[1.7.10] The Sky is the Limit [291 Mods] [stable] [sidequests] [alternated balancing]

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Just wanted to say that everything works fine now.
Any time I try to download this modpack it immediately throws out a window saying 'Error while downloading modpack'. I can download and and run any other modpack, however... Any ideas as to what might be causing the problem? The console throws out a Java.io.FileNotFoundException for the download server any time I attempt to start the download. Is it down at all?
It happens sometimes, you just have to keep trying until it starts downloading.
Updated to newest version and got "Forge Mod Loader detected that the backup level.dat is being used" any sugestions?

This is a crash report I keep getting

Edit: I got it to load by disabling highlands and bibliowoods highlands, which I had done before the update. Just in case anyone is helped by it.


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Updated to newest version and got "Forge Mod Loader detected that the backup level.dat is being used" any sugestions?

This is a crash report I keep getting

Edit: I got it to load by disabling highlands and bibliowoods highlands, which I had done before the update. Just in case anyone is helped by it.

I have no idea how, but you've managed to create some bugged TCon tool. Anything you've done recently regarding TConstruct?
I have no idea how, but you've managed to create some bugged TCon tool. Anything you've done recently regarding TConstruct?
I had noticed that one of the infi tools was mentioned in the crash report but I only have the tools I made originally I haven't even updated them or modified them yet.
But I do occasionally get crashes when I look at tinkers tool parts in NEI. Also I noticed that buildcraft refinery recipe is not working. Intentional?
Edit: Bonjour
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Will adding Gregtech break this?

It could break your stopwatch trying to get the loading-time ( :p )but it shouldn't break anything major (but it'll weaken IC2 compared to other Tech-Mods and there may be issues with GT using items from IC2 Exp. whilst this pack is using IC2 Classic, so you may have to change your IC2 version)
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anyone know why agricraft doesnt work with the MFR Harvesters? :(


At the moment there's no server I know of, propably due to the extremely high system requirements. (About 2-5 times higher compared to koretex or Infinity)
If you're referring to a server version of the pack: Once we finish with v2 we will concentrate on a server version for it, but currently we have no officially supported server version. Though you can run the pack on a server if you remove liteloader, defaultkeys and DamageIndicator from the mods folder and then running the default forge server (1558)
(For public servers please read the informations and rules in the OP)

{Momentan existiert kein mir bekannter server, was vermutlich an den Systemvorraussetzungen bzw. der Serverbelastung liegt (2-5x so hoch wie Koretex oder Infinity. Wenn du eine Serverversion meinst, es wird eine für v2 des Modpacks geben (kümmern wir uns nach dessen veröffentlichung drum), allerdings gibt es keine offiziell von uns supportete server variante von v1.5. Wenn du allerdings die mods Liteloader, defaultkeys und DamageIndicator entfernst, lässt sich das pack mit einem Forge server (1558) betreiben.
Im bezug auf Öffentliche Server oder Netzwerke, bitte die infos und regeln im ersten post lesen}

We run a Server with this pack currently on

@ LegzDiamond wenn du joinen willst, schreib eine PM :)
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Can you make awakened draconium tool parts? There seems to be no way.

Due to a bug in ExtraTiC this is not possible atm (They are fully implemented but there's no way to craft them, also due to their missing recipes they aren't listed/recognized by NEI as TiC Toolparts)
Due to a bug in ExtraTiC this is not possible atm (They are fully implemented but there's no way to craft them, also due to their missing recipes they aren't listed/recognized by NEI as TiC Toolparts)
No worries, I'll just give to them to myself. Cheers.
Did you make any changes config wise? Did you manually update mods? Are you running the most recent pack version?
This error can only happen when the TF worldgen thread is initialised, wich only happens when the game starts to generate new chunks...and it never happened when I entered the twilight forest...
Try going into the save folder of the world your having the problem with and delte the DIM-7 folder. This will force the TwilightForest to regenerate from scratch and should fix it...if it doesn't please send me the full log files (not only the crash report as it is next to useless when searching the errors source).
Thanks for the reply, no I haven't manually updated mods,nor have I made an config changes . This was the third time I entered the TF so I am also very confused as to what's happening . The suggested fix did not work sadly, And sorry about only sending the crash report here is the log. Thanks in advance !
It actually wont let me post the log saying its too large, so unsure if its the right thing, you want the log from the ftb launcher console correct ? sorry for being such a pain. Thanks in advance .
Thanks for the reply, no I haven't manually updated mods,nor have I made an config changes . This was the third time I entered the TF so I am also very confused as to what's happening . The suggested fix did not work sadly, And sorry about only sending the crash report here is the log. Thanks in advance !
It actually wont let me post the log saying its too large, so unsure if its the right thing, you want the log from the ftb launcher console correct ? sorry for being such a pain. Thanks in advance .

Okay, could you try replacing the contents of your DIM-7 folder with the contents of this archive: DIM-7.zip ?
That's a Twilight Forest world I generated and that's working (at least for me).
Didn't work, thanks for the help. Guess ill just revert to a backup. Regardless keep up the great work !
Can someone tell me where can I find the download link for this modpack please? Thanks. (Sorry for my bad english)

Edit: Never mind guys! I didn't know that I could use the pack code on the FTB Launcher to download the pack, thanks anyways.
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Hey guys!
We've been playing this modpack for a while on our LAN server supporting 2-4 people, and I must say, it is amazing BUT hard at the same time.
There had been some nasty surprises, like big reactors recipe changes, solar panels requiring stuff beyond our reach to grind them out and timewood clock not working on magical crops, but that just adds to the fun.
I feel like you didn't get enough credit for making such an awesome modpack.
Having said that, we're hyped about SITL 2.0, can we get any info on progress?
Have a nice day,
Currently the framework (modlist, configs and the heavier recipe changes) is done, rest of the recipes, the storyline (yes v2 will have one :) ) as well as the custom mod (I'm working on it this very moment) to do. :P
I was just wondering, what does 'sidequests' actually mean? I tried to scroll through all previous posts but this didin't caught my eye. There is HQM and quests are more like flavour than actual quests to follow, or someting else? :)
I was just wondering, what does 'sidequests' actually mean? I tried to scroll through all previous posts but this didin't caught my eye. There is HQM and quests are more like flavour than actual quests to follow, or someting else? :)

That's actually quite accurate - there's a questbook, but nobody actually has to use it, and most of the quests are more of a challenge then an actual quest.
(Also there're rather few quests compared to a real hqm pack)
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