FTB Beyond Release

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I've been a fan of the FTB packs for quite some time now, and I've been looking forward to this pack's release. I'm loving it so far, however, it is a tad bit disappointing that the old Thermal Expansion Itemducts and Fluxducts are not included. Is there a reason for this? Or is it mod developer side issue?

I was just wondering, thanks in advance ;)

To be more thorough Thermal Expansion has been split into 3 separate mods... Foundation, Expansion and Dynamics. Foundation and Expansion are in Beyond, with Dynamics (including Tanks and Piping) to be added after a few minor bugs are fixed.
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CHUNK LOADING! What in the world is going on here..? The FTB Utilities Map Claiming/Loading is not working at all for me....I tried to craft the Extra Utils 2 "Chunk Loading Ward" ...won't let me craft that...please help a dude out lol What configs do I need to change for the FTBUtilities to work like it used to..or how do I craft the damn Chunk Loading Ward ??? :(
you have to join a team even in single player before you can claim and load chunks. Don't know why maybe config option selected wrong.
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2 very quick questions:

1) I understand BoP isn't included - fine with that as I've heard vanilla 1.10 has plenty of biomes. However after exploring a good hour's worth, I have yet to see much diversity(?) Am I just unlucky or did I miss something when configuring my world generation - specifically was trying to find a mesa and couldn't find one. I read somewhere else that forestry might have some biome locator, but I haven't delved too much into that mod yet.

2) I am fairly sure Twilight Forest is not going to be added to 1.10 based on what others have posted - I do little-to-no following of the devs (I just play the packs as they release). Someone here suggested the Betweenlands as a good substitute. Sure enough I saw they have a 1.10 version. Suffice it to say, I've never added mods outside the ftb packs - is it as simple as dragging the mod into the mods folder and no other changes necessary? My wife loves exploration-based mods and without Twilight forest, witchery, runic dungeons, etc. I'm afraid this pack just might bore her haha. Here's hoping thaumcraft does get added - those helpful golems really made our base come alive.

Thanks guys, having fun with the pack so far
in the lasso for the the chunk loading ward u need a villager that has accepted an ex2 contract from u , a villager that has not accepted a contract will not work for crafting the ward .
this applies to u2 @Henry Link
Yes Sir... I did all of that before I posted to make sure I can covered my own butt.. I just forgot to mention it on my original text. Other than that .. and it still not crafting .. any other suggestions ?
Yes Sir... I did all of that before I posted to make sure I can covered my own butt.. I just forgot to mention it on my original text. Other than that .. and it still not crafting .. any other suggestions ?
ALL other chunk loading methods were disabled by the FTB team. This includes the chunk loading ward. The only way to get it back is to disable their changes. Most of which are done in modpack/normal/scripts/normal.zs if I remember the path correctly. The server operator must make the change unless you are playing SP. The clients don't need to match the server for this.
ALL other chunk loading methods were disabled by the FTB team. This includes the chunk loading ward. The only way to get it back is to disable their changes. Most of which are done in modpack/normal/scripts/normal.zs if I remember the path correctly. The server operator must make the change unless you are playing SP. The clients don't need to match the server for this.
Mr. Henry, you just made my day...I mean I haven't tried it yet, I will afterwork, but you sounded confident! I'll mess around with those configs this evening and if they work, that should definitely be something that is spread around the FTB Beyond Community. ( Or maybe everyone else knows and I'm just retarded ). Thanks again for the suggestion Mr. Henry
Mr. Henry, you just made my day...I mean I haven't tried it yet, I will afterwork, but you sounded confident! I'll mess around with those configs this evening and if they work, that should definitely be something that is spread around the FTB Beyond Community. ( Or maybe everyone else knows and I'm just retarded ). Thanks again for the suggestion Mr. Henry
You can disable a line in that file by just puttting a # symbol in front of the line to comment out that change. Also for that script file you can edit while in game the use /mt reload to get the edits loaded in live.
If you have issues with the chunk loading create an issue in the bug forum. That way you can be sure the pack Dev knows about it.
You can disable a line in that file by just puttting a # symbol in front of the line to comment out that change. Also for that script file you can edit while in game the use /mt reload to get the edits loaded in live.
Noice! Thanks for the additional details. I'll let you know the results this evening :)
There is another mod that does similar things as Carpenters Blocks... just type @Arch in JEI and you will see the workbench you need to make..It's pretty legit.

I discovered this mod the other day... My Beyond house is the first one ever that I would acctualy be proud of posting somewere thanks to this mod.
Colums + arches. And that for people like me that are on a creativity ranking from 1 to 10 some were around -300 :D
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Why i can`t craft Sunnarium Alloy? I love Advance Solar Panel :D Please check this problem :)
Mekanism was in FTB Infinity Lite 1.10, Biomes O' Plenty was removed early on due to the severe lack of configuration options / lack of documentation for the way configuring biome features now worked. Ars Magica was added but we found there to be a lot of FPS issues with the initial starting items. Therefore we removed it. However, depending on the mods stability in the future it could come back. No promises though.

As mentioned above, the lack of configuration was an immediate pull. Besides, vanilla has like 70 biomes itself now :)

Quite Simply, far too OP and would cause a lot of lag with people having tons of farms everywhere with constant growth ticks.

The idea with Beyond is to give the most varied experience possible and so we've included both because despite being similar they have their differences. :)
On the topic of BoP:

It doesn't have a lack of configuration, however the configuration is indeed way under-documented.
A lot of the configuration actually happens on creating a world of the BoP world type.

It seems like I was the only one interested in writing functionality for auto-generating default per-biome configs, but I haven't had and won't, in the near future, have any time to do so. Should I contact you whenever Adubz or I have finished this?
A few things for me the FTB chunk loading works loads better then the others ones and I can see only one reason to want the other unlocked and that is if you need more chunks loaded then the max which leads to the question of "can your pc handle that many loading. I personally have never needed more then the amount given. If you can't chunk load make sure you have joined a team. If you haven';t that is why it isn't doing it. As I remember if you try to use it with out a team doesn't it give a pop up. BOp causes why to much lag and those stupid poison ivy bushes everywhere are just stupid and serve no use other then annoy people. I think most people liked it cause it spawn in locations that spawned in rare resources or stuff so you didn't have to travel straight the the nether or the like. Last if you really need a mesa for your set up and play through you and switch the world gen type to Custom and click the customize button. There on the 2nd row 2nd from the bottom you will find the Biome slider. Just more it over to Mesa or mesa Plat and it will spawn in mesa at spawn for you to play with. You can basically start with any biome type you like with out all the hours of hunting. :) Cheers!
A few things for me the FTB chunk loading works loads better then the others ones and I can see only one reason to want the other unlocked and that is if you need more chunks loaded then the max which leads to the question of "can your pc handle that many loading. I personally have never needed more then the amount given. If you can't chunk load make sure you have joined a team. If you haven';t that is why it isn't doing it. As I remember if you try to use it with out a team doesn't it give a pop up. BOp causes why to much lag and those stupid poison ivy bushes everywhere are just stupid and serve no use other then annoy people. I think most people liked it cause it spawn in locations that spawned in rare resources or stuff so you didn't have to travel straight the the nether or the like. Last if you really need a mesa for your set up and play through you and switch the world gen type to Custom and click the customize button. There on the 2nd row 2nd from the bottom you will find the Biome slider. Just more it over to Mesa or mesa Plat and it will spawn in mesa at spawn for you to play with. You can basically start with any biome type you like with out all the hours of hunting. :) Cheers!
I agree Mr. Magzie... FTB Utilities Chunk Loading works way mo betta than the rest, much more simple. Yes I am part of a team lol I'm not THAT much of a noob, but hey I understand, if we didn't check basics first , then what the hell are we doing with our lives. As far as the amount of chunks I need to load..absolutely I would never need that many...but as of right now..I can load zero :(
Is there any way to find environmental tech blocks like basalt in world gen. Because i cant find any and the only way i see to get it is with the void miner but you need basalt for the stucture.
Is there any way to find environmental tech blocks like basalt in world gen. Because i cant find any and the only way i see to get it is with the void miner but you need basalt for the stucture.
I believe it's either craftable or ore dictionary compatible with chisel basalt.