FTB Beyond Release

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Just updated FTB Beyond to the newest version and it crashed while trying to start up. Seems that there's a problem with Malisis' Doors but I'm not sure how to fix it. Should I just remove the mod? Here's what it says the error was:
"The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
The game crashed whilst there was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail
Error: net.minecraftforge.fml.common.LoaderExceptionModCrash: Caught exception from MalisisDoors (malisisdoors)"
Please help :p
First I apologize if this has been asked & answered or discussed...

I'm working on my own modpack and saw how Beyond was set up and have some questions:
1. Unidict: Duplicate ores are disabled via JEI & controlled via CoFH. Is Unidict "unifying" the resulting ingots? Wouldn't CraftTweaker + ModTweaker be able to do the same?
2. Simpleretrogen: CoFH has retrogen, what role does it/will it play?

It's been a bit of a journey figuring out how to cleanly deal with duplicate ores/ingots (disable unwanted ore gen + have retrogen capability + have "Copper Ingot" work for all mods that use it + hide all the now unwanted results from JEI/NEI). Going through the configs for Beyond has helped me out tremendously with figuring out how to do it. Thanks in advance!
@Reciprocity CraftTweaker is more for taking care of putting compatible ingots from each mod into the ore dictionary so that all can be used for crafting. For example IC2 has copper and so does COFH and other mods. But it doesn't take care of ore generation issues. The usual solution for ore generation is to disable each mods ore generation in the config files then use COFH core to do all ore generation included other mods ore generation. So for example if you wanted only the IC2 copper to be in ore spawn you would disable both COFH's and IC2's in their config files. Then use the COFH confg files to spawn in the only the IC2 version.

after several days of fighting bugs and installing the pag new several times I hope that the eater week end will let me play.

1. I have had problems with Canola/Cristalized Seeds. I had a setup with X-Net to automate the entire production but sometimes the dropper dropped to much seeds and my server crashed due to too much enteties. I fixed it by seting it up again and failsave with EnderIO conduits. But still my server crashes after some hours of running it... Very strange. If I stand next to it afk for 3 hours nothing happened. After one night running with me logged of... I enter the server and get a TimeOut.. I solve this problem with the command /kill @e...

2. EnderIO item Conduits seems to get stuck. I have my ore Processing setup that the EnderIO Conduits suck out the items and put them into a AE2 Interface. This works perfectly but sometimes it stops exporting out of the machines for some reason. Solution is to simply unconect and reconect some of the conduits in the line of the conduits with a wrench and it working again.

3. Updating the server to 1.5.1 gives me a error that some essencial liberie is missing... well not to bad I can wait until the next version but seems like a error on the side of the pack. I did everything as normaly and even updated pack to 1.4.2 without problem. Also I did redownload the server files so make sure that I got all.

4. Now this is not a bug its a How do you guys do it :)
I decided to go with AE2 this time... I´m sometimes thinking to switch to the AE1 Mod thing but for now I will stay with AE2.
So how do you organize your storage. I would like to not use Drawers. Quantum storage for the items that are a lot but how do you manage overflow? 4k or 16k for "trash items" that you do not have a lot of.
Orechide seems to be an elf tech so that would take a while I think the blood magic ritual so far is my best bet as I'll be working on blood magic the next few episodes anyway to get to tier 3.
just to be clear t3 is the ritual that acts like a quarry , t5 is the ore conjurer i mentioned
just to be clear t3 is the ritual that acts like a quarry , t5 is the ore conjurer i mentioned
Yeah I know I'll have tier 3 in the next 2 episodes. I am doing self altar at my base camp and when I build the blood area i'll be getting mob spawned life collection start so the tier 3 will work for now and I can push for the other for a like end game type deal.
@hope Post bug/crash reports in the tech support section. Also make sure you aren't running any mods known to cause issues, like optifine.
How am I supposed to harvest Agricraft Pumpkin Seeds?
I got my 10/10/10 now but I can´t find any machine to harvest this.
Ender IO Farming = does not respect the Crop Sticks
Botania = not harvesting this...
Actually Addition = not harvesting...

What is left? Mechanical User would work buy I assume this gets laggy.

I want to set this up for IE Distillation and Energy Production
How am I supposed to harvest Agricraft Pumpkin Seeds?
I got my 10/10/10 now but I can´t find any machine to harvest this.
Ender IO Farming = does not respect the Crop Sticks
Botania = not harvesting this...
Actually Addition = not harvesting...

What is left? Mechanical User would work buy I assume this gets laggy.

I want to set this up for IE Distillation and Energy Production
did you try IC2 farming with AC crops?
O dos not... Hoped to not having setup ic2 just for farming

Enviado desde mi Aquaris X5 Plus mediante Tapatalk
Mhh...is it Safe to turn on the Wordgen of Basalt and Alabaster from Environmental Tech? I dont know why it is disable
has only one gotten mica yet been playing for like a week with void miner it on at all time havent found ONE, need it to make tier 3
I have mica(resource from enviro mental Tech) un 15 minutes I got 2.
You need a resource miner not a ore miner :)

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