FTB Infinity 1.7.10 Help, Venting and Discussion Thread

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Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
Portalgun easter egg because its Christmas. Merely Christmas :)

Edit: *Merry, c'mon autocorrect

Sent from my Barrel of Fun using Tapatalk
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's already one player on our server claiming additional lag caused by the Chicken/Pigs falling down... can it be shut off somehow?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Confirmed, changing to 0 did the trick. Thanks! The flying pigs and chickens were dragging my FPS to 2 after about 10 minutes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Confirmed, changing to 0 did the trick. Thanks! The flying pigs and chickens were dragging my FPS to 2 after about 10 minutes.

Whomever thought this easter egg would be a good idea... uh, no. Having said that... I use the Portal Gun mod quite extensively since I found one in a chest on my first day playing the modpack. Makes getting back and forth from the quarry location a real breeze. So I don't want to criticize too much... but just in general, the christmas easter egg is a really bad idea. It was good for a laugh in the first few minutes (I was like, WTF??? lol) but for the next 6 hours? Nope, no further laughs. Just aggravation. I did discover that a quick disconnect/reconnect to the server brings my frame rate back to normal... for a while anyways. Then I gotta do it again. The server Admin is offline for the day so we can't change configs. sigh

Edit: My bad, didn't realize the .cfg Easter Egg setting is a "client-side" setting, meaning no Admin required to turn it off. :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Still...easter eggs really ought not to bog down your clients' machines. They're supposed to be fun gags, not resource hogs. Then again, I tend not to like that kind of thing, anyway, so I might be a bit biased.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm up to 14 stacks of Uranium Blocks (ID 190:3)... what do I do with all of it? Is there anything it can be used for? There is nothing I dislike more that finding that an item which generates mass quantity has absolutely zero uses.

I do see one use - Mutagen. But I'm not doing bees. Because we're forced to make Plutonium to progress in Expert Mode, these Uranium Blocks are really piling up... should I just throw them away if they're as useless as they seem to be? I hate trashing stuff but I also hate storing useless stuff. A true Minecraft dilemma. LOL


Popular Member
Aug 24, 2013
So I'm up to 14 stacks of Uranium Blocks (ID 190:3)... what do I do with all of it? Is there anything it can be used for? There is nothing I dislike more that finding that an item which generates mass quantity has absolutely zero uses.

I do see one use - Mutagen. But I'm not doing bees. Because we're forced to make Plutonium to progress in Expert Mode, these Uranium Blocks are really piling up... should I just throw them away if they're as useless as they seem to be? I hate trashing stuff but I also hate storing useless stuff. A true Minecraft dilemma. LOL

I think once you get to big reactors in the pack, uranium is the same as yellorite, and can be used as fuel.

Sent from my igloo using Canadian Goose Mesenger


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aye, even outside Expert mode, its always a good idea to stockpile fissile material in modded Minecraft. Few things best uranium as a fuel, especially when you've got something like ReactorCraft, where uranium goes a long way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think once you get to big reactors in the pack, uranium is the same as yellorite, and can be used as fuel.

Ok that's good, even tho my quarry can easily keep up with my Yellorite usage right now. Its kind of ridiculous how many ores you can quarry and how few ingots the Turbines burn to generate the energy to run that quarry... to call it a "net positive" is quite the understatement. :)

Anyway, if you are correct about this, then Yellorite Blocks should unify with the IC2 Uranium Blocks in a Storage Drawer, so I will try next time I get on the server. If they unify back and forth with one another, then I'm gonna have a massive problem figuring out how/where/when/why to use up all this nuclear fuel... a nice problem to have, certainly, but a problem nonetheless...

Oh, while I'm on the subject of uranium... how come those Uranium Ingots from Advanced Solar Panels remain separate from the other uranium in the modpack? For balance I suppose? The only way I'm aware of to get the Irradiant Uranium Ingots for making Solar Panels is to Induction Smelt the IC2 Uranium Ores (with TE Cinnabar to get 3x as many). Seems to me that the Advanced Solar Uranium should unify with the IC2 Uranium 235/238 somehow, but it doesn't unless I've missed something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm up to 14 stacks of Uranium Blocks (ID 190:3)... what do I do with all of it? Is there anything it can be used for? There is nothing I dislike more that finding that an item which generates mass quantity has absolutely zero uses.

I do see one use - Mutagen. But I'm not doing bees. Because we're forced to make Plutonium to progress in Expert Mode, these Uranium Blocks are really piling up... should I just throw them away if they're as useless as they seem to be? I hate trashing stuff but I also hate storing useless stuff. A true Minecraft dilemma. LOL

You need uranium for a lot of important things. If you no longer require it for IC2 related uses, you will need quite a bit of it if you want to make anything that requires a quantum core. Things like aE2 controllers and quantum solar panels for instance.


I just downloaded the server zip and am wondering what the settings.bat/settings.sh do? I ran it (settings.sh on Ubuntu Server), but nothing happened. What are they supposed to do? Also, what order am I supposed to run the .sh files in?


Forum Addict
Team Member
Third Party Pack Admin
Nov 6, 2012
Just run the serverstart one. It runs setup as needed. Settings.sh is just some settings.
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How do you install galacticraft onto FTB infinity? Ive tried over and over and when i load the game it gives me some weird error. Is galacticraft compatible with FTB infinity?


How do you install galacticraft onto FTB infinity? Ive tried over and over and when i load the game it gives me some weird error. Is galacticraft compatible with FTB infinity?
@Vinman712 First try @jordsta95's suggestion. If it doesn't work, at least give a little more detail than "some weird error".


Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
How do you install galacticraft onto FTB infinity? Ive tried over and over and when i load the game it gives me some weird error. Is galacticraft compatible with FTB infinity?

1. FTB doesn't support and never has adding and removing mods from their packs.

2. However it is theoretically still possible and others have done it.

3. How posting the error so we can try and figure out your problem?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. FTB doesn't support and never has adding and removing mods from their packs.

Bullshit. See the little 'add mod' button...
