Forge: My list of grievances

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If at the first round of a debate, one changes his opinion, immediately, wouldn't it be kind of... stupid ? Also if you doesn't feel smarter, what is the point for you to enter them then ? Also, how many debates ,considering the whole world, ended with someone changing radically his opinion ?

You, on the other hand, seems to despise me as some hater kid that just want to get a flame war going. If you can't take someone seriously because he brought up a very serious subject from the XXth century, than I'm sorry for you, honestly. Also you seem comforted by the fact you are in the majority and you are more prone to bashing "haters", since well, if someone has an even slightly different opinion than yours and he wants to understand why you think otherwise, than it's "hater" (by yours, I don't mean you in particular, I mean a majority of people on the internet). I hope I am wrong on that one.

Friend, you're attributing a lot of malice to me that I'm just not feeling. I'm sorry if something I said made you think that I hate you. I merely disagree with you and don't approve of your choice of metaphors. However, I don't really like debating with people who seem to have already made their mind up, so I guess I'll just bow out now.
Both of you have good points. I do have some counters though. Yogscast people have been said they work other jobs. Sips works in a bank for example and I remember Lomada posting in FB that Xephos had a job interview not to long ago. I think it is great that they make money and not disputing that just saying it isn't omg amounts.

You have to figure that Youtube takes a cut. Entities like TGS, Machinma also take a cut. I can think of a few channels that are popular enough in their circle that the person needs a second job. One is Scooby1964. He sitll has a day job and does youtube.

YouTubers with roughly 200,000 subscribers earn around 2,000 USD monthly and a channel from the top 1000 earns 20,000+ monthly. Of course it varies depending on the actual views, but I'd imagine not much. The BlueXephos account on it's own has 4,698,222 subscribers at the moment - do your math.

Then again, we can only really guess, since YouTube partners are not allowed to disclose how much they earn.
Friend, you're attributing a lot of malice to me that I'm just not feeling. I'm sorry if something I said made you think that I hate you. I merely disagree with you and don't approve of your choice of metaphors. However, I don't really like debating with people who seem to have already made their mind up, so I guess I'll just bow out now.

Alright, sorry then. i hoped I would be wrong, I guess I was, but I'm sorry we couldn't have a good debate
Both of you have good points. I do have some counters though. Yogscast people have been said they work other jobs. Sips works in a bank for example and I remember Lomada posting in FB that Xephos had a job interview not to long ago. I think it is great that they make money and not disputing that just saying it isn't omg amounts.

You have to figure that Youtube takes a cut. Entities like TGS, Machinma also take a cut. I can think of a few channels that are popular enough in their circle that the person needs a second job. One is Scooby1964. He sitll has a day job and does youtube.
I know the likes of TotalBiscuit are able to live off the channel, but he has like 15-20 videos a week garnering 100k+ views each, so yeah idk. Anyone know what the youtube monetization details are?[DOUBLEPOST=1368202241][/DOUBLEPOST]
YouTubers with roughly 200,000 subscribers earn around 2,000 USD monthly and a channel from the top 1000 earns 20,000+ monthly. Of course it varies depending on the actual views, but I'd think not much. The BlueXephos account on it's own has 4,698,222 subscribers at the moment - do your math.
I believe it's more to do with views than subs
Okay, doing a quick search on conversion rates that isn't that impressive. One USD is less then one Stirling so, I assume, they are paid by view then it make sense that they pump out as many videos they do so they can get the view numbers up.


Lambert you are correct. One of my videos has over 1000 views and I only have like five subscribers and I was asked if I wanted to put an ad in it. So in a way a mix of quantity and quality are needed to have a booming youtube channel.
I was targeting the Twitch/YouTube broadcasters, who in fact get paid by the respective companies which in return earn advertisement revenue. As I stated before, there's nothing wrong with that. I just find it absurd that people still believe they do it for free. There's no point in making delusions, entertainment is an enterprise.

I'll respond to this point specifically because I do not mind sharing. I earn nothing from Twitch as I am not a partner. From YouTube, from a year of making videos now, I have made a grand total of.... *drumroll*... $230.47. Yep, I'm in the money now. I know I am not the most prolific video maker among the group, and others have made more. But when we've discussed this among ourselves, it certainly didn't sound to me like the others I talked to were making much more. Some people can make it as their day job on Twitch or YouTube. That, however is a very small group.
It's the same as always with YouTube and payments: 99% of all people yelling "thay ar meking teh big monnehs!" never in their life have even tried to not only record a video, edit it, make it interesting and entertaining and finally: Keep that whole shebang UP for more than two videos. Which in my book means: They have no f*cking clue what the heck they are talking about. If someone like DW20 can make an extra coin out of his videos, more power to him! And outputting videos en grand like persons as the more or less known Totalbiscuit, Pewdiepie, whatevertheirnamesare, IS nothing less than a job. Granted, it may be a more entertaining job at times than a nine to five office job - but a job nonetheless. And at least I am fine with that. Not everyone works in the entertainment industry. Just researching figures about how many channels, viewers, subscribers and payments there really are on YT shows one thing very clearly: It is definitely not as easy as "teh intarwebs" would prefer it to be, to be successful on a video-website like YouTube or Twitch. SO sucessful, to at least pay all your bills and still be able to buy a bread and some butter. Every month. For years. If someone has a proof that shows I am wrong - do tell! I think most if not all of us would like to know how to earn a (at least, of course) 60k/y without ever leaving their couch. ;)
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the people on forgecraft do not vieuw themselves as celebrities they are just people playing on a private server giving up their free time to develop and test new items, blocks,world gen, etc for our own good so we can have a pleasant experience on public servers with mods, they do not seek your praise or worshipping
so if there is anyone on the frecking internet who thinks that they want to rub it in your face that they have acces to beta's please STFU
they stream/post video's of forgecraft so we can see what is going to be new and how to use them when it gets released
i personally appreciate that thy invest there their free time into the vids and streams
be glad that they give you free extra content on minecraft because know 1 thing:


this is my view on the subject
I do not believe the first motivation from modder, youtubers and streamers is money. They have far better ways to do it.
So the OP author is pissed that a group of friends made a server and play on it. It just so happens they are modders and have the latest toys. So in theory you are bitching at friends for playing with each other and some of them happen to be popular in the mc community. Congratz for being a little bitch! Get some friends and go play on your private server! Stop complaining.
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I'm sad I've been misunderstood on my posts...
Thanks Slowpoke stream for the award they gave me! I'm very proud and I'd like to thank my friends and my family that helped through that

(I'm not stupid, well I maybe made an oversight on my post, but at least 90% of my point was missed. Again I'm sad)
Wonder how much money I could make if I started selling popcorn on this here street corner.

Herm, maybe if I use clever advertising like this thread I will get business. I thought this thread was going to be a list of technical grievances, things Forge does wrong code wise, but I guess there wouldn't be much of a list then.
(Edit: warning, wall of text!)

Specifically, there is a major problem of insularity and elitism among these people. I've been getting a very strong impression over the last several months, of a particular closed clique, which refers to itself (to quote Pahimar) as "the Forge community," which congregates on a couple of private servers and spends a lot of time focusing on how awesome it supposedly is. They view themselves as celebrities, putting it fairly simply.

The modding community has (as a whole) a larger amount of knowledge than that of the user. Simply put, people who all like the same thing, or do the same thing, will generally all get together in some way, shape or form. This is just how things work. We as the human race like to be among others who share the same views, and do the same things as others.

There is an equally strong sense at this point, that the modifications which these people develop, are only really intended for the developer clique themselves, and their chosen friends (such as ShadowDragon) to use; I can't remember the last time I saw a public release of IndustrialCraft 2 available from that mod's web site, that wasn't exclusively in FTB, for example. Buildcraft (or the public, non-in-crowd releases, at least) is also showing signs of serious decay, with texture rendering bugs, and the Filler simply destroying blocks it removes, rather than dropping them on the ground.

Lets say, I decide I want a cupcake. So, I make cupcakes, and I eat them. I made the cupcakes for myself, for me to enjoy. I didn't eat all of the cupcakes, so I decide to let my neighbors have some. The good nature of myself offering what I've created for the bettering of more than just myself. Or, I made the cupcakes, and my neighbor saw them and asked for one. I give him a cupcake because I like to share, rather than keep everything to myself. I don't have to share the cupcakes, and there are people out there who don't, but because I did, and my neighbors liked them, they'll come back for more when I can give more.
This is a VERY loose analogy of how modding works. There are mods out there that people make just for themselves. I do believe that is how all modding starts, regardless of the game. Eventually, people find out about the mods, they want them, and a giving modder will provide what they've made for the public. The public will take it for granted. They won't say thanks enough, and they'll demand something bigger and better for future releases.

[moving this to later in my response] 1.4.7's release of Red Power 2 also has at least one crash bug that I know of, which I've inadvertently triggered multiple times.

I think the real problem is the fact that there has been far too much fawning and genuflection towards these people. They are not Gods, but unfortunately most players tend to regard them as such, and as mentioned above, I've really been starting to get the impression that it has gone to their heads. I don't think we should be deliberately rude or insulting to them, but I don't think it's good for them if we worship them excessively, either.
I'm going to start with the bolded part here. Simply, most people are sheep. They follow the crowd, and anyone who has even a slight advantage over them, or some skillset they do not possess, this new person gets put on a pedestal. This can also be equated to my first response, the modders generally have more knowledge than the user, therefore, to the user, the modder must be viewed as a higher "authority" (authority is used loosely here).
Here in America, when we vote for the Presidential candidates, we don't vote for average Joe Shmoe who hasn't proved his worth. We vote for the people who evidently have more intelligence than we do, or have a certain set of skills we're looking for. Not because they are actually smarter, or actually have better skills at any one task, but because they have done something that we believe proves they have the necessary skills to run the country. Then, whoever becomes President, regardless of any of the aforementioned items, is put on a pedestal, for the world to see and criticize.
Or, a different side of the coin. Your plumbing backs up at your house. Rather than learning how to do it yourself, most people will just hire a plumber to fix the problem. Because they have proved they know what they're doing, and you don't have, or don't use, that knowledge.

1.4.7's release of Red Power 2 also has at least one crash bug that I know of, which I've inadvertently triggered multiple times.
The trend towards elitism and insularity has perhaps been most strikingly visible with Eloraam. I've been using her mods since before 1.7.3, and back then, she referred to it as Integrated Redstone. This was back before RP World and a lot of other things; the wiring and the integrated blocks were the only real thing there. Back then, however, she was friendly and a lot more communicative; I used to see her regularly responding to people in the RP Minecraftforums thread. Over time, however, and as the mod got bigger and Forge was developed, that changed. We started hearing less and less from her; and for me, the straw which really broke the camel's back was the fact that ShadowDragon and Direwolf20 were making YouTube videos which featured a 1.4.7 version of RP2, probably three months before there was a public release.

Grouping all of the your RP2 complaints into one big group.
I don't know what Elo does for a living, and frankly I don't care. I'm glad she is able to find some time in her busy life to provide for me a mod that I genuinely enjoy. As an adult, with a job, a family, and health problems, I know how run down you can be at the end of the work day. I know how busy life can get between needing to clean the house, wash the dishes, clean and iron the laundry, make sure my car is in good working order, make sure the garbage is out and the cat is fed. That's not counting the sleep I like to enjoy at the end of a log day, or the actual work I get paid to do during the day. I find time to spend a few hours each and every day to work on the Help Desk here, and post on the forums. That's absolutely minuscule by comparison to actually writing the code to a mod. Let alone the upkeep that is needed as thing change in Minecraft development. I would love to learn how to write a mod, and a good one too, but I know I simply don't have the time. I would have to entirely remove myself from the community here to honestly get a good handle on how Java works, then develop the mod itself.

Modders do a LOT of work for us to keep using the mods we enjoy. I won't hesitate to say I don't like a lot of the mods out there. But what I do like is the ability to use them. The ones I don't like, I don't use.

As for your seemingly angry attitude toward the people on ForgeCraft. Get over it. They're friends, for the most part, and mostly because they share interests (I assume). Go get your friends and have some fun. This is a game after all.

(Had to get it off my chest, this whole thread is frustrating.)
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