I feel doubtful that there could be anything done on the modpack maker side for it. It's making global changes on a game that has no "global" anything except time of day. The map and chunks only update when you get near them and make them become active again. This feels like it causes pretty significant lag spikes on traveling as it's updating the climate of every single chunk as you move, bringing in snow, swapping water for ice, etc. Plus, you know, general bugs like the ice vanishing, leaving gaps in bodies of water. Dunno how that could be addressed. I feel like the pack would survive without the mod.
As for forestry, I looked in the configs. In modules.cfg,
# Adds a wide variety of machines to craft, produce and process products.
# Adds automatic farms and harvesters for a wide variety of products.
These two lines stick out. I changed them to "true" and the missing Forestry blocks like the Carpenter and Centrifuge, and recipes using them (that Carpenter block is used a lot

) are back in the game. There's also two lines for interaction with Agricraft and Harvestcraft, both in the pack, both lines also set to false. Don't know the particulars of the interaction though, if that's intentional.
edit: This stupid winter has also reduced the temperature of my blast furnace to 580, just low enough to prevent me making HSLA steel.
edit2: also I've been wanting to try out this new boat the pack has, the punt, but the oceans are frozen