Two things:
1. Forgecraft ISN'T beta testing. It's alpha/dev testing. The stuff that they hove on there isn't ready for release, and they're finding the obvious issues
2. The way that someone does testing is not for you to decide. If someone would prefer to test privately before releasing to the general public, that it their decision, and there are a number of reasons for it (namely more reports != better).
As with OP, please stop raging because people aren't doing what you want them to. Their methods are their own to choose, and, while not beyond reproach, you can advise, and argue, but not force.
1.It's the same thing in the end, it's searching for bugs. What is the difference between beta, alpha and dev other than the code is less advanced ? Just the name. I mean take a look at EE3. the released versions are pretty much always stable. There's no little stupid bugs left in when pahimar releases his pre versions, which could be associated to dev versions. I think the problem is the haste of some developers releasing unstable versions they barely checked before uploading on the server.
2.Of course they decide, but what does that change to what I said ? Covert Jaguar had a good way of beta testing, anyone downloading the beta on the irc channel and not reporting bugs would be banned. That won't stop people from downloading it as others can give the links anyway, but at least they won't be a concern anymore
Again, it's not just because "they have the right to decide" that everything is acceptable. I'll take an extreme example : Hitler did horrible things, should he has done something else ? Of course not, that's up to him to choose, not us. (EDIT : this paragraph is totally not about Nazism, it's just about having an example, I guess I took the wrong example)
Sounds stupid ? That's why this argument won't stand in a debate of ideas.
that may be PART of the reason, but IMO the REAL reason that most devs (whether mod, publisher, indie, etc) choose to have closed betas as opposed to open betas are because of people like me who take the betas and play it like it was the final version, and don't submit many bug reports, and may not have much time to specifically devote to hunting bugs. Which is why I only play open betas, and don't think I'd ever play a closed beta.
Again, if you do that, why the mod author care anyway ? You bring them nothing, but you don't annoy them either unless the modder has some big ego and cannot bear people using the betas of his mods without reporting bugs. Meanwhile some true testers will actually help them and in the end they get more support.
Because the general public is horrible at testing. People submit the same bug over and over without checking to see if it's already been reported, omit crashlogs, fail to explain how the bug can be reproduced etc. Many mod authors have said repeatedly that they moved away from public testing because they were spending more time sifting through erroneous reports than they were fixing bugs.
Furthermore, many people don't seem to understand the concept of "beta-testing" at all, and will spam the forums with furious demands for fixes, usually also laced with insults.
I have no trouble believing that a small team of competent, literate testers is more efficient than public beta testing. But if you're determined to feel aggrieved or to attribute their behavior to elitism, then by all means, knock yourself out.
That is true than general public is horrible at testing. But in that case, make it so that only the smart persons can access the place where you can report bugs. Again, Covert Jaguar had a good way to do it. Insults ? I'm sure they still get plenty outside of beta testing. Also of course a "small team of competent, literate testers is more efficient than public beta testing" but why not include open beta at the same time ? You could also let some mid important persons like the popular members of this forum do some filtering to let some good bug reports go through. Big scale betas are generally the way to go in the end.
Also I insist, I don't care that they get stuff before us, or about how "elitist" they are. This is totally irrelevant to the subject. I'm only trying to find holes in your reasoning, as you are doing the same with me. We'll both leave this debate smarter.