Just wanted to ask how the development is going if there are any news?
And although enhanced biomes was definetly new to me please dont use ist in 2.0 all the landscape blocks where so annoying
Development is currently going quite well (The map and storyline are under construction and nearing completion now, as the custom mod is mostly completed).
Regarding EB: As it seems to be dead we've dropped it some weeks after the 'official' start of v2 development (Also at that time RTG showed up wich we're currently working with).
In general the chances for any biome-mod to be used are rather slim (RTG doing a great job of creating glorious landscapes with only vanilla and mod-specific biomes is as much a reason for this as the fact that BOP and similar mods tend to cause extreme loads whilst generating new chunks - and as we're trying to tone the packs performance-demands down, we're going rather minimalistic there).
The work on the questline (together with the corresponding MT scripts) will begin as soon as the map and with it the story outlining are done (Wich shouldn't be too far in the future anymore).
//Some of the mt scripts are already done as not all of them are directly depending on quest-progress. (Like the 600 lines of script that took me 1 week to write just for ProjectE being as balanced as possible for something that powerful)
Also, there might be some kind of 'snapshot' of the pack (without map, story and quests) in some days if enough people are interested (and if I find the time to upload half a gigabyte of data and get that changelog finished writing of wich I've evaded for some weeks now)

One more thing: Is there any interest for a sneak-peak of the updated modlist, or should we keep that a secret until release ?
(Everyone reading all posts since the announcement of v2 should be able to get some image of it anyway
