How expensive is it to go straight into ae right after basic ore reprocessing. One of the things that always holds me back is that I never prepare my storage infrastructure enough in advance to have something convenient later down the road, I'd like to setup something early that I can easily expand through every stage of my expansion. Using dw20 7
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Can't give you exact cost, as it depends on what you would call an acceptiple system and I do not know materail cost off my head.
But you will need a almost constant source of power, or the ability to store up power and then activate it when you need access to your stuff (the second option is easiest, a coal generator with a energy cell of some kind would work fine, just turn it on to access you junk and turn it off when not using it).
Then you will need a decent amount of infrastructure to make all the components, which will cost power, resources, and time.
Then you make the machines and components into your network (I like starting with a power accepter, a few 4k drives and a crafting terminal, but you can do more or less than that). If you want to start automation anything remotely complex or large you are opening a box of hurt on the resources and time angle, and that is assuming you know how to build in ae2 well already
All that said,
I would not do it this early in the game, but I also do not like rushing stuff myself. I'm sure you can do it, just expect more mining trips and energy pains than you normally get (although will not have as much a problem with storage and converting old systems later due to starting your end-game storage early). Also, it should work fine with your plan to expand your systems as you go, just plan ahead of course.