FTB Beyond Release

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Do you know any way to ore dictionary in the pack then i tried to craft it with chisel basalt but didnt work
That mod has a resource spawning machine. You have to build it and run it to progress through the mod. So of the resources that it spawns is the only way to get them.
Mr. Henry, you just made my day...I mean I haven't tried it yet, I will afterwork, but you sounded confident! I'll mess around with those configs this evening and if they work, that should definitely be something that is spread around the FTB Beyond Community. ( Or maybe everyone else knows and I'm just retarded ). Thanks again for the suggestion Mr. Henry
Mr. Henry...!
I got home..and explored the FTBBeyond/local/ftbu folder... there is a HTML File called "all configs" here that I opened up with my Browser (firefox). it gives me this nice spreadsheed as to what is default when it comes to the chunks being unloaded when the player is offline. From the looks of things this is indeed the case..however, when I open it up with word to attempt to edit it..man it's chaos in there lol . It's definitely what i need to edit to fix the chunk loading issue ..I just am not sure on proper syntax when it comes to changing it. Could you have a look ? or @tfox83
Mr. Henry...!
I got home..and explored the FTBBeyond/local/ftbu folder... there is a HTML File called "all configs" here that I opened up with my Browser (firefox). it gives me this nice spreadsheed as to what is default when it comes to the chunks being unloaded when the player is offline. From the looks of things this is indeed the case..however, when I open it up with word to attempt to edit it..man it's chaos in there lol . It's definitely what i need to edit to fix the chunk loading issue ..I just am not sure on proper syntax when it comes to changing it. Could you have a look ? or @tfox83
Sidenote * I edited the "allconfigs" HTML\ftbu.chunkloader.offline_timer" the way I think it would work..saved..and as soon as I restarted the server..it reverted back to default :(
Biomes O' Plenty was removed early on due to the severe lack of configuration options / lack of documentation for the way configuring biome features now worked.
As mentioned above, the lack of configuration was an immediate pull. Besides, vanilla has like 70 biomes itself now :)

For me personally, I don't use the BoP configs directly. I was using RTG and Climate Control on the server, which can be added server-side only, and they use the BoP biomes no problem, with all the config options you could want. But BoP still needs to be installed to use them, and it has to be on the clients as well as the server. At which point players can't just install FTB Beyond, you have to walk them through either modifying their pack, or installing a custom pack.

As for Vanilla having lots of variety, I sure didn't notice it. I generated the same seed using RTG with and without BoP, and Vanilla just reused the same few biomes over and over, while BoP gave me biomes which properly suited the terrain.
so, i got pinged on a discord about ars magica being removed from the pack and why it was on the stream that happened while i was asleep(T_T)(and they "clickbaited" me into thinking that tfox was talking smack on me/the mod), just going to say, what he has complained about, which was performance(and im assuming also implying stability), the performance has already been fixed, there just hasn't been any updates as of yet as i want to fix a few more bugs before doing so.

As it stands, yea i can release it right now if i wanted to, but then you're just getting a half-arsed buggy release, there's a lot of bugs i can fix right now that can make it into the next version, where if i released it now, i'd get more of the same reports about it >.>
@Mr. Crain you are editing the wrong file.. enable ranks in local/ftbu/config.json then you edit the ranks.json

here's part of the config, this example will enable offline chunkloading for 48hours, well in theory.. this doesn't actually work properly

    "player": {
      "parent": "builtin_player",
      "permissions": [
      "config": {
        "ftbu.chunkloader.max_chunks": 15,
        "ftbu.chunkloader.offline_timer": 48.0,
        "ftbu.claims.max_chunks": 25
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so, i got pinged on a discord about ars magica being removed from the pack and why it was on the stream that happened while i was asleep(T_T)(and they "clickbaited" me into thinking that tfox was talking smack on me/the mod), just going to say, what he has complained about, which was performance(and im assuming also implying stability), the performance has already been fixed, there just hasn't been any updates as of yet as i want to fix a few more bugs before doing so.

As it stands, yea i can release it right now if i wanted to, but then you're just getting a half-arsed buggy release, there's a lot of bugs i can fix right now that can make it into the next version, where if i released it now, i'd get more of the same reports about it >.>
I believe it was said that the mod was taken out do to performance issues in a few videos I seen and more then likely will be put back in once fixed. I was pointing out the Mod author Mithion Stopped modding for it in minecraft back in 1.7 and that this was a port not a redone mod for 1.10. I also popinted out issue I had when make my first 2 spells and selecting the graphic for the spell as they were all broken. I don't know of anyone that was out right talking smack about that port you will have to ask Tfox although asking for it on the forum post for the pack seems like more of a pm type issue could more then likely take care of this issue.
the performance has already been fixed like i said in my post, and yes i am aware of what he had said like i said in my original post as well. and yea, i have already PMd him
the performance has already been fixed like i said in my post, and yes i am aware of what he had said like i said in my original post as well. and yea, i have already PMd him
That is good news as I am plan a Magic run Lp on it and I love Ars magicia 2 in 1.7.10. Just can't play it on cam till the Graphic issue is fixed. It will be fun as one of the only real magic mods out there.
Add ProjectE mod and make recepi expencive :D
Urg, NO! Project E can be interesting, but in my experience trying to balance it by making the recipes harder just makes the game seem extra pointless once you do get the 'cheat machine' running. I think that Project E is more entertaining when it's left at the normal difficulty and is more central to the game. It just doesn't work for me in big 'kitchen sink' modpacks like Beyond.
Out of curiosity, has anyone successfully added Mekanism to the pack? If so what changes to the config would people recommend?
Not used that mod in a while and wanted to put it alongside the rest so I can indulge the nostalgia.
Plus, It gives me a reason to construct another new compound.
@Mr. Crain you are editing the wrong file.. enable ranks in local/ftbu/config.json then you edit the ranks.json

here's part of the config, this example will enable offline chunkloading for 48hours, well in theory.. this doesn't actually work properly

    "player": {
      "parent": "builtin_player",
      "permissions": [
      "config": {
        "ftbu.chunkloader.max_chunks": 15,
        "ftbu.chunkloader.offline_timer": 48.0,
        "ftbu.claims.max_chunks": 25

And this is my problem with all of this. FTBU is VERY poorly documented. In addition I don't think this will fix my main complaint. I need chunks reloaded at server reboot as well. This "timer" system is garbage for smaller whitelisted servers.
@Mr. Crain you are editing the wrong file.. enable ranks in local/ftbu/config.json then you edit the ranks.json

here's part of the config, this example will enable offline chunkloading for 48hours, well in theory.. this doesn't actually work properly

    "player": {
      "parent": "builtin_player",
      "permissions": [
      "config": {
        "ftbu.chunkloader.max_chunks": 15,
        "ftbu.chunkloader.offline_timer": 48.0,
        "ftbu.claims.max_chunks": 25
Morning Mr. Phit!

So this looks fine and dandy and I can't wait to try it when I get home this evening; however, those same 3 lines of code concerning chunk loading were in that "all configs" HTML as well. Do you have the same file structure with yours? When you open the "all configs" with a browser..it gives the meaning behind the #.# and 48 wasn't one of them. It was "-1-" "1.0" and "-1" if I remember correctly. I took screen shots of the files in my /local/ftbu if you are interested in continuing to help a brotha out.
@phit @Henry Link
Morning Mr. Phit!
Do you have the same file structure with yours? When you open the "all configs" with a browser..it gives the meaning behind the #.# and 48 wasn't one of them.
that all config and all permissions is just for you to see available settings, changing it does nothing..

And this is my problem with all of this. FTBU is VERY poorly documented. In addition I don't think this will fix my main complaint. I need chunks reloaded at server reboot as well. This "timer" system is garbage for smaller whitelisted servers.
you can load offline forever by setting the offline timer to -1, anyway I agree the documentation is horrible and the only reason I know how to config this, I've been doing this since 1.8/1.9 whenever this new system was added
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that all config and all permissions is just for you to see available settings, changing it does nothing..

you can load offline forever by setting the offline timer to -1, anyway I agree the documentation is horrible and the only reason I know how to config this, I've been doing this since 1.8/1.9 whenever this new system was added
Sorry, didn't read this one before the Bug Forum Post. So the -1! I will be adding this to the "Ranks" for offline forever chunk load ??? 6 to midnight alert REPEAT 6 to midnight alert
Do we have a suggestions thread for Beyond?

I'm using a mod together with Beyond called Booster Rockets. It adds an item called Booster Rocket to the game. It boosts the speed of the player when flying with the Elytra, just like the Fireworks from 1.11.1.
I found it a great addition because creative flight from Angel Rings and Jetpacks is overpowered, and I prefer to use the Elytra (except when building).

Not sure how many out there think like me, but surely Booster Rockets is a great addition for those who do.
Do we have a suggestions thread for Beyond?

I'm using a mod together with Beyond called Booster Rockets. It adds an item called Booster Rocket to the game. It boosts the speed of the player when flying with the Elytra, just like the Fireworks from 1.11.1.
I found it a great addition because creative flight from Angel Rings and Jetpacks is overpowered, and I prefer to use the Elytra (except when building).

Not sure how many out there think like me, but surely Booster Rockets is a great addition for those who do.
There is an official mod suggestion thread here.
Not sure where to post this but; I was wondering if anyone has had issues with lag or lock ups? I've barely gotten anywhere in the pack, just manually mining and building up resources but after a short time of my world running I start getting random lock ups. It seems like my fps drops from 130+ to 0 then goes back to normal. They become more frequent and last longer as time goes on. When it became really bad this last time around I took a look at my CPU usage and it just shoots up from around 30% to 90% or higher then goes right back done a second or two later. Version 1.20 of the game. Windows 7, Nvidia GeForce 960, Intel i5 3.30 Ghz, 16 GB RAM. (if any of that helps).

Edit: I wanted to add that exiting my world, not closing minecraft, but just exiting to the menu makes the sky rocketing CPU usage go back to normal. Once I get back in the game and some time passes it starts up again.

Edit 2: So it seems I'm just a nub. Last I updated the pack it reverted my java arugments and I was only running on 4Gb ram. Once I cranked it back up to 8Gb, I've had no issues. If others are having similar issues check your RAM!
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Anyone else having trouble getting the Pump from ranged pumps to except power from ender IO stuff. Going to try and make a TE cube later and I'll post back on it. It will not take power from the Conduits or the cap. Did take power straight from the generators.