I got one as well, but I also am registered on Curse for the Mojang forums.
I never thought that it could be FtB related. Wouldn't Curse need the FtB user list if it is?
@Kaelten ^I'm also very interested in more info about what kind of API we can await, as well as a hint on when we can await it (before Curse launcher, after, 10years?)
.. there goes almost half of your player base.
As long as I'm able, I will be providing support for FTB users.hope there will still be support
It doesn't help anyone's case by making threats like this, same for the guy who says he and his two sons won't play anymore because it won't support his Linux system. Curse is a business, just like hosting companies are. The FTB team doesn't want the financial responsibility anymore so they've gone to Curse instead of, one possible potential, closing shop. It isn't feasible financially for Curse to develop a native client launcher for the <1% of people who would use a Linux launcher.
I'm not specifically referring to concurrency or technical limitations, I'm talking about the ability to press a single button and have it update all of the mods for a modpack, like how all pack launchers work currently. Whether the downloads happen in parallel or in series isn't really important, as long as the client has the ability to actually update the modpack as a whole. The Curse client currently doesn't allow this kind of functionality unless you pay, and this is what I'm trying to clarify the workings of.
Perhaps you haven't gotten to answering my questions about the API, but I'm still wondering about that as well since it was one of the main selling points originally.
While I'm at it perhaps I should just throw this out there too, because I know there are people who are wondering but nobody seems to have asked. With LexManos also being hired, is part of Curse's aim to have their own modified version of Forge? I guess the concern people have is that CPW has quit the community, leaving Lex as essentially the sole developer of Forge, who is now also working with Curse. I'm not entirely concerned since it's open-source and there's more than enough talent in the community to develop it further, but I figure we should just clear it up one way or the other.
What i a wondering about is how support for severs will be.
All talk i see here is focussed around clients.
But what i really like about te FTB launher is that i could just click te download server button, plonk it on my Linux server and run it.
With te way curse works i'm not seeing this is going to be the same in that future.
I wouldn't like it if i had to build my own server from scratch every time there is an update.
How will this effect the ability of users to customize their mod list to suit their play-style or as in my case computers capabilities.
The current launcher makes it very easy to remove and add mods from different packs with most of the packs already including the configs for most or all of the mods, and it was my understanding the V2 launcher was going to make it even easier. A Build your own FTB pack option or something if I remember right.
Meaning the new launcher should be able to add and remove mods from different packs, at the very least.
And I haven't seen this anywhere official, but it seems to me as if Curse is trying to build a universal open pack creation system. Any mod going on CurseForge must give permission to be used in packs, which gives Curse the ability to allow users to easily create modpacks out of the mods on CurseForge. However, since it's me thinking that, and not me quoting someone else thinking that... I probably got something wrong![]()
Completely coincidental. We don't have access to the web servers or even the forum control panel.Got spam e-mail for Curse Premium for the first time ever. Surely this is just a coincidence?
My serious question here is pretaining to server owners. I'm a back end Systems Administrator for a large Server Hosting company, we provide various different installations of FTB. Its extremely easy to download and setup the servers through feed-the-beast.com. What will happen now? All of my servers use linux debian 7 wheezy. If there is no native support for downloading the server files directly.. dear lord.. there goes almost half of your player base. Because almost all FTB servers run Linux, not that windows crap. So my question is. Will at least server files be provided as a pack download from the website, so it's just an apt-get away?
It doesn't help anyone's case by making threats like this, same for the guy who says he and his two sons won't play anymore because it won't support his Linux system. Curse is a business, just like hosting companies are. The FTB team doesn't want the financial responsibility anymore so they've gone to Curse instead of, one possible potential, closing shop. It isn't feasible financially for Curse to develop a native client launcher for the <1% of people who would use a Linux launcher.
I'll share API details when I have them.![]()
But as mentioned, we're still a long way from hammering out all the details.
And no Curse isn't buying Forge. Just as they didn't buy the Ace Project for WoW from me when they hired me or bought my website.
Completely coincidental. We don't have access to the web servers or even the forum control panel.
Honestly when I wrote that, it came right after a stint of staying up 24 hours working on two backend systems we had to move from one EU company to another. Of course it gave me hell and I ended up having to completely start over from scratch.. twice, lol. But the fact of the matter stands, most people who operate servers, even if they don't know it. Are running on a linux backend. So even though the amount of users who download through linux are small, they generally service more people who DO use windows and other OS's. So if theirs no linux support for downloading the files needed to create the servers, I was just making a point, most of your Windows users will disappear over a couple months time. Because without the servers there, people don't really want to play, unless its with there friends. Its not really a threat, its more of just providing more information to the cause. Being I'm a server provider, I think I have pretty good experience on the backend of a hosting company.Whoa, whoa, whoa. No one is making any threats. Kaelten asked for reasons why they (Curse) should support Linux. My argument (based on my own personal experience) was that each Linux user might represent multiple Windows users. In other words, while the number of Linux users may be small, there might be a disproportionate effect on the total number players if they leave. I admitted I had no data to back this up, other than my anecdote.
Godleydemon has presented another ancedote to back that up (with a bit of hyperbole, maybe, but there is a distinct lack of hard data here, so who knows?).
And really this all comes down to money, right. Curse thinks they can make a buck of of this FTB thing. If supporting Linux isn't financially viable, I guess I get that on a certain level. I am merely pointing out two things:
1. It has been said that launcher functionality will only increase due to this deal. Dropping Linux and/or OSX makes that statement untrue, and makes the community skeptical, especially early in the relationship.
2. It may actually be in Curse's best interest to support Linux due to a hidden multiplier effect.
I am not having a temper tantrum. I do not feel entitled to FTB, the launcher, or anything. I am just bringing up two points for consideration by Curse and the community.
Well I'm not asking if Curse bought Forge, since that would be pretty impossible. I'm just asking if Curse aims to have a custom version, or similarly, if changes will be added to the primary Forge release to cooperate with Curse's new system.
And I feel like this is the third time I've asked, but we never got a concrete answer on whether modpacks will be distributed and updated as a whole, and not require premium to do so.
Meaning the new launcher should be able to add and remove mods from different packs, at the very least.
And I haven't seen this anywhere official, but it seems to me as if Curse is trying to build a universal open pack creation system. Any mod going on CurseForge must give permission to be used in packs, which gives Curse the ability to allow users to easily create modpacks out of the mods on CurseForge. However, since it's me thinking that, and not me quoting someone else thinking that... I probably got something wrong![]()
You're actually pretty spot on.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. No one is making any threats. Kaelten asked for reasons why they (Curse) should support Linux. My argument (based on my own personal experience) was that each Linux user might represent multiple Windows users. In other words, while the number of Linux users may be small, there might be a disproportionate effect on the total number players if they leave. I admitted I had no data to back this up, other than my anecdote.
Godleydemon has presented another ancedote to back that up (with a bit of hyperbole, maybe, but there is a distinct lack of hard data here, so who knows?).
And really this all comes down to money, right. Curse thinks they can make a buck of of this FTB thing. If supporting Linux isn't financially viable, I guess I get that on a certain level. I am merely pointing out two things:
1. It has been said that launcher functionality will only increase due to this deal. Dropping Linux and/or OSX makes that statement untrue, and makes the community skeptical, especially early in the relationship.
2. It may actually be in Curse's best interest to support Linux due to a hidden multiplier effect.
I am not having a temper tantrum. I do not feel entitled to FTB, the launcher, or anything. I am just bringing up two points for consideration by Curse and the community.
I chuckled at this part. Of course it has the potential to blow up in our faces. Everything in life worth doing has risks. Hang back and see how it goes. I promise if needed I will track @Kaelten down and bop him. Slow will do the British growling thing but I will go full on Texan on him if I have to. Especially if he starts messing with my babies![]()