We are very pleased to officially announce the release of FTB Beyond.
FTB Beyond is the latest iteration of our kitchen sink packs, being the minecraft 1.10 upgrade to FTB Infinity. But it's no ordinary kitchen sink pack, we've tweaked and customized it into the classic FTB experience you know and love.
Starting off, we have the latest version of FTB Utils.
A revamped team GUI.

Chunk claiming and server leaderboards

We've completely redone ore generation.

- AE2 meteors disabled
- AE2 grinder ore double chance changed from 90% to 75%
- Extreme Reactors fuel usage multiplier changed from 1 to 8
- Extreme Reactors charcoal not smeltable into graphite
- Extreme Reactors yellorite smelting to uranium disabled
- Extreme Reactors requires hardened or reinforced glass instead of plain glass
- Agricraft ore plants disabled
- Agricraft weed spawn chance changed from 15% to 5%
- Aroma's Mining World disabled grass on top
- Aroma's Mining World regular day cycle enabled
- COFH Core flat bedrock enabled
- Environmental Tech per cell base rate changed from 80 to 72
- Forestry disabled crafting of bronze
- Forestry farms use a square layout
- Railcraft disabled world anchors
- Techreborn disable railcraft's iron nugget to steel nugget recipe
- Techreborn disable gem tools and armor
- Chest Transporter disable all transporters below diamond from moving spawners
- Enderstorage change chest size from 3x9 to 6x9
- Morpheus sleep percentage changed from 50% to 25%
- Project Red minimum timer ticks changed from 4 to 20
- Project Red volcano generation disabled
- Quark colored beds disabled
- Quark varied bookshelves disabled
- Quark varied chests disabled
- Quark varied trapdoors disabled
- Quark chest buttons disabled
- Quark inventor sorting disabled
- Quark store to chests disabled
- Quark armed armor stands disabled
- Quark chickens shed feathers disabled
- Quark convert clay blocks to clay disabled
- Quark creepers turn red when exploding disabled
- Quark deploy ladders down disabled
- Quark endermen teleport you to them if you're in a 2 high area disabled
- Quark glass shards disabled
- Quark greener grass disabled
- Quark sheep have armor while wearing wool disabled
- Quark stair crafting makes more disabled
- Quark better vanilla textures disabled
- Quark panorama maker disabled
- Quark sit in stairs disabled
- Quark blazes spawn naturally in nether disabled
- Quark generate clay underground like dirt disabled
- Quark basalt disabled
- Quark biotite disabled
- Quark guardiands spawn in oceans disabled
- Quark pirate ships disabled
- Quark wraiths disabled
- Translocator crafting grid disabled
- Actually Additions experience solidifier disabled
- Actually Additions black quartz generation disabled
- Actually Additions lush caves disabled
- Chisel bricks to mossy disabled
- Darkutils portal charm disabled
- Darkutils sleep charm disabled
- Darkutils ender tether affects players disabled
- Darkutils portal charm disabled
- Gravestones death note disabled
- MFFS chunkloader disabled
- Multistorage linked ender chests disabled
- Ranged Pumps use 1000 energy per block instead of 0
- Steves Carts chunk loaders disabled
- SuperCraftingFrame teleportation frame max distance changed from infinite to 128
- TheOneProbe only needs probe item for extended info
- Torch Master mega torch changed from 32 to 64
- Removed solar flux reborn conduits
- Add AE2 press recipes
- Add AE2 skystone recipe
- Remove ExU2 sickles
- Removed flux storage blocks
- Make ExU2 angel rings more expensive
- Removed mob grinding utils iron spikes
- Make DSU recipe more expensive
- Make long fall boots more expensive
- Remove multistorage enderbags
- Make PSI programmer and assembler more expensive
Get the pack now on the Curse app as well as the FTB launcher.
We will start working on expert mode in the next few weeks.
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