Forge: My list of grievances

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So the OP author is pissed that a group of friends made a server and play on it. It just so happens they are modders and have the latest toys. So in theory you are bitching at friends for playing with each other and some of them happen to be popular in the mc community. Congratz for being a little bitch! Get some friends and go play on your private server! Stop complaining.
I think there has been many good arguments for both side that I respect and can understand. But Duffan11, attacking the OP 10 pages in like that just aint cool man. There is no reason to go that far, I agree that the OP does seem "whiny", but you know what? that's his right as a free man (assuming male). That's why their are forums like this to vent a little rage and to have a civil discussion with other members of the FTB community about things he doesn't like.
I'll respond to this point specifically because I do not mind sharing. I earn nothing from Twitch as I am not a partner. From YouTube, from a year of making videos now, I have made a grand total of.... *drumroll*... $230.47. Yep, I'm in the money now. I know I am not the most prolific video maker among the group, and others have made more. But when we've discussed this among ourselves, it certainly didn't sound to me like the others I talked to were making much more. Some people can make it as their day job on Twitch or YouTube. That, however is a very small group.

I fear I've been misunderstood. I am not suggesting YouTube is an easy way of making money and it certainly stands to reason that one would need a very active channel to earn a living from YouTube alone. It does however feel a bit like the gold rush, with more and more people trying to make it big, as shown by all the "let's play's" and similar that are advertised all around the web. Either way, the people who do make videos always have an agenda and I'm quite sure you do as well. Be it for money or for fame, it's never done out of pure altruism.

People in this thread were talking about YouTubers as if they are martyrs, sacrificing themselves so that the rest of us can thrive on their funny jokes and video games collections, but it's simply not so and I feel obligated to point it out - there is always a motive.

Edit: I am sure somebody will eventually argue my theory by pointing out the tutorials people post online, saying that it's done selflessly in order to promote awareness. The truth is that unless it's done in an anonymous fashion, it's still done for the e-credits.
yes, he did, and he debated some of the posts on his stream.
if you wait a few hours you might find it back in the twitch video archive
I'm not a regular on twitch, any chance you (or anyone else) could provide a link to said video once it becomes available?

I don't know where you got anyone saying that anyone making videos are martyrs. My point was that unless you are a "big name" you aren't going to be raking in cash on YouTube. Even then people like Total Biscuit, Yogscast, probably even FPSRussia are middle of the road channels.

Also consider YouTube is thinking of charging a fee to watch some channels. I assume big ones like WWE, EMI Records, and stuff from music channels. So the in it for the money seems to me to have competition from the site being posted.

Also I do believe people can post videos just to post them. Nothing else other then to be helpful.
(Edit: warning, wall of text!)
As for your seemingly angry attitude toward the people on ForgeCraft. Get over it. They're friends, for the most part, and mostly because they share interests (I assume). Go get your friends and have some fun. This is a game after all.
(Had to get it off my chest, this whole thread is frustrating.)

Isn't that with most servers? Atleast the servers i have hosted / ran i always hosted for my friends and me to play on. The way i see ForgeCraft : it's friends who play together and in this case even help eachother (with bugtesting etc) so that we (the community) can install the server software with most bugs ironed out and in an easy way and play with our friends without having to worry about big bugs / exploits.

I don't know where you got anyone saying that anyone making videos are martyrs. My point was that unless you are a "big name" you aren't going to be raking in cash on YouTube. Even then people like Total Biscuit, Yogscast, probably even FPSRussia are middle of the road channels.

Also consider YouTube is thinking of charging a fee to watch some channels. I assume big ones like WWE, EMI Records, and stuff from music channels. So the in it for the money seems to me to have competition from the site being posted.

Also I do believe people can post videos just to post them. Nothing else other then to be helpful.
TB does it for a living.
The Yogscast make enough money to run an entire office
FPSRussia is in the top 5 most subscribed people on youtube, he may not make many videos but the ones he does make rake in HUGE amounts of views.

Your examples of "middle of the road" are quite wide of the mark.
The middle of the road was something I remember TB said. Of all of them Yogs has a solid system but still the USD to stirling conversion isn't all to cheer about. FPSRussia also has his own business he has been working on so that helps suppliment his income.


TB also does Starcraft casting at major events. I am assuming he gets paid for that as well.
TB does it for a living.
The Yogscast make enough money to run an entire office
FPSRussia is in the top 5 most subscribed people on youtube, he may not make many videos but the ones he does make rake in HUGE amounts of views.

Your examples of "middle of the road" are quite wide of the mark.
Russia's actually a really funny guy. Lives(Or lived haven't talked to him in awhile) here in Georgia. He did it purely for the money though. He wanted to be a millionaire by 25 or 30.
Does anybody want to start up a casual ftb server to play on, im a noob to the pack and the general mods and need someone to teach me the ropes as i just cant get the hang of it myself?
Russia's actually a really funny guy. Lives(Or lived haven't talked to him in awhile) here in Georgia. He did it purely for the money though. He wanted to be a millionaire by 25 or 30.
Coulda sworn that guy was a yank...
If he lived in Russia, we would have a lot more videos, considering the current sate of Russia. I'm sure you know what I mean.
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