Get a zombie to pick up your hammer, capture it in a safari net, insert into autospawner, spawn exact copies, kill zombies?
(Unless that was fixed)
That was fixed ... nice try though

Get a zombie to pick up your hammer, capture it in a safari net, insert into autospawner, spawn exact copies, kill zombies?
(Unless that was fixed)
Get a zombie to pick up your hammer, capture it in a safari net, insert into autospawner, spawn exact copies, kill zombies?
(Unless that was fixed)
there is also thaumcraft runic armor which you can infuse with extra abilities
Doing quests, I've reached the alchemy quest. And, well, one of items I need is greatwood. I just unlocked the greatwood research and...I'm scared considering the recipe and what I need to do. Heck, I don't really know what to do. I unlocked the runic matrix, I'm guessing it's related to that. (If I figure this out, I should be able to get runic armor as a bonus)
Dude, igneous extruders?I've gotten around to finally, finally making an automated cobblestone generator. It's a pretty simple design: Similar to the most basic cobble generator where it's basically WHEL (Water, Hole, Empty spot for cobble, lava), except with 1 lava block in the middle and 4 water source blocks with holes in front, all with block breakers breaking them with itemducts transporting the cobble to a JABBA barrel. If nothing else, I won't have to farm cobblestone manually ever again (I hope).
Another thing I should do is to make 3 separate farms: A farm for food crops, a farm for nether wart and a farm for trees. That will require 2 more planters, 2 more harvesters, 2 more sludge boilers, 1 more steam dynamo (Maybe I should upgrade my energy sources to something else aside from a magmatic dynamo, which I'm having a bit of a painful time keeping filled with lava) and a lot more itemducts, conduits and fluiducts.
If nothing else, I'm finally starting to properly automatize and clean up my world.
...Dude, igneous extruders?
I love how a mod developer is helping us break mods XD[DOUBLEPOST=1399128654][/DOUBLEPOST]
Are you that 99%Awesome guy who always posts on DW20 vids? I recognize the picture.
Doing quests, I've reached the alchemy quest. And, well, one of items I need is greatwood. I just unlocked the greatwood research and...I'm scared considering the recipe and what I need to do. Heck, I don't really know what to do. I unlocked the runic matrix, I'm guessing it's related to that. (If I figure this out, I should be able to get runic armor as a bonus)
That Level 8 Magnet can be really amazing if you get it right off the bat. Nothing more frustrating than trying to move a tree farm and have half the dirt fall into the void.Okay, because I want to break my embarrassment about the igneous extruders, random question: What's the best thing you got out of a reward bag (if you use them). I think my best was 16 silverwood saplings and 8 aura nodes (if nothing else, the aura nodes will help with keeping my want fully charged and other things that they might be useful for). My most recent award is also pretty nice: 16 of ~12 different beehives. 4 blood runes was another award, but I haven't started on blood magic yet, so I don't know how useful those are. So, share what you think might be the best reward you got.
That Level 8 Magnet can be really amazing if you get it right off the bat. Nothing more frustrating than trying to move a tree farm and have half the dirt fall into the void.
I haven't gotten anything as amazing as eight nodes, but I did once get 16 of each thaumic shard type.
Actually, I have a question: How does the ender-thermic pump work? I'm wondering if there's a way of setting up a pump in the nether to pump lava that is then transferred cross-dimensionally to a tank on the overworld that can then fuel magmatic dynamos. The ender-thermic pump sounds like that's what it should do, but does it, and if it does, how does the cross-dimension lava transportation work?
Yeah, I'm asking a lot of questions, but that's because I'm trying to make my base actually work.
research is set to easy mode, no need for the mini game that's all I'm aware ofOkay, has research fundamentally changed or something? Because I click Aer and Ordo and I get nothing instead of Motus