FTB Beyond Release

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Is there any dev blog or change logs or anywhere I could look to see if a version fixes current issues or if it is suitable to upgrade.

My server is currently in 1.3.0 because for a few hours that was the recommended version and I happened to upgrade it then...

I'm not sure if it's a good Idea to upgrade to 1.4.2 right now or if I should wait in that weird not so stable intermediate version that is 1.3.0 ?

Flux Networks is not working in 1.4.2 (crashes the game if you try to interact with the blocks), so you should probably wait for the next patch.
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If you upgrade to 1.4.2, then upgrade to the newest flux networks mod version and you should be good to go.

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Ok, not gonna lie, the Rainbow Generator is just stupidly overpowered. 25M rf/t, is there anything that comes even close? (Does anyone know how much a max size Extreme Reactor / Turbine produces? Haven't built one jet.)
Don´t think so. Only thing that I can think of would be the Draconic Revolution Reactor. That is in Beyond with the latest Patch. But I do not have any numbers about it.
In 1.7 it was quiet op but no clue if numbers were adapted in 1.10 Wikis and stuff seems not be updated yet.
Ok, not gonna lie, the Rainbow Generator is just stupidly overpowered. 25M rf/t, is there anything that comes even close? (Does anyone know how much a max size Extreme Reactor / Turbine produces? Haven't built one jet.)
I'm always hesitant to use the word "Overpowered". Given the amount of infrastructure you need to set that up (not ridiculous, but not exactly minimal either) plus the fact that you still have to practically get that power OUT again, I'd say its really not that unreasonable. But, that's really personal opinion at that point. But surely, eventually, it would be nice to be able to not worry about power and just get on with stuff? Plus its a lot more interesting than massive banks of solar panels. Prettier too ;)
I'm always hesitant to use the word "Overpowered". Given the amount of infrastructure you need to set that up (not ridiculous, but not exactly minimal either) plus the fact that you still have to practically get that power OUT again, I'd say its really not that unreasonable. But, that's really personal opinion at that point. But surely, eventually, it would be nice to be able to not worry about power and just get on with stuff? Plus its a lot more interesting than massive banks of solar panels. Prettier too ;)
But it's so easy to set up, I haven't even automated most things, for most generators it's enough to put in one stack of items and it lasts for hours... (exceptions are Potion Generator, super easy to automate with EnderIO tanks, Overclocked Generator, just feed it tons of Tiny Coal, and Pink Generator, all you need is a chest with Pink Stained Glass Panes). Solar panels are so much harder to get compared to this and still produce way less. I think the Draconic Evolution Reactor can also only produce ~1M rf/t, and it will blow up your whole base if you do something wrong...
So yes, the Rainbow Generator is quite overpowered, I think it should produce way less (like 100k rf/t), especially since once you've automated all the other generators it's super easy to scale it up for more Rainbow Generators.
I'll put the same arguement I put every time the "something is op" discussion comes up... op is 100% in the eye of the beholder. For someone who decides "hey... I wanna see if I can fill a t8 energy orb (which I consider op) how many generators can I use?" The 25m/t is less op to them. And as I stated t8 is beyond ridiculous in an op sense to me. I rarely see changing numbers around as necessary. Also if it bothers you I'm sure there is a config for that
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Hey I'm still LPing an all magic run and looking for some magic quarrying ideas. Any suggested would be welcome. I already know about the Blood Magic ritual does anyone know of any other magic ore mining ways. I am drawing a blank.
Hey I'm still LPing an all magic run and looking for some magic quarrying ideas. Any suggested would be welcome. I already know about the Blood Magic ritual does anyone know of any other magic ore mining ways. I am drawing a blank.
If you just want the ores: Botania has a flower called Orechid that'll produce ores in stone around it. Combine it with a stone generator and you'll get unlimited ores.
If you just want the ores: Botania has a flower called Orechid that'll produce ores in stone around it. Combine it with a stone generator and you'll get unlimited ores.
Is the orechid in the pack. I thought it was only GOG Botania? I'll check it out after my editing is done.
orechid in the pack. I thought it was only GOG Botania?
All GoG mode does to it is: vastly slash its running costs and spike production rate and make the recipe for it much cheaper by default

the fallen tower ritual from bloodmagic also gets you ore but unlike the the other mining ritual this one conjures the ore , u just need something difficult(+ maybe blast proof) to mine several(10-14?)spots above the master ritualstone or the ritual will cause its own destruction (10m lp + the sacrifice(iron block gold block, diamond block(1.10+ only else its a single diamond)to activate using the awakened crystal)the ritual will cause its "effect " then shutoff ,tip:run away from the master ritual stone after this ritual is activated else it will probably cause your death.
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Orechide seems to be an elf tech so that would take a while I think the blood magic ritual so far is my best bet as I'll be working on blood magic the next few episodes anyway to get to tier 3.
Suggestion config change for the modpack. In refinedstorage.cfg change

The default setting makes it overwhelming when going through refine storage's grid inventory. This'll compact it down to 8 rows max, making it easier.
Suggestion config change for the modpack. In refinedstorage.cfg change

The default setting makes it overwhelming when going through refine storage's grid inventory. This'll compact it down to 8 rows max, making it easier.
you can just search for what you want??
Attempting to upgrade from 1.41 to 1.5.1, getting the following missing upon first launch:


The EnderIO stuff is most concerning.. I've tried removing everything except for my world and backups directories.

Edit: just realized that I was confusing EnderIO 'fluid redstone' with Thermal Foundation's Destabilized Redstone. Confirmed the issues and I'm back running without issue. Really glad that the bed issue has been fixed!
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