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I'm trying to get a turtle to wait a few seconds before placing another block down in front of it and I can't seem to figure it out, any ideas?
What's a good way to keep an upper limit level control in AE

for example, I've got a set-up for a witch spawner, AE turns it on when it's below in glowstone, redstone, or gunpowder. However, I'm running into the problem that all the other drops go wild and fill up my drives.
This is the same for other drops from my other spawners.

so basically, what's a good (compact preferably) way to set up a level emitter controlled voiding/burning of items?
What's a good way to keep an upper limit level control in AE
Have you tried a level-emiter to an export bus going to a void chest? This is the system I use.

Alternatively you can set up DSUs for the overflowing items. That simply involves 1 DSU and 1 export bus per item. You could then export to a void chest with a lower priority than the DSU for all the included items. IMO, this is the most compact method using AE (1 DSU/Export bus per item, plus 1 export + void chest for all overflow).

Or just level emitter them straight into the void chest and bypass the DSU.
Have you tried a level-emiter to an export bus going to a void chest? This is the system I use.

Alternatively you can set up DSUs for the overflowing items. That simply involves 1 DSU and 1 export bus per item. You could then export to a void chest with a lower priority than the DSU for all the included items. IMO, this is the most compact method using AE (1 DSU/Export bus per item, plus 1 export + void chest for all overflow).

Or just level emitter them straight into the void chest and bypass the DSU.

What's a void chest and which mod is it from?
I haven't heard of it before, and a quick google turned up nothing..

is it a single item, or a chest with wooden pipe leading to void pipe?
just started playing on the 152ngt pack, and built a smeltery. At first it worked well, and I made a few casts. However, I then filled it up with a bit of copper, and now no faucets seem to work! I've tried casting it into both basin, ingot mold, pickaxe mold, and empty casting table - nothing happens, it just doesn't want to output. I can see the liquid copper and it shows up as 39 ingots in the GUI, and there are two full tanks of lava.

Anyone have any idea what the issue is?
Currently wasting time on 1.5.2 NGT waiting for Unleashed to get released.

The question is, am i likely to get any conflicts if i were to add Ars Magica, Better Dungeons 3 or Optifine to Unleashed? If so, is there any way to avoid those conflicts, possibly by editing block id's?
The question is, am i likely to get any conflicts if i were to add Ars Magica, Better Dungeons 3 or Optifine to Unleashed? If so, is there any way to avoid those conflicts, possibly by editing block id's?
You will need to edit a sizable number of ItemIDs to get Ars Magica to work, but that's the only major issue.
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I just learned you can run on water when you drink a potion of swiftness. Which mod adds this, or is it a "secret" vanilla thing?

Edit: 152ngt
You will need to edit a sizable number of ItemIDs to get Ars Magica to work, but that's the only major issue.

Thanks for the reply.
While we are at it, is there any way to edit block ids in a user-friendly form? I am not familiar with minecraft modding at all.

And as a side note, while playing NGT 152 in creative, i noticed that punching things deals 8 damage, disarms them and flings them high into the air with some cool audio. I could not find the mod responsible for this in the launcher. Where does that come from?
Thanks for the reply.
While we are at it, is there any way to edit block ids in a user-friendly form? I am not familiar with minecraft modding at all.

And as a side note, while playing NGT 152 in creative, i noticed that punching things deals 8 damage, disarms them and flings them high into the air with some cool audio. I could not find the mod responsible for this in the launcher. Where does that come from?
That doesn't happen in 152wgt (at least with default configs, maybe added effect of TC superfun? I dunno.), so unless you've changed some conf's/added mods, I would have to say Dartcraft

E: Regarding the block id's, they're found in the configs of the mod in question. Configs are in the config folder.
Two questions:
1. Playing with the 152ngt pack, what whould be your suggested methods of autocrafting? I'm not very far into my map so resources are still quite limited. I need to have an autocrafting system to turn leaves to plant balls, to be exact.

2. What are your favorite non-automatic crafting table? Now that the project table from RP2 is gone and the Automatic Crafting Table from buildcraft no longer works like it did before, is there any you prefer to the normal crafting table? I tend to use the pocket crafting table from factorization, but it's annoying in that it requires a lot of inventory space.
Two questions:
1. Playing with the 152ngt pack, what whould be your suggested methods of autocrafting? I'm not very far into my map so resources are still quite limited. I need to have an autocrafting system to turn leaves to plant balls, to be exact.

2. What are your favorite non-automatic crafting table? Now that the project table from RP2 is gone and the Automatic Crafting Table from buildcraft no longer works like it did before, is there any you prefer to the normal crafting table? I tend to use the pocket crafting table from factorization, but it's annoying in that it requires a lot of inventory space.
1. Cyclic assembler from TE (I think?) It's near-instant (craft/tick at full power of 2 mj/t).

2. Favorite non-automatic crafting table is crafting table, I've never used the late-project table nor the pocket crafting table.
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Tree Breeding: do trees which are neither vanilla nor Forestry present themselves as valid pollination targets?

I.e. when a bee picks a random leaf block to take pollen from, could it choose for example a cherry tree from Biomes O'Plenty, which would cause the attempt to fail?
Or, when a bee picks a random leaf block to pollinate with a previously acquired pollen, could it choose such an incompatible cherry tree leaf and, again, fail?

The only useful bee keeping biome anywhere near my house is a Biomes O'Plenty cherry blossom grove, and the question is whether or not to invest hours into clearing all those huge and useless cherry trees ;)
Can anyone tell me how overclockers works?

I know the general things like it speeds up processing time of machines but also increasing energy consumptions.

What i don't understand is for example: i put 16 overclocker on the 1.5.2 ultimate wgt recycler. With the 16 overclocker mighy increases the eu consumption maybe to a mv / hv tier machines right? Now do i need to change the machines power input to an mfe? Or just stay on batbox / lv transformer?

And can anyone suggest me how many overclockers is the efficient one to be put on macerator, recycler, extractor and compressor? (I don't remember if i can put overclocker on compressor or not)

And one last thing can i put overclocker to an GT assembly machine? If yes what is the best overclocker should i add?

I've read somewhere about a "nice gregtech" mod that's basically the gregtech mod without the nerf. I've tried finding it but only config settings, is that all there is/what is the difference? Also, if the "nice gregtech" mod (or whatever it's called) is different in terms of code, is it decently safe to use without having it crash stuff?

What i don't understand is for example: i put 16 overclocker on the 1.5.2 ultimate wgt recycler. With the 16 overclocker mighy increases the eu consumption maybe to a mv / hv tier machines right? Now do i need to change the machines power input to an mfe? Or just stay on batbox / lv transformer?
And can anyone suggest me how many overclockers is the efficient one to be put on macerator, recycler, extractor and compressor? (I don't remember if i can put overclocker on compressor or not)

And one last thing can i put overclocker to an GT assembly machine? If yes what is the best overclocker should i add?

Yes, increased power consumption means you have to have increased power supply. Each overclocker reduces time per operation by 30% and increases power consumption by 60% per operation. So to calculate what time per operation and energy per operation, do the following:
Time per operation: Original time * ( 0.7 ^ number of overclockers)
Energy per operation: Original energy consumption * ( 1.6 ^ number of overclockers.
Energy consumption per tick: energy per operation / time per operation in ticks

So if you have a recycler (which takes 35 eu/operation and 2.25 seconds (45 ticks)/operation normally), the normal eu/t is 35/45=0.77 eu/t (rounded to 1).
Adding a single recycler changes this by making eu/operation 35*1.6^1=56 and time per eu 45*0.7^1=31.5 (rounded to 32). So eu/t is 56/31.5=1.75 (if i've understood correctly this is rounded down to 1, so having at least a single overclocker in the recycler is generally recommended).

With 16 overclockers, it looks like this:
eu/operation 35*1.6^16=64563
time/operation 45*0.7^16=0.15 (minimum is one operation per tick so in reality it leads to 1 operation/t)

I'm not sure how it calculates eu/t, if it does that before the rounding up in terms of time/operation, but in a best case scenario it will drain:
64563/1=64563 eu/t. Which is very high completely bonkers.

Now, if you want the optimal speed - 1 operation/t (or 20/second), you want 11 overclockers, which will drain 6157 eu/t, and thus require ultrahigh voltage.
If you want my opinion, a good pace could be using 4 recyclers with 7 overclockers each. The drain for each will be 253/t (having 8 will go over 512eu/), so you can use regular glass fibre cable from an mfsu, and the amount of operations per tick will be sliiiightly over one. So you'll get the same speed as a an 11 (or 16) overclocker recycler, but it won't require ultra-high voltage and will have a total consumption of 1012 eu/t instead of 6100 (or 64k!).

EDIT: Oh, forgot to say one important thing. You NEED transformer upgrades in them! Otherwise they'll just blow up.

1. Cyclic assembler from TE (I think?) It's near-instant (craft/tick at full power of 2 mj/t).

2. Favorite non-automatic crafting table is crafting table, I've never used the late-project table nor the pocket crafting table.
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