Forge: My list of grievances

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Nah he lived in northern Georgia(The US state). Name was like Jordan something or other last I remember. A friend of mine dated him.
Cultural nitpick:
  • When someone over on that side of the pond says 'yank', they refer to American as a whole. It is not generally a derogatory (or at least insulting) term.
  • When someone south of the Mason/Dixon Line (i.e. colloquially referred to here as 'The South') refers to a Yank, it refers to someone in the north, generally in the New England area. It is almost invariably seen as derogatory, and calling someone from The South a Yank is perceived as a deliberate insult. To use another southern term, 'them's fightin' words'.
In other words, you should not get upset at someone from GB calling an American, even one from The South, 'yank', as the term they are using does not hold the same connotations as what you think it does. The context does not include any intention of insulting or being derogatory.

Now You Know!
Cultural nitpick:
  • When someone over on that side of the pond says 'yank', they refer to American as a whole. It is not generally a derogatory (or at least insulting) term.
  • When someone south of the Mason/Dixon Line (i.e. colloquially referred to here as 'The South') refers to a Yank, it refers to someone in the north, generally in the New England area. It is almost invariably seen as derogatory, and calling someone from The South a Yank is perceived as a deliberate insult. To use another southern term, 'them's fightin' words'.
In other words, you should not get upset at someone from GB calling an American, even one from The South, 'yank', as the term they are using does not hold the same connotations as what you think it does. The context does not include any intention of insulting or being derogatory.

Now You Know!

I knew he didn't mean it insultingly lol. One of those times where yes/no doesn't suffice properly.
Step 1: Go into the Mods folder.
Congratulations, you now have the up-to-date versions of all the mods!

On a side note, I suspect that you're using alot of random vocabulary and taking random accusations to make your post look more menacing. All the mods are only avalible through FTB, you're correct in that respect, but they're being released to the public in seperated, easy-to-find files that you can just move around. If they didn't want us to play anything other than what the FTB pack provided, then they would rewrite forge to make it so that there's a folder with random junk in it with incredibly long and random numbers in their names to make it impossible to find the individual mods. Which they haven't done yet.

EDIT: Also, apparently the thread has evolved and we're now talking about Russian anarchist writers and history lessons. This is what happens when you skip through 12 pages of text and just reply to the OP 3:
EDIT: Also, apparently the thread has evolved and we're now talking about Russian anarchist writers and history lessons. This is what happens when you skip through 12 pages of text and just reply to the OP 3:

Nah, someone got confused, he has a tendancy for that.
I know the likes of TotalBiscuit are able to live off the channel, but he has like 15-20 videos a week garnering 100k+ views each, so yeah idk. Anyone know what the youtube monetization details are?

I know that one element of said details is that you have to post videos at least once a day.
Ahh no. Even partnerships through gaming channels are not that bad.

I remember a youtuber once who put out two videos per day. Sometimes even three, I think. It's either X, kurtjmac, or somebody else that I can't remember. X did 2-4 videos per day for half a month, kurt I have no idea (I thought I saw two videos in one day once, but I'm not sure), and everybody else that I know of does videos daily (or once per 4 days, *cough* etho not mentioning any names).

Just wondering, I know smosh put out videos monthly, do they have a diffrent partnership or something that gives them that much slack? Unless there isn't a deadline at all for videos.
Yeah, last I talked with Morv about this, you simply get an absolutely minuscule amount of money per view. There's no deal or anything, go to your configs, click monetize, youtube will tell you that with the several ten thousands views you've made so far you could've made 0.001 cents and that you should try harder and that's it.
There is no rule to how many videos your suppose to post under youtube. When you sign up with a game channel and get partnered most rules are to just stay active. No set numbers.

You tube monitozation is not a partnership it's just a way for you to get money from videos with adds. And it's not worth the time it takes to push the accept button. Most people that have dreams of being a youtube star only last a few weeks when reality kicks in.

Most of us do it cause it's fun.
And please tell me, why the hell is beta testing limited to such a small amount of persons ? What exactly is better in testing there and only there then letting everybody else test too ? More bugs would be reported, and it would be overall faster (Railcraft does it, Forestry does it, etc....). I know some modders don't want to do it because a lot of people use it as an actual release instead of a beta and do not report bugs, but in the end this doesn't change anything anyway ! You'll still have more people to test so screw the others.
Crashing servers really ISN'T the reason. You don't want crashing ? Then don't use the beta !

I'd really love to know what really are the motivation for very closed beta other than to favor their modders, youtubers and streamers friends, which is perfectly okay, they do what they want, I'm not crying about this.

The vast majority of people who sign on to "beta test" have no intention of helping to test and are simply interested in a sneak peek. The reason you see MMORPGs opening up for tens/hundreds of thousands of people in open beta tests is that they've reached the point where they're stress testing servers and collecting back-end data where more samples means more reliable data. None of that is done with Minecraft mods, and sometimes limiting your beta testers produces the same results but in a much more manageable scenario.
I remember a youtuber once who put out two videos per day. Sometimes even three, I think. It's either X, kurtjmac, or somebody else that I can't remember. X did 2-4 videos per day for half a month, kurt I have no idea (I thought I saw two videos in one day once, but I'm not sure), and everybody else that I know of does videos daily (or once per 4 days, *cough* etho not mentioning any names).

Just wondering, I know smosh put out videos monthly, do they have a diffrent partnership or something that gives them that much slack? Unless there isn't a deadline at all for videos.

Most networks have no upload requirement. Once you're partnered, there's no overhead for the network to keep you on. You post a video, you make money, they make money, everyone is happy. If you want to earn more money, you post more videos. Everyone wins. I'm disappointed to see the amount of misinformation being flung around be people who way they 'know' how it works. I would suggest to anyone confused and wondering what to make of the situation to take their information from people who are partnered, not people who heard something from someone about something. Of course, partnered people are usually contractually bound to not disclose certain details (ie. specific money values) but basics like qualification/upload requirements are pretty transparent.
oh well I'm going over here with my 9 subscribers which is probably due more to the fact that I cannot resaonably do it on a regular basis.
I used to think that back when there were like 15-20 mods. But since FTB it seems that things have changed. There are a lot more mods and modders on forgecraft. It seems that about 80% of the modders have twitters and reply to people. And many of them (like lemming and powercrystals) actually post on the forums and answer questions quite often. Sengir even allows people to use his mod in modpacks now! The eloraam thing is weird though. She used to reply all the time on her forum thread (which was JUST updated to 1.4.6/7) and now she posts on twitter like every two months (sometimes). I think that some modders like ichun and azanor enjoy being sort of elitist and only letting FTB use their mod(s) though
I used to think that back when there were like 15-20 mods. But since FTB it seems that things have changed. There are a lot more mods and modders on forgecraft. It seems that about 80% of the modders have twitters and reply to people. And many of them (like lemming and powercrystals) actually post on the forums and answer questions quite often. Sengir even allows people to use his mod in modpacks now! The eloraam thing is weird though. She used to reply all the time on her forum thread (which was JUST updated to 1.4.6/7) and now she posts on twitter like every two months (sometimes). I think that some modders like ichun and azanor enjoy being sort of elitist and only letting FTB use their mod(s) though
It's a good job you have that disclaimer.
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