Direwolf20 season 7 - Huzzah!

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Wow... in Direwolf's latest episode, I couldn't believe it when he started making his pickaxe out of manyullyn. I'm also surprised he's still sticking hard to moss tools *sigh*.
I did a bit of comparing just to test and the difference, in numbers, between a many head and cobalt head is interesting. a cobalt head would have roughly 2/3rds the durability of a many head.
So by the second time repairing a many tool you'd have to repair a cobalt one three times. However, the many repair takes 2 ardite and 2 cobalt, whereas the cobalt tool would only take 3 cobalt.
The biggest thing though is he built his tool around durability - but when you get moss or flux durability is practically moot, which is why some of the most popular tool combinations actually take advantage of things like stonebound, flux and paper parts, since the durability really isn't important.

I think Direwolf could stand to do a bit more research in some of the things he does this series, I'm not sure how much he does already, but the tinker's info isn't hard to find. Instead of pulling knowledge and ideas from his old series because they "worked fine", he could see what the community has created with some of this stuff. There are at least a few places where the community is way ahead of Direwolf in finding 'better' solutions, tinker's tools being one of the more glaring ones. Obviously "better" is subjective, but in this instance I mean usually more efficient/effective/faster/etc.
Hmm so I'm starting to do my piping in my base and have been using chisel as the building blocks of my base. Now I just went to go make covers to cover up my enderIO conduits and it doesn't look like chisel blocks can be turned into multiblocks with the saw. Am I missing something?

I don't know much about multiblocks, or the saw, but I know enderIO. You want to make blocks called "Conduit Facade" and put them into a "Painting Machine". After the facades are painted you just apply the facade blocks over/onto the conduits. I've used them with chisel blocks, and they don't look perfect, but they look 'good enough'.
Antaioz yeah I don't know what Direwolf20 was thinking. You don't need all the durability, also it's will cost a lot to repair.
I made my pick like so. Head: Cobalt, Bind: Paper & Rod: Thaumium for 5 Modifiers. With Mods - Silky Jewel, Flux, Redstone.

Cobalt is only mining lvl 4 while Manyullyn is mining lvl 5. I don't even know why you need mining lvl 5.
Antaioz yeah I don't know what Direwolf20 was thinking. You don't need all the durability, also it's will cost a lot to repair.
I made my pick like so. Head: Cobalt, Bind: Paper & Rod: Thaumium for 5 Modifiers. With Mods - Silky Jewel, Flux, Redstone.

Cobalt is only mining lvl 4 while Manyullyn is mining lvl 5. I don't even know why you need mining lvl 5.
The only thing I know of that requires mining level 5 is manyullyn blocks.
Wow... in Direwolf's latest episode, I couldn't believe it when he started making his pickaxe out of manyullyn. I'm also surprised he's still sticking hard to moss tools *sigh*.
I did a bit of comparing just to test and the difference, in numbers, between a many head and cobalt head is interesting. a cobalt head would have roughly 2/3rds the durability of a many head.
So by the second time repairing a many tool you'd have to repair a cobalt one three times. However, the many repair takes 2 ardite and 2 cobalt, whereas the cobalt tool would only take 3 cobalt.
The biggest thing though is he built his tool around durability - but when you get moss or flux durability is practically moot, which is why some of the most popular tool combinations actually take advantage of things like stonebound, flux and paper parts, since the durability really isn't important.

I think Direwolf could stand to do a bit more research in some of the things he does this series, I'm not sure how much he does already, but the tinker's info isn't hard to find. Instead of pulling knowledge and ideas from his old series because they "worked fine", he could see what the community has created with some of this stuff. There are at least a few places where the community is way ahead of Direwolf in finding 'better' solutions, tinker's tools being one of the more glaring ones. Obviously "better" is subjective, but in this instance I mean usually more efficient/effective/faster/etc.
You're correct, and hardly the first person to point out that Dire has a bad case of "that's the way we've always done it". His Ag Sky series makes that painfully obvious.
That said, note that he's planning on making his hammer from Cobalt, and once you have a hammer, having 'the best' pick becomes not nearly as important. Also, knowing Dire's progression, I would expect him to begin auto mining in some way very soon, so, whatever.
i think ender IO has a specific cover you can craft for its pipes and i guess you could use chisel for that but i am not sure... will check later
As always, immediately ported to MultiMC. Removed a lot of the (obviously, in my opinion) clutter: BetterTitleScreen, buildcraft, carpenter's blocks, chisel, compact solars, factorization, Hats/hatstand, JourneyMap, Morph, Pneumaticraft, ProjectRed, Railcraft and Witchery.
Added Advanced Machines, Advanced Solar Panels, Fastcraft, Gendustry, Gravisuite, IguanaTinkerTweaks, VoxelMap, Simply Jetpacks and Tinker's Steelworks.
Made some minor config changes, like removing MFR lakes and disabling IC2 rubber trees for MFR trees.

Can I ask how you go about porting successfully to MultiMC? I've tried a couple of times to make a copy of the DIreWolf20 pack within MultiMC. It loads/plays okay the first time, but subsequent attempts always end up with an exception halting before you get the MC start screen.
Can I ask how you go about porting successfully to MultiMC? I've tried a couple of times to make a copy of the DIreWolf20 pack within MultiMC. It loads/plays okay the first time, but subsequent attempts always end up with an exception halting before you get the MC start screen.
Hmm, if you're getting it it to run once, and then it stops working, that seems odd. I create a 1.7.10 instance in MultiMC, install Forge, and then copy the mod and config folders from my FTB instance. Can't say that I've had an issue. If those steps don't work for you, I'd make sure you're using the latest version of MultiMC 5 (0.5-dev384 as of this writing). If it still doesn't work, try a fresh install, beyond that, I'm stumped.
Hmm, if you're getting it it to run once, and then it stops working, that seems odd. I create a 1.7.10 instance in MultiMC, install Forge, and then copy the mod and config folders from my FTB instance. Can't say that I've had an issue. If those steps don't work for you, I'd make sure you're using the latest version of MultiMC 5 (0.5-dev384 as of this writing). If it still doesn't work, try a fresh install, beyond that, I'm stumped.

Ah right, that's not what I was doing. When I first installed MultiMC, I chose to show my FTB saves as well. I was copying one of these saves as a new instance, which copied all the mods and configs. I'm going to try your method instead.
Ah right, that's not what I was doing. When I first installed MultiMC, I chose to show my FTB saves as well. I was copying one of these saves as a new instance, which copied all the mods and configs. I'm going to try your method instead.
actually, this works. But you have to manually install forge.
MultiMC seems to tag FTB instances, and uses an FTB launch style system for grabbing forge when using ftb tagged instances, but If you copy an FTB instance it can screw with MultiMC and the way it grabs FTB-style forge installs - so this results in crashes.
When I copied the Direwolf20 pack in MultiMC, in the "Version" section of the instance edit window there's Minecraft, LWJGL, and "Direwolf20". The "Direwolf20" is supposed to be some sort of forge, multiMC calls it an "FTB pack version patch" - but it doesn't work properly on copied FTB instances - so you have to remove that, and install forge.
actually, this works. But you have to manually install forge.
MultiMC seems to tag FTB instances, and uses an FTB launch style system for grabbing forge when using ftb tagged instances, but If you copy an FTB instance it can screw with MultiMC and the way it grabs FTB-style forge installs - so this results in crashes.
When I copied the Direwolf20 pack in MultiMC, in the "Version" section of the instance edit window there's Minecraft, LWJGL, and "Direwolf20". The "Direwolf20" is supposed to be some sort of forge, multiMC calls it an "FTB pack version patch" - but it doesn't work properly on copied FTB instances - so you have to remove that, and install forge.

Thanks for that - I suppose I can just choose the latest forge. Will it it a try later.
You're correct, and hardly the first person to point out that Dire has a bad case of "that's the way we've always done it". His Ag Sky series makes that painfully obvious.
That said, note that he's planning on making his hammer from Cobalt, and once you have a hammer, having 'the best' pick becomes not nearly as important. Also, knowing Dire's progression, I would expect him to begin auto mining in some way very soon, so, whatever.

In his defense, this is part of the problem with modpacks IMO. You work so hard to build up your TiC tool set, finally get it the way you want them with all the fancy shiny bells and whistles... and your beloved new quarry just obsoleted every last one of em, save for "clean-up duty" around the base. LOL I find it rather unfortunate when this happens to me, but the solution seems to be "well then keep doing everything by hand and don't automate", but that takes away much of the point of doing anything in the game, save for "creative builds" which many of us aren't really all that proficient or skillful at, or very motivated to do. I dunno. Dire's never been cutting-edge or anything but I still enjoy watching.
Hmm so I'm starting to do my piping in my base and have been using chisel as the building blocks of my base. Now I just went to go make covers to cover up my enderIO conduits and it doesn't look like chisel blocks can be turned into multiblocks with the saw. Am I missing something?

DW20 confirmed to me last night that he'll be adding the multiparts config to add Chisel blocks, hopefully in 1.0.2
Here's a simple computercraft program to control a simple Big reactor (NOT one running a turbine). Simply add a reactor computer port, stick a computer infront of it and run this:


a 'pastebin get z81NYzbA power' will download it directly onto the computer.

It doesn't do anything complicated with control rods, fuel, coolant etc, it simply turns the reactor on and off based on how full it's internal energy buffer is.
DW20 confirmed to me last night that he'll be adding the multiparts config to add Chisel blocks, hopefully in 1.0.2
Well if this is the case I guess I will just wait it out and just clean my building up later on. I really like how the multiparts work so I'm gonna try to stick with them. I don't bother playing with configs and adding or removing mods until a few updates in where everything is clean and much more stable then it is right now, the first few versions always change configs in some way that throws mine out of wack.
In his defense, this is part of the problem with modpacks IMO. You work so hard to build up your TiC tool set, finally get it the way you want them with all the fancy shiny bells and whistles... and your beloved new quarry just obsoleted every last one of em, save for "clean-up duty" around the base. LOL I find it rather unfortunate when this happens to me, but the solution seems to be "well then keep doing everything by hand and don't automate", but that takes away much of the point of doing anything in the game, save for "creative builds" which many of us aren't really all that proficient or skillful at, or very motivated to do. I dunno. Dire's never been cutting-edge or anything but I still enjoy watching.
I actually tend to use hammer and quarry for my mining needs, since sometimes the quarry isn't fast enough, or I don't have the power infrastructure to properly support it.
Right now I'm finding hammer mining to be so effective (especially with the different y-level concentrated ores) that whenever I'm hurting, I launch my quarry, and go mining. I get plenty from hammering through the tunnels, and the quarry provides me with extra over the longer term, until the cell runs out - I'm usually forgetting to go back and check it.

I'm all the way through blood magic, except for demon killing. Have all thaumcraft research, except KAMI, done. Have octadic upgraded EnderIO ore processing. Enderium redstone cells, ender quarry, flux armour (chest & legs). Killed the wither about 20 times, and the ender dragon's dead.
All this, and I still don't have the power infrastructure and automation to really run a quarry full-time.
I have found that Iron is about 30-35 in pretty decent amounts, Iron also turns up elsewhere further down.

To be honest though, build a solid hammer.. go down to level 30 and just go nuts... earlier this week I was struggling with Iron, cleaving out HUGE tracts of 30-35 has yielded hundreds of units of ore which are now happily being crunched up in my SAG mill and then their dusts being turned into lovely ingots.

Seriously, TC.. get hammer (I just used iron plates, obsidian head and slimy handle, you only need to use an obsidian block for repairs!) and start digging :)

One thing that is rare though for me... Sulphur!

Anyone got any tips for Sulphur?

so....... I started a new world, thought why not use Mystcraft early on and keep the overworld clean
first age was an end stone eternal night world so I trashed that one right away, and then came the second one.... that s*#%(*$#@#

basically, what happened, it was pretty early game, so no fancy armor or anything, I entered the age, took a bit loading, and saw it was a netherrack world with eternal night and rain
ok, not that great, but let's take a little look, a few seconds later, the poison kicked in and before I had the time to react, AE2 decided to spawn a meteor just below my foot

result? well, it was quite a big meteor, so as a result I fell rigth to my death because it even took out the spawning platform.
so I respawned, inside the age ofcourse, and quickly tried breaking my gravestone, but because mystcraft books always pop out of a broken inventory, the linking book back home fell onto the ground
and another lovely mechanic is that mystcraft books are actual entities when they fall in the world, meaning the book started taking poison damage aswell
ooh, did I forget to mention it was raining aswell? yea, mystcraft books don't like rain... they really don't...
I didn't notice the book straight away, but when I did I ofcourse quickly tried to clear a spot in my hotbar to pick up the book, but ofcourse when you rush things, bad things will happen

sooooooo....... I didn't clear a spot in my hotbar quick enough and the health of the linking book back home took alot of damage because of the poison, and ofcourse the rain gave it the final blow and pooof, the linking book died.
me being me I ofcourse immediatly ragequite and deleted the world, and now I'm blowing of some steam on Isaac Rebirth before I give it another go
and ofcourse in the next world, screw mystcraft!! (until I get to midgame, early game mystcraft is baaaaad)
Reminds me a bit of some testing in my pack. Trying to establish the cause of a crash, loaded a new world, all good. Then the spawn got nuked by an AE2 meteor, if I wasn't in creative, I would have died.