[1.7.10] The Sky is the Limit [291 Mods] [stable] [sidequests] [alternated balancing]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe you should nerv magical crops a bit, you can make an armor better than draconiom really fast in mid game :O


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe you should nerv magical crops a bit, you can make an armor better than draconiom really fast in mid game :O

As said already, 1.x ( is primarily meant to be fun and sandbox-styled, not to be too difficult (and MagicalCrops' armor is nothing compared to ProjectE prior to the major nerfs in the last 2 updates xD).
Also, we're currently working on v2 and therefor dedicating all our time into that (v1 will only recieve bugfixes (if nessescarry) and is considered "complete") ;)
As of 2.x balancing will be a whole different story though :p (It will be more hardcore-styled) (And I slowly start regreting that...over 2 thousand lines of MineTweaker scripts and most configs finished now and only about 10% through the modlist... not factoring in the questbook which we haven't even started yet...)

EDIT: Oops did I spoiler something when writing about an extensive questbook? My bad :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey SITL Team im trying to set up a server with your modpack and followed your little instructions but i got an issue with some forge libraries but i don´t know how to fix this :/

"We appear to be missing one or more essential library files.
You will need to add them to your server before FML and Forge will run successfully.java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.objectweb.asm.Type
at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:381)"

That´s all it says

Would really appreciate some help! :)

Edit: I launched the server once on my pc and it downloaded the library itself so its fixed pretty much by itself now :)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I think you're missing the main server library folder...it can be aquired by running the Forge installer (make sure to select the correct version) and let it 'install' the server into an empty dictionary.
That should give you 2 files (forge universal and minecraft-server) as well as the mentioned library folder :)

EDIT: as you fixed it nvm :D
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Hey Draco,
Some of my friends found out about spectre dimension lately.
Turns out that for unknown to me reasons, when nobody is in spectre dimension and tries to acces it, the server becomes sporadically overloaded.
I will try to check out whether a chunk loader inside of the realm helps or does nothing tomorrow.
Just wanted to ask, did you maybe experience similar problems?
Have a great day,


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Draco,
Some of my friends found out about spectre dimension lately.
Turns out that for unknown to me reasons, when nobody is in spectre dimension and tries to acces it, the server becomes sporadically overloaded.
I will try to check out whether a chunk loader inside of the realm helps or does nothing tomorrow.
Just wanted to ask, did you maybe experience similar problems?
Have a great day,

If I'm understanding you correctly you're getting 'server overloaded' massages in the servers cmd whenever the spectre dimension is loaded (so person a enters -> 'server overloaded'- messages for some secs/mins, person b enters whilst person a is still in the spectre dimension -> nothing happens) ? If so, it's pretty normal, as world-load-events cause massive amounts of performance needs for the respective world providers and generators :)
(That's also what we excperienced on our dev-server; whenever a dimension is loaded there's a massive lag spike for about 10 secs)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a short question about the biome mods - I see there is Highlands and Enhanced Biomes in this pack.
Are they combined in some way or do I have to choose between the two?

Great modlist by the way, If my machine can handle it I'll definitely try it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a short question about the biome mods - I see there is Highlands and Enhanced Biomes in this pack.
Are they combined in some way or do I have to choose between the two?

Great modlist by the way, If my machine can handle it I'll definitely try it.

They are both installed but there's no real way to combine their abilities/effects. They do in fact affect each others' worlds, but this is too minor to really count as 'combined work', so yes you have to choose between those two ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey I just wanted to ask what you think of the starminer mod. I think it would be good for your pack. I think I am going to add it myself. I only ask because I came across it last night and didn't know it was out for 1.7.10.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey I just wanted to ask what you think of the starminer mod. I think it would be good for your pack. I think I am going to add it myself. I only ask because I came across it last night and didn't know it was out for 1.7.10.

As far as I'm concernedStarminer is completely dead, the original source cannot be found (the only websites hosting this mods are known to be scam sites).
If you're able to find the original public source I'd propably reconsider this mod for the v2 update (IF it doesn't cause as many errors similar functionalities caused in the past)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey Givs a Server From this pack??

( Hey gibt es hier von ein Server)

Sry my eng is not good

At the moment there's no server I know of, propably due to the extremely high system requirements. (About 2-5 times higher compared to koretex or Infinity)
If you're referring to a server version of the pack: Once we finish with v2 we will concentrate on a server version for it, but currently we have no officially supported server version. Though you can run the pack on a server if you remove liteloader, defaultkeys and DamageIndicator from the mods folder and then running the default forge server (1558)
(For public servers please read the informations and rules in the OP)

{Momentan existiert kein mir bekannter server, was vermutlich an den Systemvorraussetzungen bzw. der Serverbelastung liegt (2-5x so hoch wie Koretex oder Infinity. Wenn du eine Serverversion meinst, es wird eine für v2 des Modpacks geben (kümmern wir uns nach dessen veröffentlichung drum), allerdings gibt es keine offiziell von uns supportete server variante von v1.5. Wenn du allerdings die mods Liteloader, defaultkeys und DamageIndicator entfernst, lässt sich das pack mit einem Forge server (1558) betreiben.
Im bezug auf Öffentliche Server oder Netzwerke, bitte die infos und regeln im ersten post lesen}
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I am having problems with the Blood Magic mod, specifically with the rituals. Whenever I try to start any ritual the Master Ritual Stone vanishes after giving me the "A rush of energy flows through the ritual" message. It is not a graphical glitch, as I can actually place another block in place of the ritual stone and obviously the ritual doesn't do anything. I made no change to the modpack except for a couple of keybindings and I encountered this problem both on single player and on a server I made with a friend.
Here is the log during the event: http://pastebin.com/fG32PDWT


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am having problems with the Blood Magic mod, specifically with the rituals. Whenever I try to start any ritual the Master Ritual Stone vanishes after giving me the "A rush of energy flows through the ritual" message. It is not a graphical glitch, as I can actually place another block in place of the ritual stone and obviously the ritual doesn't do anything. I made no change to the modpack except for a couple of keybindings and I encountered this problem both on single player and on a server I made with a friend.
Here is the log during the event: http://pastebin.com/fG32PDWT

Okay I found the problem...that's what I get for not updating sanguimancy and blood magic since august 15 ...
I'll upload a fix as fast as possible :)
(So much to my hopes I finally got this thing bug-free xD)
(Don't expect any changes other than the bugfix though, I haven't worked on v1 since the start of the development for v2 ...)
By the way don't be surprised about there being a crash report without a crash, that's one of the actions we took to keep crashes and especially world-corruption to a minimum (Originally we only made it like this to prevent some crashes we had in our dev version caused by some bugged synergy between DE, TE and InfernalMobs) - any entity or tile-entity that's throwing lethal errors is simply being removed from the save (the master ritual stone is being used as a vessel for the rituals' actions and events, thus to prevent the bugged activation event from corrupting the map it is removed)

EDIT: Fix is uploaded, should be avaible in 1-2 days (Version
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Okay I found the problem...that's what I get for not updating sanguimancy and blood magic since august 15 ...
I'll upload a fix as fast as possible :)
(So much to my hopes I finally got this thing bug-free xD)
(Don't expect any changes other than the bugfix though, I haven't worked on v1 since the start of the development for v2 ...)
By the way don't be surprised about there being a crash report without a crash, that's one of the actions we took to keep crashes and especially world-corruption to a minimum (Originally we only made it like this to prevent some crashes we had in our dev version caused by some bugged synergy between DE, TE and InfernalMobs) - any entity or tile-entity that's throwing lethal errors is simply being removed from the save (the master ritual stone is being used as a vessel for the rituals' actions and events, thus to prevent the bugged activation event from corrupting the map it is removed)

EDIT: Fix is uploaded, should be avaible in 1-2 days (Version
Thank you for your reply. I think it was a good choice to simply delete any entity that gives a problem, should be a default thing in my opinion.
By the way, did you just update those 2 mods or did you do something else? As I said, I've set up a server with a friend and I don't really want to reupload everything.
Keep up the good work!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you for your reply. I think it was a good choice to simply delete any entity that gives a problem, should be a default thing in my opinion.
By the way, did you just update those 2 mods or did you do something else? As I said, I've set up a server with a friend and I don't really want to reupload everything.
Keep up the good work!

I only changed those two mods ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any time I try to download this modpack it immediately throws out a window saying 'Error while downloading modpack'. I can download and and run any other modpack, however... Any ideas as to what might be causing the problem? The console throws out a Java.io.FileNotFoundException for the download server any time I attempt to start the download. Is it down at all?