For deserts and ressources I guess the only tipp is: Build a grass-area and bonemeal it or should ore-flowers appear in deserts, too?
Just had to travel about 1'000 Blocks to finally find tin, but since alot of the way is desert I'm wondering if I just missed any closer vein.
Of course the RNG made fun of me and gave me exactly then my first blood moon...
Uhm, which mod is it, that makes the tool not break anymore?
Seems there is a bug when you "over-break" them with the mining-upgrade (so bringing them to negative numbers, that then deletes the tool anyways)
And: These ore-flowers are making fun of me too often... Following gold-flowers and trying to find a piece of gold for 3 hours, found coal, iron, copper, red fluorite... just not a single piece of gold xD
Guess I should try to make a 3x3 pickaxe before trying to search again, finding these veins sure can be painful ^^"
Wooohoo, found out rotarycraft has an item with which finding ores should be lot eaiser

Now I just need to move my machine setup to the near desert... of course right when I wanted to start, winter came and the blast furnace doesn't get enough heat *grumbles* ^^
[edit 3]
And after another few hours trying to find gold... I give up for now :/
It's a nice modpack, very challanging, but this ore-finding can just be really frustrating, especially since you loose veins so easily cause of water, dirt and gravel. Or cause other ores seem to overwrite each other.