FTB Beyond Release


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not sure where to post this but; I was wondering if anyone has had issues with lag or lock ups? I've barely gotten anywhere in the pack, just manually mining and building up resources but after a short time of my world running I start getting random lock ups. It seems like my fps drops from 130+ to 0 then goes back to normal. They become more frequent and last longer as time goes on. When it became really bad this last time around I took a look at my CPU usage and it just shoots up from around 30% to 90% or higher then goes right back done a second or two later. Version 1.20 of the game. Windows 7, Nvidia GeForce 960, Intel i5 3.30 Ghz, 16 GB RAM. (if any of that helps).

Edit: I wanted to add that exiting my world, not closing minecraft, but just exiting to the menu makes the sky rocketing CPU usage go back to normal. Once I get back in the game and some time passes it starts up again.
Same here, i also get lag of fps after 10~min or so, the cpu goes up.
windows 10 pro x64, fx8150 @3.6ghz, gtx660 16gb ram.
java arguments :"-Xmx6G -Xms512M -Xmn768m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseNUMA -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=30 -XX:GCPauseIntervalMillis=150 -XX:+UseAdaptiveGCBoundary -XX:-UseGCOverheadLimit -XX:+UseBiasedLocking -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 -XX:TargetSurvivorRatio=90 -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=15 -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true -Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods -XX:+UseCompressedOops -XX:+OptimizeStringConcat -XX:+AggressiveOpts -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=2048m -XX:+UseCodeCacheFlushing -XX:SoftRefLRUPolicyMSPerMB=10000 -XX: ParallelGCThreads=8"

Mr. Crain

@Mr. Crain you are editing the wrong file.. enable ranks in local/ftbu/config.json then you edit the ranks.json

here's part of the config, this example will enable offline chunkloading for 48hours, well in theory.. this doesn't actually work properly

    "player": {
      "parent": "builtin_player",
      "permissions": [
      "config": {
        "ftbu.chunkloader.max_chunks": 15,
        "ftbu.chunkloader.offline_timer": 48.0,
        "ftbu.claims.max_chunks": 25
Yo Mr. Henry ! If I am the OP of the server..I assume the copy and pasting of the above ^ would not apply to me...and that I would need to do the same thing down below in the "Ops" section ? Sorry for the stupidity lol


I am having an issue where Agricraft sprinklers are not working properly. The head of the sprinkler (the metal bit that shoots out the water) does not display at all even though the body of it shows attached to the irrigation channel. On top of that, and despite showing it spewing water, it does not water crops at all. It fails to hydrate the land and it does not speed up growth.

Is anyone else having this issue?

Apparently the lack of function is a known issue, but any idea about the rendering bug?

Mr. Crain

I would like to second this, I always love a nice update but I'm not putting anything on my server until I know what I'm changing ;)
I think maybe they changed it so it crashes more often rofl.. only kidding .. but ao far it's been a rocky start for us on 1.2.0

Mr. Crain

Anyone had a Creeper crash there server recently? " Entity Name: Creeper Entity's Exact location: -630.60, 66.94, 907.50 "... I have Min Ram @10gigs and Max Ram @25 ...shouldn't be an issue right ?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Anyone had a Creeper crash there server recently? " Entity Name: Creeper Entity's Exact location: -630.60, 66.94, 907.50 "... I have Min Ram @10gigs and Max Ram @25 ...shouldn't be an issue right ?
Without a crash log, few people will be able to help you. :/

Sent from my torture dungeon in the hills of Mumbai.

Mr. Crain

Without a crash log, few people will be able to help you. :/

Sent from my torture dungeon in the hills of Mumbai.
Alright ! Good evening guys... fixed the above problem..on to the next..do any of you guys use AutoIT for an auto restarting server? Got a problem with my script just wondering if someone could give me a helping hand. I have had it working before but now it wants to be retarded :(

Mr. Crain

@Henry Link ... so my server is running on Server 2012. Here is an exert from the .exe I'm running...it gives warning messages 5 mins prior..saves ..then shutdown perfectly...however the AutoIT "run" cmd..and it's parameters are what's being a bit** right now .. That last line is the .bat that starts the FTB Server.. I played around with putting the full path there too... E:\FTBBeyond\ServerStart.bat... even tried it with quotes. :( Any suggestions I am more than willing to give a shot and then praise you like you have never been praised before !


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
I kind of want to cover this again and try to explain the Ars Magicia 2 issue in more detail mainly because I covered it allot back in the day when it was being developed. It is a wonderful mod made but one of the greatest mod devs I have seen and everyone loved it. But the mod takes a ton of work. So back to the story half way the 1.7.10 the mod dev for Ars started updating it to add some new stuff that was cool change but cause issues in the game that made it buggy to the point that I could even record playing it and then at that point that mod dev stop developing for minecraft. The 1.10 version is a port of the 1.7.10 mod. Now I don't know which version is being ported but it is allot of work porting mods over to 1.10 and there are sure to be issues from just that not only that but the Port dev now has to go back and fix some of the issue that were already in the mod from before as well as the issue from porting a mod from 1.7 to 1.10. The dev has posted on here that they are fixed and they have PMed tfox about adding it back. only time will tell. You can feel free to repost this for those who keep asking as they most likely don't know the mods history.

Mr. Crain

@Mr. Crain I'm afraid I will disappoint this time. If this was Linux box I'd be able to help you. But for a windows server it will have to be someone else.
@Henry Link It's all good! It pissed me off so bad last night that I eventually ..got it to working again lol. If anyone else on here would like a template for the AutoIT Message,Save,Stop, and Start MC Server hit me up!
Thanks again Mr. Henry


I'm playing on a server with some guys and I really hate (yes actually hate) that the Quark features are disabled.
We edited the config to enable all the building and decoration blocks, but there are still some missing. For example all the walls.
In the config the walls are set to true. Server and Client -side. How do I enable all the features?


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
They said in the town hall they are adding the recipes back in in the next few updates and adding in recipes to convert to normal walls and the like. They said they aren't adding beds in right now cause of a naming conflict with others mods.


They said in the town hall they are adding the recipes back in in the next few updates and adding in recipes to convert to normal walls and the like. They said they aren't adding beds in right now cause of a naming conflict with others mods.

Will there be a way to add the recipes to the version 1.0.1 of the pack then? We don't really want to update the whole server.

EDIT: Googled a bit and found out that there is a file where recipes that are removed are listed there. I found the file that is supposed to be it. And it definitly looks like the file cause it removes/adds some recipes for other stuff. But I couldn't find the walls?
File: FTBBeyond\minecraft\modpack\normal\scripts\normal.zs
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Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2014
Will there be a way to add the recipes to the version 1.0.1 of the pack then? We don't really want to update the whole server.

EDIT: Googled a bit and found out that there is a file where recipes that are removed are listed there. I found the file that is supposed to be it. And it definitly looks like the file cause it removes/adds some recipes for other stuff. But I couldn't find the walls?
File: FTBBeyond\minecraft\modpack\normal\scripts\normal.zs
Just going by what they said in the town hall meeting.