[1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

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would you like the modpack to grow bigger with new mod?

  • yes, more magic

  • yes, more tech

  • yes, stronger mobs/other

  • no, keep it as it is

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
refined relocation has this: limited range (about 16 blocks) tessaracts kinda. also a block that can be attached to another block and serve as an input and output block for this block with full control on the input and output sides on the machine and on the block itself.

I don't know how I feel about that. At the very least, it's pretty "mad science-y."

it has sorting systems that only need to be connected by sorting system blocks/special cables block sized.
this sorting system is so good i actually prefer it on AE, and maybe use AE to store the items and then connect them to the sorting system.
also with this mod i can make a fully automated base that if you put things in chests they will be sorted/processed, and add chests that don't sort like that. how cool is that?

also it adds fast item transport ducts with loads of cool models to play with, and a ton of customization. and the best part: it only adds items that fill less than 3 rows in nei (at least on my client)

Sounds a little overpowered for the purpose of this mod; in fact, it sounds a lot like Steve's Factory Manager, but without the need for the connection pipe. I'm not really sure I want to add it, but if it is added, it's definitely getting gated.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
the difference from sfm is that you actually are just using special containers that are upgraded and they can connect to each other. so gating will probably be just instead of 4 gold nuggets to upgrade one container use like 4 gold ingots. that should do it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How is this system powered? What specifically does it provide that RFTools, ExU, and AE does not?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Let me clarify my position at this point. In terms of item/fluid/RF transport, I have Thermal Dynamics, Extra Utilities, RotaryCraft (and ElectriCraft), and Applied Energistics. Additionally, I also am considering two more mods now. I'm already considering the removal of Thermal Dynamics, because it doesn't bring anything to the table that isn't already provided by other mods. I'm considering the re-addition of EnderIO, because it bundles all the conduits together while keeping them separate conduits that can be redirected as needed. Considering, however, because there's a lot that overlaps with RotaryCraft, and I need to see if I can remove components without a headache in the making. And I can guarantee that, if it gets added, the pipes from Extra Utilities will be disabled.

And to top it all off, there's this little voice in my head screaming "You have RotaryCraft tools for transport, you blasted hypocrite! Disable everything else!"

So... why do we need another pipe mod? What does it provide that is worth the additional level of duplication? And what challenge can we add to offset the benefit the mod provides?

How can I justify the addition of yet another item/fluid/energy transport mod?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It doesn't add just normal item transport. It adds a whole new level of item transport and sorting systems that are configureable and that actually are made of lots of storage units. It also interacts with storage drawers, jabba, AE and more to make you able to connect it to everything. And the item pipes have modules you can connect to each one of them to make the best sorting out there. It's even beter than enderio's conduits, and better than AE. But it is expensive as hell and reqires loads of space. And it costs tons of gold. There is alao a kind of teleportation thing but it has a huge cooldown.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This modpack appeals to me because of the original concept: balance a pack around rotarycraft with some other mods to fill in the spaces. It seems to me it does that elegantly in its current form. I'm worried that some of the proposed changes will turn it into just another tech pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This modpack appeals to me because of the original concept: balance a pack around rotarycraft with some other mods to fill in the spaces. It seems to me it does that elegantly in its current form. I'm worried that some of the proposed changes will turn it into just another tech pack.

Sometimes, one just needs a reminder what they are doing to clear the head. Thanks for the clarity.

The key premise to this pack is "one machine per function, and always RotaryCraft first." The abundance of existing material and energy transport is a clear violation of that rule. I'll be recommending the removal of Thermal Dynamics from the pack. I'll keep ExU's pipes, because they qualify as a "bundled" transport, to RotaryCraft's individual transport pipes. Applied Energistics will remain for now, and I will look into AE2 stuff, since the mechanic of "matter to energy" is unique enough to be worth trial, although technically, it does have a bit of overlap with RFTools and Extra Utilities.

Additionally, the modpack's gotten pretty huge; its size compares with some of the more popular kitchen sink packs, a pretty mean feat for a pack that is not a kitchen sink pack.

So, for now, I'm going to say no to refined relocation, enderio, and mekanism. They introduce too many redundancies, and I don't have time to sort out their progressions to remove conflicts with the current pack. I'll be willing to revisit them in December, when I have time to actually spend on the project of lobotomizing them to fit in this pack (and making sure I am allowed to). For now, let's just focus on making sure Survival Industry in its current state is completely playable, and ready for the general public to play.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This modpack appeals to me because of the original concept: balance a pack around rotarycraft with some other mods to fill in the spaces. It seems to me it does that elegantly in its current form. I'm worried that some of the proposed changes will turn it into just another tech pack.
I do agree. If it wasn't clear then sorry, but we don't just add mods. We test them, we tweak them, and we gate or remove the things we want in them. Now if you ask me, AE2 stuff is nice. mekanism is nice but probobaly not needed. enderio will only be added for some mechanics and be sure it will be gated and some features will be removed. Refined relocation is awsome because the controll it gives you over thing. For example: you can have a system with chests, barrels, and something connected to an extractor. Then, you just configure it and then, ores will go to processing no matter where in the system you put them. And all the barrels will be connected so that if you put dirt and there is a dirt barrel it will go there. Only downside: if you put an item in and then you make a place for it, than it will not go there. But it makes performance much better than the other option.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a noob to this modpack, how do I get "tired" enough to sleep? It keeps saying that I'm not tired enough to nap in my sleeping bag.

EDIT: Ah, nevermind. I got to fatigue 30, and now I can rest.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I actually really like EnderIO, but many parts would undermine the purpose of this modpack. This is one of those mods I had to regretfully prune from the pack during the initial process of distilling the modpack into a unifying theme.

Okay, let's take this in order:
  • Teleportation blocks are already handled by both RFTools (gated) and Enhanced Portals 3 (not gated).
  • The staff may not have an explicit duplication, but I'll have to check to be certain.
  • I'm not sure I know what you mean about the heads, but I can look into them.
  • Why do we need Simply Jetpacks? RotaryCraft has jetpacks, including the ability to attach a (Rotarycraft) glider, as well as the ability to fuse the jetpack with the chestplate.
  • Ender IO wires and piping is the reason the pruning was "regretful." I really want to bring them back, but to make workaround recipes for quite a few ingredients would be a time-consuming task to say the least.
  • OpenBlocks has the XP drain, which turns XP into a storable, pipeable liquid, and a shower that can convert XP back into orbs. Useful when placed in front of the friction-heated furnaces to collect the XP for later.
However, keep this in mind: I am a college student, and I have a job. I don't possess a lot of free time for an in-depth project like mapping the EIO (or Mekanism) progression, disabling all RoC-conflicting machines, and then rewriting all the recipes that the disablings break. Maybe when the semester is over and I have more free time, but it's not going to happen right now.

I wouldn't say we need simply jetpacks, I simply like how they're structured with Ender IO for the upgrade tiers. They have some features that are nice (hover mode, a GUI for toggling aspects of the jetpacks, etc) over Rotarycraft but nothing critical. I mean, except arguably the toggles. The glider wings are super useful when traveling and really fucking annoying when working on local stuff, like culling trees. I'm ~this~ close to remaking my jetpack from scratch just to take back the decision of adding the wings. I've got plenty of ethanol to power it anyway, I don't need the savings.
I totally respect that this is a hobby and not a job. :) No pressure at all, dude.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Maybe make a different jetpack without wings?

Also: 20 fatigue+ to sleep
70 nausia for about 10 secs i think
80 slowness (3 prehaps) for 10 secs
85 poision 2 for 10 secs
90+ slowness 3 forever until you sleep


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do agree. If it wasn't clear then sorry, but we don't just add mods. We test them, we tweak them, and we gate or remove the things we want in them. Now if you ask me, AE2 stuff is nice. mekanism is nice but probobaly not needed. enderio will only be added for some mechanics and be sure it will be gated and some features will be removed. Refined relocation is awsome because the controll it gives you over thing. For example: you can have a system with chests, barrels, and something connected to an extractor. Then, you just configure it and then, ores will go to processing no matter where in the system you put them. And all the barrels will be connected so that if you put dirt and there is a dirt barrel it will go there. Only downside: if you put an item in and then you make a place for it, than it will not go there. But it makes performance much better than the other option.

Another problem is that it removes the challenge of inventory management. What's the point of designing an inventory sorting system if RR can instantly zip the preferred items to the appropriate connected sorting chest? Why worry about piping things around if you can instantly and automatically transfer ores to a grinder, dusts to a smelter, and ingots back into a chest, all from one interface (or one chain of interfaces), without even needing any power to function?

It's a similar argument I have with myself regarding Applied Energistics, to be honest. The main reasons I still keep it around are: 1) AE requires power to function, and the power need increases with the size of the network, 2) You still need to assemble the components together and program all interfaces to make the automation work, and 3) Filters have a limited size; nothing like "All ores" or "All building blocks." To make AE work, you still have to design some kind of inventory sorting system on the backend.

As for sleep, poison is at 80, but the rest is more or less correct.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
First, i agree there is no power reqierment. But it does need to be programmed like AE, and the sorting itself is kinda strong but you can use only regular drawers barrels and maybe some special chests from other mods. Also to make a system the size you are describing you need enourmus amounts of gold. By the time you get that amount you can make AE. It's just an option that i prefer and a lot of people also prefer it for some systems.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What do you mean? A sorting chest can literally be assigned to "all ingots," or "all building blocks." One sorting chest pretty much replaces a grid of item-locked JABBA barrels functioning as a filter for pipes going through them (as one example of an inventory sorting method).

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
but it has limited space. also the cables are pretty expensive. also the upgrades themselves will quickly kill all your gold supply


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
still you need a ton, more than a full vein with extractor for a system that can replace AE. and there are no interfaces or something.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There's also a system made by my brother-in-law, using a string of hoppers.

Sent from my SPH-L720T using Tapatalk


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I wouldn't say we need simply jetpacks, I simply like how they're structured with Ender IO for the upgrade tiers. They have some features that are nice (hover mode, a GUI for toggling aspects of the jetpacks, etc) over Rotarycraft but nothing critical. I mean, except arguably the toggles. The glider wings are super useful when traveling and really fucking annoying when working on local stuff, like culling trees. I'm ~this~ close to remaking my jetpack from scratch just to take back the decision of adding the wings. I've got plenty of ethanol to power it anyway, I don't need the savings.
I totally respect that this is a hobby and not a job. :) No pressure at all, dude.

Why not have one of each? A glider jetpack for exploring, and a straight jetpack for local projects?