Agrarian Skys help, venting, and discussion thread

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In simplest terms, you are not far enough in your bee progression yet to have access to these items.

You start out with hives, hives go in an apary, you use those a while, get enough resouces, running combs through centrafuge, and eventually make the scented wood needed to construct an Alveary. It's not until your in the 2nd tier of progression that you can make a sieve block to replace one of the alveary blocks.

I like to suggest direwolf20's forestry guide as a starting point on the machines, but bee genetics are complicated, you'll need more help then he gives.
Not to contradict, but in AgSky, you'll be delaying yourself tremendously by using Forestry for pretty much anything outside of quest requirements. Gendustry's Industrial Apiary and genetic machines are dramatically faster, and remove nearly all of the RNG from breeding. Assuming adequate power and normal resources (redstone, iron, gold, etc) you can breed pretty much any bee you need very quickly instead of the hours required for Forestry/Extra Bees.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can skip to industrial gendustry apiaries without making alviaries? (look who assumed he'd need to at least run that far in forestry first)

Gendustry removes a lot of the guessing and the tedious aspects from bee breeding. You still need at least some infrastructure first, because it takes quite a few diamonds when you get into the genetics and RF to run the Industrial Apiaries.
But aside of that it is really straightforward. Look up what species you need and what bees are required. Put them into an (Advanced) Mutatron and you get a queen of that species. No worrying about mutation chances or restrictions to breed the species, it's really very convenient.

Some knowledge doesn't hurt though. What genes to extract to produce the "perfect" bee, how to use normal apiaries with Oblivion frames together with Gendustry to speed up the process, when and how to use the Genetic Imprinter. But all that comes also after you got started already.
Or watch a couple YouTube videos. As with everything AgSkies related, PurpleMentat would be my first recommendation here. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
detailed explenations would make quite a few people happy, I could even see this on forgecraft if it's faster then the way dire has the golems setup...

The Redstone pulse travels through the whole system and ends up where it started (there is a level to deactivate the whole thing). Its basically a three step system. I marked the bellows as A, B and C:

Step A draws the essentia from the alembic where its sits for a few seconds to allow the jars to suck their essentia out of the buffer. Then Step/Bellows B activates and sucks the Essentia that didnt go into any jars from Step/Bellows A into the next buffer down the line. The essentia sits/drains for a while in bellow B and Step/bellow C finishes the "Cycle". Now when Bellow/Step A activates again, there is no essentia left in Bellow B, so it drains a new batch from the alembic. Or from bellow C if you look further down the line...^^

So far there isn't any issue with stuffed essentia and I've run it for a while. The only problem might be using more the one furnace. (but I didnt experiment very hard in that direction.) It is possible to hook up more then one furnace, but the buffer has a cap of 8, which might "slow things down".

I might post a download link for my world if anyone is interested. Sorry if my explanation isn't very clear but english isnt my main language. Also, is there a link so I can see that Golem setup for myself?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah. Big Reactors place waste materials into IO slots regardless of their settings, in index order. So, you can either just wait for that slot to fill up and then the next slot will start to fill, or change the imnport / export settings and busses around so that the "index zero" slot which is currently getting the fuel, gets used as the ejection port.

Thanks. Seeing as swapping them around was easy to do I did that and it appears to be working fine now :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Gendustry removes a lot of the guessing and the tedious aspects from bee breeding. You still need at least some infrastructure first, because it takes quite a few diamonds when you get into the genetics and RF to run the Industrial Apiaries.
But aside of that it is really straightforward. Look up what species you need and what bees are required. Put them into an (Advanced) Mutatron and you get a queen of that species. No worrying about mutation chances or restrictions to breed the species, it's really very convenient.

Some knowledge doesn't hurt though. What genes to extract to produce the "perfect" bee, how to use normal apiaries with Oblivion frames together with Gendustry to speed up the process, when and how to use the Genetic Imprinter. But all that comes also after you got started already.
Or watch a couple YouTube videos. As with everything AgSkies related, PurpleMentat would be my first recommendation here. :)

I wouldn't use vanilla Forestry machines for bee breeding at all, especially if the player has not had much experience with Forestry prior.

???? Sorry, this is wayyyy over my head. I literally know almost nthing about bees and trees. Is there a easy yo understand guide out there?

Extract a shortest life sample with a Genetic Sampler as soon as possible. I believe Cultivated bees have this.
Extract a 2, 3, or 4x fertility as soon as possible.
Extract a Fast or Fastest Production.
Extract a None effect.

Designate at least one Industrial Apiary for bee breeding- I had 6 just for breeding. Put in 4 life upgrades. If you haven't quite gotten temperature and humidity tolerance, you might need a slot or two for those upgrades to get the environment right for the particular bee you're breeding. The fourth slot could be used for production upgrades, light upgrade, seal, or whatever else you need.

The life upgrades- contrary to their names- actually decrease the lifespan of a bee. With 4 of those and a shortest lifespan, you'll be cycling bees in no time. I recommend stocking up on a handful of drones and definitely waiting for more princesses to spawn in case you need them for crossbreeding later.

You can stack industrial apiaries on top of each other. Put a light upgrade in the top one and depending on how high you've stacked them, it will provide light for those below. I stacked mine 3 high.

I never had a use for standard apiaries or even alvearies. The time wasted setting up frame production/insertion and the space taken up by alvearies just isn't worth it if you've got the resources and power for industrial apiaries.

My final genetic template for bees is as follows:
Fertility: 4x
Production: Fastest
Lifespan: Shortest (or Longest if you don't need to rapidly breed)
Pollination: Fastest
Area: Normal/Average
Humidity Tolerance: Up/Down 3
Temperature Tolerance: Up/Down 3
Flowers: Flowers
Ignores Day/Night: True
Tolerant Flyers: True
Cave Dwelling: True
Effect: None

With this template, you can finish bees very quickly. If you use the Advanced Mutatron to get a queen of your desired species, cycle it once then feed the princess and one drone back through the Imprinter. Breeding these two together will result in a stable species with the traits from your template.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wouldn't use vanilla Forestry machines for bee breeding at all, especially if the player has not had much experience with Forestry prior.

Extract a shortest life sample with a Genetic Sampler as soon as possible. I believe Cultivated bees have this.
Extract a 2, 3, or 4x fertility as soon as possible.
Extract a Fast or Fastest Production.
Extract a None effect.

Designate at least one Industrial Apiary for bee breeding- I had 6 just for breeding. Put in 4 life upgrades. If you haven't quite gotten temperature and humidity tolerance, you might need a slot or two for those upgrades to get the environment right for the particular bee you're breeding. The fourth slot could be used for production upgrades, light upgrade, seal, or whatever else you need.

The life upgrades- contrary to their names- actually decrease the lifespan of a bee. With 4 of those and a shortest lifespan, you'll be cycling bees in no time. I recommend stocking up on a handful of drones and definitely waiting for more princesses to spawn in case you need them for crossbreeding later.

You can stack industrial apiaries on top of each other. Put a light upgrade in the top one and depending on how high you've stacked them, it will provide light for those below. I stacked mine 3 high.

I never had a use for standard apiaries or even alvearies. The time wasted setting up frame production/insertion and the space taken up by alvearies just isn't worth it if you've got the resources and power for industrial apiaries.

My final genetic template for bees is as follows:
Fertility: 4x
Production: Fastest
Lifespan: Shortest (or Longest if you don't need to rapidly breed)
Pollination: Fastest
Area: Normal/Average
Humidity Tolerance: Up/Down 3
Temperature Tolerance: Up/Down 3
Flowers: Flowers
Ignores Day/Night: True
Tolerant Flyers: True
Cave Dwelling: True
Effect: None

With this template, you can finish bees very quickly. If you use the Advanced Mutatron to get a queen of your desired species, cycle it once then feed the princess and one drone back through the Imprinter. Breeding these two together will result in a stable species with the traits from your template.

How does one extract a quality from a bee and put it in a template?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tinker's Steelworks - Steam Power

Creating steam using the High Oven from Tinker's Steelworks is a little finicky. I've done some experimenting and figured out how to do it.

The High Oven needs to reach 2000 degrees. In AgS 2.1.6, this means building the oven 3x3x4. In the latest version of the mod, a 3x3x3 will suffice. You will need two drains installed in the High Oven. The first is for piping in water, the second is for the output of steam. Wait until the High Oven has reached max temp, then pipe in water. This should create steam instantly inside the High Oven gui.

Next you will need to install a servo and configure the output for whitelisting steam. To get the Bucket O' Steam needed, you will click on the steam in the High Oven gui and arrange it so the steam is on the bottom and any water is on the top. Then use fluiducts and pipe the steam into a tank of some sort. (TE portable tanks work great.) Next, fill a bucket with steam from the tank, and place it in the servo filter and make sure it is set to whitelist. This will keep the steam flowing regardless of what order the fluid is inside the High Oven. Now that the servo is configured properly for steam, remove your tank, and connect your fluiducts to the steam consumer of your choice. For the most part, that is going to be a steam dynamo, although the steam could also run an MFR steam turbine, steelworks steam turbine (not sure if they work yet), or big reactor's turbine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tinker's Steelworks - Steam Power

Creating steam using the High Oven from Tinker's Steelworks is a little finicky. I've done some experimenting and figured out how to do it.

The High Oven needs to reach 2000 degrees. In AgS 2.1.6, this means building the oven 3x3x4. In the latest version of the mod, a 3x3x3 will suffice. You will need two drains installed in the High Oven. The first is for piping in water, the second is for the output of steam. Wait until the High Oven has reached max temp, then pipe in water. This should create steam instantly inside the High Oven gui.

Next you will need to install a servo and configure the output for whitelisting steam. To get the Bucket O' Steam needed, you will click on the steam in the High Oven gui and arrange it so the steam is on the bottom and any water is on the top. Then use fluiducts and pipe the steam into a tank of some sort. (TE portable tanks work great.) Next, fill a bucket with steam from the tank, and place it in the servo filter and make sure it is set to whitelist. This will keep the steam flowing regardless of what order the fluid is inside the High Oven. Now that the servo is configured properly for steam, remove your tank, and connect your fluiducts to the steam consumer of your choice. For the most part, that is going to be a steam dynamo, although the steam could also run an MFR steam turbine, steelworks steam turbine (not sure if they work yet), or big reactor's turbine.
I prefer MFR's steam turbine for an external boiler, because it generates 160 RF/t instead of 80. However, after testing my high oven's steam abilities, I decided to hold off and just add a few more dynamos to my tree farm's power supply, and use the oven for metals only. And then I started working on a reactor, which is now running. I plan to make a new high oven just for steel to build Big Reactors stuff.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Tinker's Steelworks - Steam Power

Creating steam using the High Oven from Tinker's Steelworks is a little finicky. I've done some experimenting and figured out how to do it.

Huh, funny you should post that because I'm coming to ask about Big Reactors Turbines.

Also, I started my Steam production around 1400 degrees Celsius. Instant steam even at 1000 mb/t (max transfer of ME Fluid Export). And for high volume applications, a P2P tunnel or better yet a tesseract is recommended.

Anyways, my question- my turbine is getting very little steam delivered to it, it seems. Is it too large? The interior is 7x5x5. At 25 mB per blade, that's 6 rotor lengths with 8 blades a piece for 48 blades total, which should come out to 1200 Steam/t. At 1000 mB/t that the high oven seems to be producing, the turbine should be getting enough to at least start to spin up, but it's not.


Edit: Apparently the high oven wasn't making steam, nor was it importing water like I thought it was. Some liberal breaking and replacing allowed it to start production of steam.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I prefer MFR's steam turbine for an external boiler, because it generates 160 RF/t instead of 80. However, after testing my high oven's steam abilities, I decided to hold off and just add a few more dynamos to my tree farm's power supply, and use the oven for metals only. And then I started working on a reactor, which is now running. I plan to make a new high oven just for steel to build Big Reactors stuff.

Yea, I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do for power myself. I really need to upgrade the measly 8 magma dynamos I have now, but haven't really decided anything yet. Someone in another thread asked about creating steam in the high oven, so I figured out how to do so. It is rather trivial at my tech level although my tech level really doesn't extend much beyond this. (I have yet to graduate to enderium or big reactors.)[DOUBLEPOST=1401761817][/DOUBLEPOST]
Huh, funny you should post that because I'm coming to ask about Big Reactors Turbines.

Also, I started my Steam production around 1400 degrees Celsius. Instant steam even at 1000 mb/t (max transfer of ME Fluid Export). And for high volume applications, a P2P tunnel or better yet a tesseract is recommended.

Anyways, my question- my turbine is getting very little steam delivered to it, it seems. Is it too large? The interior is 7x5x5. At 25 mB per blade, that's 6 rotor lengths with 8 blades a piece for 48 blades total, which should come out to 1200 Steam/t. At 1000 mB/t that the high oven seems to be producing, the turbine should be getting enough to at least start to spin up, but it's not.


Take a look and see if your high oven has water sitting in the bottom layer periodically. The high oven will occasionally turn all the water in the oven to steam, then the steam will output into the turbine, then water will again be in the bottom of the high oven, blocking the steam output. You might have to feed several steam whitelisted fluiducts into the tesseract to make it work.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone, I need a simple tree farm design so I can automate my charcoal production. Any suggestions or tips? The only tree farms I've made in the past were based on railcraft/steve's Carts designs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone, I need a simple tree farm design so I can automate my charcoal production. Any suggestions or tips? The only tree farms I've made in the past were based on railcraft/steve's Carts designs.
MFR (easy) and T4 golems (little minions doing it) are viable setups
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone, I need a simple tree farm design so I can automate my charcoal production. Any suggestions or tips? The only tree farms I've made in the past were based on railcraft/steve's Carts designs.

MFR tree farm is very simple. You just need a harvester and a planter. By default, they will plant and harvest in a 3x3 area. To make that area bigger, put range upgrades in both machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MFR tree farm is very simple. You just need a harvester and a planter. By default, they will plant and harvest in a 3x3 area. To make that area bigger, put range upgrades in both machines.

I need enough to keep a high oven running. How big will that need to be?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone, I need a simple tree farm design so I can automate my charcoal production. Any suggestions or tips? The only tree farms I've made in the past were based on railcraft/steve's Carts designs.

A forestry multi-farm isn't bad either. It's a bit more involved than MFR or T4 golems, but it will give you a use for all that apatite you have sifted.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone, I need a simple tree farm design so I can automate my charcoal production. Any suggestions or tips? The only tree farms I've made in the past were based on railcraft/steve's Carts designs.
The basic MFR tree farm has a planter and a harvester, each with the same size upgrade in them. Put the planter underneath a layer of dirt and the harvester on the side of the planting area. Then run itemducts from the harvester to the planter, using the wrench to right-click one of the last itemducts to put it into vacuum mode. Place cobblestone in all but one or two slots of the planter so your saplings don't take forever to fill up the planter, then set it to never use up the whole stack. Add saplings.

Next to the harvester, run that itemduct to some barrels and a chest or trash can on the end. If you want, you can run a fluiduct out of the harvester to collect sludge, which you cook in a sludge boiler to get dirt-related stuff, like dirt, sand, clay, netherrack, peat, salt, and so on.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need enough to keep a high oven running. How big will that need to be?

I had a 7x7 MFR farm going without using any bone meal or fertiliser, and it was more than enough for all my charcoal needs. I've had the farm turned off for quite some time, and still have over 64 stacks of charcoal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I need enough to keep a high oven running. How big will that need to be?
If you put wood into a powered furnace, feeding a barrel with charcoal, then add an aqueous accumulator, you can run your tree farm on steam dynamos using its own power. If you take some of that charcoal and craft it into charcoal blocks, you can feed your dynamo(s) and your high oven from the same farm. A pretty standard upgrade is +3, which means a 9x9 farm (upgrades affect radius, not diameter!), and I've found that more than sufficient to power the tree farm, several sludge boilers, and a handful of other machines, and still have a full barrel of charcoal after adding several more steam dynamos.