FTB - Curse Update

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Forgive me if this was answered already, but I went back through the thread and didn't see it mentioned, and am curious about a couple of things.

First, we know that Curse needs various features that they can reserve for premium use, and from the way I understand it one of those things is limiting the number of mods you can update at one time. Somebody in this topic even mentioned that. I'm curious how exactly this works with the concept of a modpack, though. Modpacks are treated as a single entity, and use their own version numbers as certain groups of mods are updated. I think it would be havoc if the Curse client would only allow people to update mods individually if they weren't on Premium, and were actually allowed to run their games this way without fully updating the pack. Slowpoke said in the main post that bandwidth isn't going to be limited, but that doesn't imply that downloads won't be limited, so I think it's important to clarify how this system will work with modpacks involved.

There are various reasons why the concurrency was limited, on mac for example it's actually a technical limitation with the Cocoa APIs for file downloads. What I expect you'll find is that with our new infrastructure we will have and a lack of download speed is that you'll be able to max out most connections even with a few concurrent downloads.

This is supposed to be the platform that modders will use in the long-term, so I think that knowing how this will work in the long-term are the kinds of answers we need to know.

EDIT: I don't want my rather blunt questioning to imply that I'm mad or anything, I just genuinely want to know what this all means for people. If this system works as well as everyone hopes, then I actually get a benefit out of it. Currently I don't get anything from having mods in modpacks, but through Curse I would/do. I can't complain about that aspect, and hope this platform can be a good thing for modders as well as users under the right circumstances.

Our goal is to improve everyones experience, modders and users alike. Working together I think we can do that.

After reading through this and hearing that Curse is working on mac support. I kinda find that hard to believe. Considering that Curse dropped support of the mac client last year, i find it really hard to believe that its being worked on again since it was left in the alpha stage and never touched again. Hell even the client download page blatantly states that the Mac Client is unsupported. I know that some of the devs and staff at Curse use macs but still, to say your going to work on it again later this year after saying that support was dropped 8 months ago via curse news. This news strikes me as hrm, should i trust that curse is going to follow through and recreate a mac client and maybe down the line a linux client. Im not so sure about that.

I was actually the author of the original Mac client, so believe me when I say that dropping official support for it was hard on me too. With that version of the Mac client, we didn't have a big enough user base to justify continued work on it, and I had to move on to solving our infrastructure issues. It is still a functional app, admittedly with some bugs, but I use it myself when I go play WoW. That being said, the market has changed. The two major factors that will have us back with a brand new Client for OS X are Minecraft support and CurseVoice. With this we plan to update WoW support for Mac users as well. Personally I'm very excited. :)
It was mentioned that ads could be added to the launcher in the future, and I doubt Curse would want to freely allow other launchers to exist which would take away from that income while still taking advantage of their services. I'm also curious when exactly this API, if it's developed, would become available after the launch of this new client.

We won't have ads in the client, but there may be sponsorships much like the existing FTB Launcher has for CreeperHost and GameVox.
There are various reasons why the concurrency was limited, on mac for example it's actually a technical limitation with the Cocoa APIs for file downloads. What I expect you'll find is that with our new infrastructure we will have and a lack of download speed is that you'll be able to max out most connections even with a few concurrent downloads.

I'm not specifically referring to concurrency or technical limitations, I'm talking about the ability to press a single button and have it update all of the mods for a modpack, like how all pack launchers work currently. Whether the downloads happen in parallel or in series isn't really important, as long as the client has the ability to actually update the modpack as a whole. The Curse client currently doesn't allow this kind of functionality unless you pay, and this is what I'm trying to clarify the workings of.

Perhaps you haven't gotten to answering my questions about the API, but I'm still wondering about that as well since it was one of the main selling points originally.

While I'm at it perhaps I should just throw this out there too, because I know there are people who are wondering but nobody seems to have asked. With LexManos also being hired, is part of Curse's aim to have their own modified version of Forge? I guess the concern people have is that CPW has quit the community, leaving Lex as essentially the sole developer of Forge, who is now also working with Curse. I'm not entirely concerned since it's open-source and there's more than enough talent in the community to develop it further, but I figure we should just clear it up one way or the other.
Perhaps you haven't gotten to answering my questions about the API, but I'm still wondering about that as well since it was one of the main selling points originally.
I'm also very interested in more info about what kind of API we can await, as well as a hint on when we can await it (before Curse launcher, after, 10years?)
This sounds a lot better than the last news we got on the subject, I'm glad things are clearer now.

I also appreciate how calm and helpful @Kaelten has been on the subject, it certainly makes my moderating job a lot easier. Thanks! :)
What i a wondering about is how support for severs will be.
All talk i see here is focussed around clients.
But what i really like about te FTB launher is that i could just click te download server button, plonk it on my Linux server and run it.

With te way curse works i'm not seeing this is going to be the same in that future.
I wouldn't like it if i had to build my own server from scratch every time there is an update.
FTB rose from an already amazing modding community.
If you're talking about the modders, MCP, Forge, Modjam, etc. then absolutely yes. But to be perfectly honest I don't see what's so great about the wider "community". Yes there are some great people here, a lot of great people, but there's also a lot of "you should be giving me even more free stuff than you already are", and a lot of "you are wrong because I disagree with you, and you should shut up or else I might not get what I want". Maybe I'm just forgetting what it's like to be a "youth", my rants and tantrums never had the chance to be broadcast around the world.
Does this mean an end to mod developers not allowing certain mods because they don't like other developers? i.e. Forestry and Optifine?
Does this mean an end to mod developers not allowing certain mods because they don't like other developers? i.e. Forestry and Optifine?

I dunno, it's a tricky area. Mojang's supposed to update their terms sometime soon, which could potentially either officially allow or deny the ability to have pack permissions, who knows. It might also finally address the ability to use ads or other indirect ways of making money, which could potentially even affect earning Curse points for all I know. I just hope they finally clarify these things.

But that aside, I guess Curse would have to put something in their own terms to state that by putting a mod on their site that you allow it to be put into any modpack through their service, otherwise they'd have to deal with a bunch of extra aggravation. Not having such terms would make it even further complicated down the road, like if other launchers could use Curse's API, and a modder didn't want their mod used by that specific group or something. Tis probably something else that we should hear the official word on from Curse.
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Wait it installs the mods into the main minecraft folder doesthat mean that i will then be unable to launch vanilla?
Wait it installs the mods into the main minecraft folder doesthat mean that i will then be unable to launch vanilla?
No, because vanilla doesn't look in the main minecraft folder for mods.
You really need to understand how the new vanilla launcher manages profiles to understand how this works, which I freely admit I don't really understand it very well either.
The contents and building of the mod packs will stay 100% in the hands of the FTB team.

How will this effect the ability of users to customize their mod list to suit their play-style or as in my case computers capabilities.
The current launcher makes it very easy to remove and add mods from different packs with most of the packs already including the configs for most or all of the mods, and it was my understanding the V2 launcher was going to make it even easier. A Build your own FTB pack option or something if I remember right.
How will this effect the ability of users to customize their mod list to suit their play-style or as in my case computers capabilities.
The current launcher makes it very easy to remove and add mods from different packs with most of the packs already including the configs for most or all of the mods, and it was my understanding the V2 launcher was going to make it even easier. A Build your own FTB pack option or something if I remember right.
Captainnana said:
we are waiting for feature parity with the current FTB Launcher ... before we can switch to it.

Meaning the new launcher should be able to add and remove mods from different packs, at the very least.

And I haven't seen this anywhere official, but it seems to me as if Curse is trying to build a universal open pack creation system. Any mod going on CurseForge must give permission to be used in packs, which gives Curse the ability to allow users to easily create modpacks out of the mods on CurseForge. However, since it's me thinking that, and not me quoting someone else thinking that... I probably got something wrong :p