-and-error testing of Biomes-o-Plenty and Bibliowoods(BOP), Bibliowoods( Forestry), Bibliowoods( Natura). and TwilightForest, enabling and disabling. Biomes-O-Plenty deselected with any or all of these mods disabled still produced the excess Mooshroom Island biome issue. These are the only mods I know which might have a bad influence on BOP. So the bug is definitely in BOP.
Nice job gettting that issue nailed down. BOP authors have a bug to fix
The best thing to do is remember to select Biomes O Plenty in single player if the mod is active.
I believe in the server BOP is auto selected so should not be an issue. Thanks a bunch.
Now I did this a long time ago, so I'm not exactly sure, but I believe a fix to the mushroom biome problem was going into the biomes o plenty biomegen config and setting ocean to false in the "vanilla biomes to override" section
I appreciate the fix, if this is added to the BOP config file, at FTB, with a note about the bug, before anyone downloads it, the issue would be minimized.
Changing Vanilla Minecraft is never a good idea, even with the best of intentions. Thank you for the reminder, I always disable Vanilla overrides when I find them.
I did some experimenting with disabling Vanilla overrides in BOP. It appears BOP in single player client is active all the time. While the Mooshroom Island issue did get fixed by disabling Vanilla Ocean biome override, the rest of BOP stayed active and was not deselected.
So the original suggestion to disable BOP when not wanting to select it, is still the best option. Well at least for me anyway.
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So Ive asked this at least 5 times in the forums but never got n answer
In packs that use the gravestone mod
EVERY TIME i die with my inventory completely Full and get my items back from the gravestone every tinkers Tool is gone
And keepinventory kinda feels like disabling death but no way around
Thanks to you for helping me

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So Ive asked this at least 5 times in the forums but never got n answer
In packs that use the gravestone mod
EVERY TIME i die with my inventory completely Full and get my items back from the gravestone every tinkers Tool is gone
And keepinventory kinda feels like disabling death but no way around
Thanks to you for helping me

Gesendet von meinem D6603 mit Tapatalk

That happens when you are in creative mode.

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