Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

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Get a zombie to pick up your hammer, capture it in a safari net, insert into autospawner, spawn exact copies, kill zombies?

(Unless that was fixed)

Jaded find out :( maybe you can do it with pech since they pick up the items you give him and trade it back?
Doing quests, I've reached the alchemy quest. And, well, one of items I need is greatwood. I just unlocked the greatwood research and...I'm scared considering the recipe and what I need to do. Heck, I don't really know what to do. I unlocked the runic matrix, I'm guessing it's related to that. (If I figure this out, I should be able to get runic armor as a bonus)
@Jadedcat there's 2 more Quests you could add to the Bragging Rights Tab.

Luck? I don't need no stinking Luck!
  • You have to turn in all the guaranteed loot bags that all the regular Quests give out.
I Give all my Love to Jadedcat!
  • All the full hearts you earn from regular Quests have to be turned in.
Doing quests, I've reached the alchemy quest. And, well, one of items I need is greatwood. I just unlocked the greatwood research and...I'm scared considering the recipe and what I need to do. Heck, I don't really know what to do. I unlocked the runic matrix, I'm guessing it's related to that. (If I figure this out, I should be able to get runic armor as a bonus)

(Watch purple mentats AgS LP video on when he makes a greatwood. It's not all THAT hard.)
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Reactions: PurpleMentat
Did someone say BIG Reactors?

Just farting around in a creative world. I made a 32x32x32 reactor to see just how silly big you can create these and still work. Had to use McEdit to add all of the Gelid Cryotheum in a timely manner. Placing the last block took a few seconds for the game to do the reactor calculations, but after activating the reactor, it happily purrs along without reducing framerate. Hats of to the mod creator for that. This monster eats a yellorium ingot every 5 seconds and produces 777 KiRF/t :P Click spoiler for pics.




Fun times! Next on the list of insane things to do in creative for testing purposes is to make a matching steam turbine :eek::eek::eek:
I've gotten around to finally, finally making an automated cobblestone generator. It's a pretty simple design: Similar to the most basic cobble generator where it's basically WHEL (Water, Hole, Empty spot for cobble, lava), except with 1 lava block in the middle and 4 water source blocks with holes in front, all with block breakers breaking them with itemducts transporting the cobble to a JABBA barrel. If nothing else, I won't have to farm cobblestone manually ever again (I hope).
Another thing I should do is to make 3 separate farms: A farm for food crops, a farm for nether wart and a farm for trees. That will require 2 more planters, 2 more harvesters, 2 more sludge boilers, 1 more steam dynamo (Maybe I should upgrade my energy sources to something else aside from a magmatic dynamo, which I'm having a bit of a painful time keeping filled with lava) and a lot more itemducts, conduits and fluiducts.
If nothing else, I'm finally starting to properly automatize and clean up my world.
I've gotten around to finally, finally making an automated cobblestone generator. It's a pretty simple design: Similar to the most basic cobble generator where it's basically WHEL (Water, Hole, Empty spot for cobble, lava), except with 1 lava block in the middle and 4 water source blocks with holes in front, all with block breakers breaking them with itemducts transporting the cobble to a JABBA barrel. If nothing else, I won't have to farm cobblestone manually ever again (I hope).
Another thing I should do is to make 3 separate farms: A farm for food crops, a farm for nether wart and a farm for trees. That will require 2 more planters, 2 more harvesters, 2 more sludge boilers, 1 more steam dynamo (Maybe I should upgrade my energy sources to something else aside from a magmatic dynamo, which I'm having a bit of a painful time keeping filled with lava) and a lot more itemducts, conduits and fluiducts.
If nothing else, I'm finally starting to properly automatize and clean up my world.
Dude, igneous extruders?
High Oven, Ore Processing, And YOU!

So, you want to kick your ore smelting into high gear, but don't want a bazillion different smelteries all over the place cluttering up your skyscape just to keep from accidentally producing alloys? This here is your one-stop shop to take care of your ores, but there are a few tricks of the trade which I shall share with you forthwith.

First off, you need Scorched Bricks. Which is to say you take Clay, put it through an oven to cook it as normal, then throw it on a casting table and pour some molten cobblestone over it. Just one cobblestone's worth of liquid ought to do it! This gets you ONE seared brick.

Oh, you can do it in blocks in the basin. Put the brick block into the basin, and pour four cobblestone worth of molten stone over it. Save you some time that way, although you'll still need the smaller bricks to make the various input and output devices.

Right, now lets build this bad boy. Since you are looking at replacing ALL of those unsightly smelteries (except maybe one to make stuff in a pinch and use it for stuff smelteries are always used for), you're actually looking at building two multiblock structures, one on top of another. And this is going to get pretty tall, so probably multi-level. What I've done is have the High Oven on 'ground level', with the Deep Tank hooked up directly below where all the automation and processing and piping goes that keeps it out of sight.

You're going to want to build this High Oven eight tall, then you're going to probably want to build a 5 x 5 x 5 below that. So keep the space constraints in mind when building.

Why eight tall? Because then it will accept up to six inputs at once. Oh, don't worry, even with 'only' six inputs, compared to dozens you can get from a smeltery, it actually runs faster and accepts more because it can accept STACKS at a time rather than individuals. It still runs them one at a time, but it does so far faster than the smeltery does, overall.

Now to automate it!

First off is the Scorched Drain. Like the Seared Drain, its purpose is to permit the input or output of fluids with respect to the interior of the oven itself. However, they are side-sensitive. So if you want to put liquids INTO the High Oven, you need the small circular face on the INSIDE of the High Oven, with the large face pointing out to hook up to some form of liquid input.

Second off is the Scorched Duct. This is how you handle the input and output of items. When you place one, you can click on it, and a little GUI will show up. You can tell the duct which slot the items are supposed to be going into. Therefore, if you are wanting to fully automate steel production, you'll need a duct for the iron to go in the input slot, a seperate duct for the gunpowder, redstone, and sand, and one for the fuel slot. However, if all you are doing is automating the smelting of metals, all you need is two: one for the input and one for the fuel. Don't forget to configure them!

Also don't forget that the High Oven absolutely requires a redstone signal to activate and run.

Next up we talk about the Deep Tank. Think of it kind of similar to the Smeltery's liquid storage beefed up a couple of magnitudes. Basically, the bigger the tank the more liquid it can store, but really we're wanting to build it 5 x 5 so we can have all the drains installed neatly. You will need a Tank Controller to get this going as well. The walls can be glass, but the top and bottom need to be ringed in either Scorched Brick or Scorched Drains (the bottom layer needs the Tank Controller somewhere).

Since there are nine metals in Agrarian Skies that we need to smelt, we use a 5 x 5 tank, with 3x ducts on each of 3 sides, and have one 'clean' face to present to the audience. You can use microblock covers to keep them from connecting. You will also need some servos and you'll need to get a little bit tricky with them. You see, you're going to need a bucket of molten metal, open up the liquiduct interface (with your BARE HAND, clicking with your bucket of molten metal will cause you to have a Bad Day), and click the bucket into the interface and select 'white list', so that particular liquiduct will only accept that particular liquid metal. Have the ducts pour into Basins (casting tables with ingot molds won't be fast enough), and have Itemducts ready to pull out the results to your storage system.

Since the Deep Tank will not create alloys, you can keep everything in one central tank and never worry about embarrassing fluids blocking up the system.

The High Tank does take a bit to heat up to maximum capacity, but it takes less than one block of charcoal to achieve maximum temperature, so it's not too bad.

Now then, some caveats and warnings:

If something ends up in a flux/reducer/etc slot that isn't a flux/reducer/etc and it tries to process an item, it will perma-crash you. Don't do this. Make sure your Scorched Ducts are correctly calibrated to put items into the correct slots. This is fixed in 4.1, however that version seems to have a problem with not permitting Sand to be Pulverized in a Pulverizer into Dust for some strange reason. You can still do it manually with a hammer, though.

If you don't correctly set up your item/liquiducts, you can easily cause a backup, because you will be processing stacks of metals at a time. And it can back up really quickly. Check and test your system before initiating full throttle.
I love how a mod developer is helping us break mods XD[DOUBLEPOST=1399128654][/DOUBLEPOST]
Are you that 99%Awesome guy who always posts on DW20 vids? I recognize the picture.

nope, I just like cereal guy :)

Doing quests, I've reached the alchemy quest. And, well, one of items I need is greatwood. I just unlocked the greatwood research and...I'm scared considering the recipe and what I need to do. Heck, I don't really know what to do. I unlocked the runic matrix, I'm guessing it's related to that. (If I figure this out, I should be able to get runic armor as a bonus)

tip... pechs spawn in Magical Forest Biomes, another tip, pechs like shiny ingots ;)
Okay, because I want to break my embarrassment about the igneous extruders, random question: What's the best thing you got out of a reward bag (if you use them). I think my best was 16 silverwood saplings and 8 aura nodes (if nothing else, the aura nodes will help with keeping my want fully charged and other things that they might be useful for). My most recent award is also pretty nice: 16 of ~12 different beehives. 4 blood runes was another award, but I haven't started on blood magic yet, so I don't know how useful those are. So, share what you think might be the best reward you got.
Also, unrelated: After reading up on the igneous extruders, you know what I decided to do? Expand my fresh cobble generator by doubling up on block breakers. Yeah, I started with the generator concept, might as well go all the way with it. However, I'm now running low on iron, so it'll soon be time for another journey into the nether.
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Okay, because I want to break my embarrassment about the igneous extruders, random question: What's the best thing you got out of a reward bag (if you use them). I think my best was 16 silverwood saplings and 8 aura nodes (if nothing else, the aura nodes will help with keeping my want fully charged and other things that they might be useful for). My most recent award is also pretty nice: 16 of ~12 different beehives. 4 blood runes was another award, but I haven't started on blood magic yet, so I don't know how useful those are. So, share what you think might be the best reward you got.
That Level 8 Magnet can be really amazing if you get it right off the bat. Nothing more frustrating than trying to move a tree farm and have half the dirt fall into the void.

I haven't gotten anything as amazing as eight nodes, but I did once get 16 of each thaumic shard type.
That Level 8 Magnet can be really amazing if you get it right off the bat. Nothing more frustrating than trying to move a tree farm and have half the dirt fall into the void.

I haven't gotten anything as amazing as eight nodes, but I did once get 16 of each thaumic shard type.

Here's a tip. Never build a skyblock base with single block layers :P No seriously, why would you not just put dirt on top of wood or cobble blocks?
Actually, I have a question: How does the ender-thermic pump work? I'm wondering if there's a way of setting up a pump in the nether to pump lava that is then transferred cross-dimensionally to a tank on the overworld that can then fuel magmatic dynamos. The ender-thermic pump sounds like that's what it should do, but does it, and if it does, how does the cross-dimension lava transportation work?
Yeah, I'm asking a lot of questions, but that's because I'm trying to make my base actually work.
Actually, I have a question: How does the ender-thermic pump work? I'm wondering if there's a way of setting up a pump in the nether to pump lava that is then transferred cross-dimensionally to a tank on the overworld that can then fuel magmatic dynamos. The ender-thermic pump sounds like that's what it should do, but does it, and if it does, how does the cross-dimension lava transportation work?
Yeah, I'm asking a lot of questions, but that's because I'm trying to make my base actually work.

1 word: tesseracts