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Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
Lets start by saying that i cant code....and i want to make a turtle attack machine that will kill wither Skellys so i need some code to help with this! please leave some coding
or direct me to a coding page. PLEASE!

Wrote that a week or two ago for someone.

It attacks anything in front of it and drops anything in it picks up below it. If you want it to be different directions change this line:




If you want it to drop behind, to the side, or in front of it.



If you want it to drop above it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What are my options when it comes to harvesting wheat? I'm playing 152ngt, and I want a small wheat system in my animal farm for the breeders, they aren't supposed to go full speed so a 5x5 non-fertilized will be enough. So far I've considered:
1. MFR harvesters. Will pick the whole place apart since it's largely built of logs.
2. Turtles. I have no idea whatsoever how to program a turtle so it detects when the wheat is done.
3. Combines. These are no longer in the game, however :(
4. Steve's carts. These are large, ugly, and will require a constant coal suppy. And they'll run 24-7 even if there's no wheat to be gathered (no timers etc in 152ngt). Does not fit well.

I realize I have high requirements, but does anyone have a suggestion?


Tech Support
Oct 30, 2012
What are my options when it comes to harvesting wheat? I'm playing 152ngt, and I want a small wheat system in my animal farm for the breeders, they aren't supposed to go full speed so a 5x5 non-fertilized will be enough. So far I've considered:
1. MFR harvesters. Will pick the whole place apart since it's largely built of logs.
2. Turtles. I have no idea whatsoever how to program a turtle so it detects when the wheat is done.
3. Combines. These are no longer in the game, however :(
4. Steve's carts. These are large, ugly, and will require a constant coal suppy. And they'll run 24-7 even if there's no wheat to be gathered (no timers etc in 152ngt). Does not fit well.

I realize I have high requirements, but does anyone have a suggestion?

Thaumcraft golems.

I forget which one harvests things but it does. A wood golem will pick up all the harvested materials and place them in the chest you attach them to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thaumcraft golems.

I forget which one harvests things but it does. A wood golem will pick up all the harvested materials and place them in the chest you attach them to.

Straw golems will harvest mature plants. You'll need to give the straw golem an intelligence core or else it won't replant when it does.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As far as I know, any other trees will be ignored, as it (the mod) won't know what those blocks are.

I suppose that makes sense. I shall be watching my setup carefully though, especially since there seems little information on the subject.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
Straw Golems will harvest, but not replant, most plants. Smart Straw Golems will both harvest and plant seeds. Wooden golems can grab the wheat and leftover seeds.

Forestry farms require apatite and a significant amount of copper and tin investment, but they're exceptionally cheap to run -- a pair of peat-fired engines will take care of most types -- and very effective. Even the smallest farm is larger than 25-blocks, but you can set individual sides of a farm to different purposes, so this can do wheat on one side, and other farms on the other three corners.

ComputerCraft farms rely on two schools : the first involves bonemeal (or mod-added items that act similarly), while the latter relies on probability. Converting bonemeal into wheat is simplest, but probably not what you're looking for. While it's impossible to predict when an individual block of wheat will be done or detect (without cheating) when an individual block of wheat is done, it's fairly trivial to detect when most of a portion of a chunkloaded farm will be done, depending on the characteristics of the farm. Farms where every part of the soil is used for wheat will be mostly done in 70 minutes, while farms with rows of wheat between rows of tilled and hydrated soil will be mostly done in about 45 minutes. Running a turtle over the farm at that interval to harvest and replant is fairly simple from a coding perspective. Because you're moving the turtle, however, it must be fueled, and this is time-inefficient enough that moving the turtle is preferable.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks a lot. Guess I'll have to go down the thaumcraft research tree now... At least I don't need smart golems. Replanting I can do with a MFR planter, though of course it would be even more awesome not to have to do that.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
Tree Breeding: do trees which are neither vanilla nor Forestry present themselves as valid pollination targets?

I.e. when a bee picks a random leaf block to take pollen from, could it choose for example a cherry tree from Biomes O'Plenty, which would cause the attempt to fail?
Or, when a bee picks a random leaf block to pollinate with a previously acquired pollen, could it choose such an incompatible cherry tree leaf and, again, fail?

The only useful bee keeping biome anywhere near my house is a Biomes O'Plenty cherry blossom grove, and the question is whether or not to invest hours into clearing all those huge and useless cherry trees ;)
Not a bee expert, but from diving into the code, it looks like bees select random blocks in their territory and then check if that block is a vanilla tree leaf or Forestry pollination API. They'll fail if they run into a Natura (as of Natura 2.1, which has no Forestry API code) or Biome O' Plenty (as of 0.5.8, which has some Forestry API stuff but not the pollination side) tree at a different code stage than the part that checks for isAirBlock, but in practice the attempt will do the same thing. It looks like you don't get any extra retry for each pollination attempt whether you fail because of an air block or any other type of block (though you do get up to twenty and thirty pollination attempts per cycle, respectively, with a maximum of one success), and in practice there should be no loss or gain from having incompatible trees nearby versus just having air or stone in the same place.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Previously, you've been able to use milk in fermenters for increased effect, much like fruit juice, am I right? I have a strong memory of doing exactly that but now it seems not to work :(

2. What are the uses of milk? I've got three cow pens, two for milk and one for meat (and all three for the most important part: crap.). But if milk doesn't work in fermenters, are there any real uses for it? The only one I know (besides making a shitload of cakes) is using them in a biomass engine, but the ranchers drain quite a bit of power; will the power gained through biomass engines even be larger than the power it takes to milk the cows? I've already got like 4k buckets of it, and I'm not even thirsty...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not a bee expert, but from diving into the code, it looks like bees select random blocks in their territory and then check if that block is a vanilla tree leaf or Forestry pollination API. They'll fail if they run into a Natura (as of Natura 2.1, which has no Forestry API code) or Biome O' Plenty (as of 0.5.8, which has some Forestry API stuff but not the pollination side) tree at a different code stage than the part that checks for isAirBlock, but in practice the attempt will do the same thing. It looks like you don't get any extra retry for each pollination attempt whether you fail because of an air block or any other type of block (though you do get up to twenty and thirty pollination attempts per cycle, respectively, with a maximum of one success), and in practice there should be no loss or gain from having incompatible trees nearby versus just having air or stone in the same place.

Interesting. So that basically means that you should provide a large number of comaptible leaves or risk missing pollinations cycles? In the past I've always used a small number of trees in a large empty space, but if it can fail because it can't randomly find a leaf block then it might be better to plant a lot of trees.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
Interesting. So that basically means that you should provide a large number of comaptible leaves or risk missing pollinations cycles? In the past I've always used a small number of trees in a large empty space, but if it can fail because it can't randomly find a leaf block then it might be better to plant a lot of trees.
As far as I can tell, it's better to have a high number of leaves (or saplings) within the bee territory, and as few non-leaf (or non-sapling) blocks as possible. That's probably more relevant than pollination speed, with larger territories.
1. Previously, you've been able to use milk in fermenters for increased effect, much like fruit juice, am I right? I have a strong memory of doing exactly that but now it seems not to work :(
Only water, fruit juice, and honey in Fermenters, to my knowledge.
... is using them in a biomass engine, but the ranchers drain quite a bit of power; will the power gained through biomass engines even be larger than the power it takes to milk the cows? I've already got like 4k buckets of it, and I'm not even thirsty...
Biogas engines produce 40,000 MJ per unit of milk, so even with the engine's consumption of lava, you're probably going to be energy-positive. Biogas engines burn milk incredibly slowly, though, so this probably isn't worthwhile.

DartCraft engines will let you use it as a multiplier, if that's installed.

Other than that, void the excess, and probably don't bother using a Rancher on cattle to start with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Huh, that means milk in biogas engines are DEFINATELY worth it, they don't use nearly 40k MJ. The bronze cost for a half-dozen or dozen engines is neglible since I don't use gregtech.

I don't use dartcraft engines though as they feel cheaty (seriously their output per unit is insane).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't get milk to enter my biogas engines, what may I be doing wrong? I've tried both liquiducts and gold waterproof pipes, neither seem to get the milk into the engine. I've also tried putting in milk buckets; while it accepts the buckets as input they don't empty and there's no milk added to the engines.



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2013
Do you have MineFactory Reloaded? There may be a bug with how MFR tries to move things to the newer Fluid interface.

I'm also not sure how the lava consumption is calculated; it's certainly still net-positive, but you probably end up costing significant amounts of energy in that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What mod that added unusual / sorcerous bee?

And why every time i try to analyze these bees i always ended up crashing my minecraft?
I am using the 1.5.2 ultimate wgt. Please help :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What mod that added unusual / sorcerous bee?

And why every time i try to analyze these bees i always ended up crashing my minecraft?
I am using the 1.5.2 ultimate wgt. Please help :)

Magic Bees.[DOUBLEPOST=1374541831][/DOUBLEPOST]
I can't get milk to enter my biogas engines, what may I be doing wrong? I've tried both liquiducts and gold waterproof pipes, neither seem to get the milk into the engine. I've also tried putting in milk buckets; while it accepts the buckets as input they don't empty and there's no milk added to the engines.


The engine may be holding a different liquid, but not showing it for some reason. The liquid may be bugged. So you'll have to break and replace the engine to remove the liquid. The pipette may work as well, but since the liquid is bugged it may not.