There was a couple of them just outside of the antibuilder range.Has this changed in the newest update? I noted yesterday when in there during my investigation that I actually managed to break the gravestone placed center left of the building (while facing the entrance of the building). In my experience all the gravestones have been protected from manipulation in the past.
I said a few pages, maybe even search thread, but this gets asked at least every couple of pages.Sorry, but there is 206 pages... seriously i can't read all of them xD saw somethiing about the Open Blocks mod and a guy that had my same problem. How can i use Open blocks to restore my inventory? I apologize for my "noobbines".
That worked. Thank you. <--- towards the bottom
Tyltran is invulnerable... even to a signalum crossbow!
hiya, i'm hoping to find some help. i've been gated on the quest line for a while because i can not kill tyltran. i've gotten to the point that i have 4 shot the ender dragon with my crossbow... i have a 20 point dmg sword... and i can't do a single point of dmage on that troll to save my life.this has me completely stalled. i know i must be gliched... but how do i fix it so i can move onwards.
not on peaceful. other mobs are hostile and killable. the hqm quest seems to have completed... but the customnpc quest "troll in the hood" shows him as unkilled and i am unable to cause him any damage.
is there some way i could try to reset him or something in hopes of making him vulnerable? he is happy to attack me... and i can cause him to show hit effects, be knocked back and show fire effects from fire aspect... he just takes zero damage.
please please help. <--- towards the bottom
That worked. Thank you.
In my case, Tyltran is not hostil and i can't do any point of damage with any kind of weaponIf he's hostile to you then there is something you are not doing right, he is immune to ranged and it is intended for you to literally fight him in close combat.
In my case, Tyltran is not hostil and i can't do any point of damage with any kind of weapon
Tyltran is invulnerable... even to a signalum crossbow!
hiya, i'm hoping to find some help. i've been gated on the quest line for a while because i can not kill tyltran. i've gotten to the point that i have 4 shot the ender dragon with my crossbow... i have a 20 point dmg sword... and i can't do a single point of dmage on that troll to save my life.this has me completely stalled. i know i must be gliched... but how do i fix it so i can move onwards.
not on peaceful. other mobs are hostile and killable. the hqm quest seems to have completed... but the customnpc quest "troll in the hood" shows him as unkilled and i am unable to cause him any damage.
is there some way i could try to reset him or something in hopes of making him vulnerable? he is happy to attack me... and i can cause him to show hit effects, be knocked back and show fire effects from fire aspect... he just takes zero damage.
please please help. <--- towards the bottom
That worked. Thank you.
She has a paid version of minecraft.Does she have a purchased minecraft or cracked? The only time I have seen this is when a player is using a cracked client and not an officially licensed copy or the minecraft auth servers are down.
Does she have a purchased minecraft or cracked? The only time I have seen this is when a player is using a cracked client and not an officially licensed copy or the minecraft auth servers are down.
I hope I did not miss anything in my search but alas here I am looking for help. My granddaughter was playing in a Lan multiplayer server and when she restarted after lunch her entire inventory was empty and she had been reset back to the beginning dock area. I s this a glitch or hiccup, and if it is can it be remedied for her to get her inventory back. She did not die, she had just logged off to eat lunch and was rejoining the multiplayer Lan when this happened My apologies if I missed something but we did follow the OpenBlocks command and it gave her an inventory from her last death from hours before.