[1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

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would you like the modpack to grow bigger with new mod?

  • yes, more magic

  • yes, more tech

  • yes, stronger mobs/other

  • no, keep it as it is

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Survival Industry, by gerb82 and reteo, is a progressive sandbox challenge modpack designed to be difficult, but not too difficult.

"Your goals are to survive, automate, and go nuts. How you go about this is entirely up to you; there is a progression, but it is not absolute. If you manage to make it to the endgame, you have a number of mad science specialties to choose from (or collect).

The world is a tougher place. Hunger has been made more important. Animals will fight back, and villagers will defend their homes if you damage them. Fatigue has been added; you need to sleep... and sleep won't keep the monsters away, so shelter is now much more important. Seasons have been added, and animals and plants have life cycles. Ore is much harder to locate, and you can't mine it all right away.

As for the monsters, they are the same as they always were, but they're not. They're more alert. More flexible. And they work together. Many have new abilities. And nighttime means horde mode... especially during the dreaded Blood Moon.

But as hard as things might get, remember, it's not all against you. Flesh wounds heal quickly. Food can be found everywhere, and can be made into a vast array of nutritious recipes. Greenhouses can be constructed to deal with the seasons. And alternatives to mob drops are found in nature, if you take the time to explore. Flowers can indicate where which ores are in the world, and when you find a vein, you can get stacks of ore from it, which can eventually be multiplied many times over. The more you mine, fight, or farm, the more effective you become. And a huge array of machinery is available to do your bidding, as well as energy sources ranging from a simple redstone-powered engine, all the way up to the tokamak reactor, the single largest source of power in all of modded minecraft!

The world is now a much more challenging place. But you're up to the challenge. And once you get started, you're more than capable of establishing your own Survival Industry."

so as said above, in here, surviving is not the easiest thing, but also not so hard that you will rage quit every five minutes. tech is way more interesting than ever, because it is not just the normal "ok, let's make a pulverizer/sagmill and start grinding". first, because the oregen makes it so that if you mine like you are supposed to you will find giant veins of ores, but they are not so common, so mining tricks are usefull for that.
also, for example, to have a furnace that doesn't need fuel, you will need a friction heater, connected to an engine strong enough to actually power it, and the engine will need fuel, but if you make a system for fuel production (for example: water to power steam engines), you will be able to supply many engines and move forward. i like to think of it as a thinking game, "how do i make this work" and "how do i set this up", which ends up as a "wow this is so cool".

code: survivalindustry
We will be changing the pack in the following releases. Tinker's will go awey and other mods might come in. We are doing this because tinker's for 1.7.10 is not supported anymore. We will be adding some other mods to make it not so bad. Journeymap's redar will also go awey and maybe journeymap itself will go awey. We will see.
might be inaccurate.

1.0.0 first beta release on launcher.
1.0.1 a hotfix for some problems, including images and mods missing.
1.1.0 coming soon, a hotfix for some issues like mods not working.

below here when reteo and i and some other beta testers will finish creating a server, there will be links to each of us and his first episode in the server if they record. also if you record my pack, i would be happy if you post the video below so i can add it.

Survival Industry now has an official bug tracker!

If you are having issues with the modpack, or want to make suggestions, feel free to make use of the issue tracker on the Survival Industry Github. This will help me keep track of what needs to be fixed, and what has been fixed. On the other hand, if you wish to help, the github is also the central repository for the modpack's configuration files and MineTweaker script; feel free to fork a copy and submit pull requests if you feel up to helping out. If not, no worries, just have fun! :)


reteo for pack idea and configs.

Dulchphi for hosting test server.

KuroNeko87 for setting up the server files for the beta server.

gerb82 for getting permissions and building the pack

also for all the beta testers that helped creating the idea and all the mod creators that made all this possible, and for all the people that helped finding bugs to fix.

gerb82 signing out.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Granted, there's a lot more twists than just the mobs.

Yes, the hostile monsters that spawn are smarter, more aware, and more varied than you remember them, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Randomly, once out of 50 nights, a "Blood moon" will occur. Normal nighttime has become something of a horde mode, but Blood Moon will demonstrate the true meaning of "horde mode." The sky will turn black, and all lights will turn red, and mobs will spawn in huge amounts, as close to you as 3 blocks away.

Animals will fight back. Villagers will eventually become hostile if you break their village. Minecraft now has 128-day "years," in which you have changes in temperature, even so far as it will snow in the winter (and food will barely grow). Trees and animals have lifecycles; they will breed (saplings will self-plant), eat (like vanilla sheep), grow old, and die.

Ores are now much harder to find, because they are no longer sprinkled about; they are concentrated in veins and motherlodes... and at approximately 1/24 the quantity of vanilla spawn per chunk. That being said, once you find a vein, you can likely collect 2-3 stacks of ore from a single vein/motherlode distribution. Finding ore is not impossible, either; there will be flowers on the surface that indicate the ores within their chunks (although they don't spawn directly over the ores... you still need to search).

Machines are not the standard TE/MFR/EIO/Buildcraft fare; parts of Buildcraft (the building construction tools) and thermal dynamics are included, but the tech progression of choice for this pack is RotaryCraft and its siblings, ElectriCraft and ReactorCraft. RF-based mods do exist in the pack, but their generators have been disabled in favor of RotaryCraft's dynamo.

For the early-game progression, several mods have been added to produce an expanded progression, consisting of 6 tiers. Tinker's Construct was originally going to be the basis for this mechanic, but recently, it has stopped supporting 1.7.10 of Minecraft, so is currently on the way out, replaced with a new system for progression.

The following are the mining tiers used by the tools in this pack:
  • Base: Stone, coal, and other basic materials.
  • Entry: Copper
  • Low: Tin, Lapis
  • Mid: Iron, Nickel, and other highly-useful crafting materials.
  • High: Gold, Silver, Platinum, and other precious metals, as well as gated materials like redstone.
  • Extreme: Diamonds and other gems
  • Top: Obsidian
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
when you start a new map, do you have to touch the custom ore gen config at all or are the defaults set as you intended?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I set the defaults already, so you don't need to change anything if you just want to start playing.

Additionally, there are other options available for the oregen. If you want to adjust the rarity of ores, that's what the sliders are for. The veins/motherlodes are the default distribution type, but if you want to really get strategic, you can always switch to strategic clouds instead of veins, which means that huge, sparse clouds of ore are concentrated in specific locations, with hint ores near the surface. Or you can switch things back to vanilla (sort of...). Keep in mind, however, that unless you want to disable all a mod's oregen, you probably don't want to switch off Custom Ore Generation handling, since almost all the mods have their personal oregen disabled (which is how I'm able to keep the chunk loading times to a minimum).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2014
Home Alone
so with nothing changed at all in the oregen config, I mined down and found absolutely nada down to y 20 till I found a cave system. I explored it for 5 minutes and in a corner, I found some iron ore, about 4-5 ores. I've seen sporatic electricraft and another mod ore but zero coal or anything. I'm assuming this is expected behavior? This cave system had me thinking at first that there were zero ores spawning it was so barren.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A big update coming in a a maximum of 34 hours. Going to update reika's mods and some more.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
so with nothing changed at all in the oregen config, I mined down and found absolutely nada down to y 20 till I found a cave system. I explored it for 5 minutes and in a corner, I found some iron ore, about 4-5 ores. I've seen sporatic electricraft and another mod ore but zero coal or anything. I'm assuming this is expected behavior? This cave system had me thinking at first that there were zero ores spawning it was so barren.

The "nada" part is actually intentional. The point is that you really have to look for the ore to find it. It won't be something you quickly stumble upon without having an idea where to look; that's why the ore flowers are there.

That being said, there are some things to keep in mind about ores:
  • Some ores, such as coal and magnetite, are sparse, meaning that the ores in the vein are spread out with stone in-between. This can make it hard to track the vein's direction. Coal in particular is hard to follow, because veins can be anywhere. These are solely veins, and carry no motherlode.
  • Other ores, such as iron and gold, are condensed, meaning that the ores are all together in a line you can follow back to the motherlode. If you are following a vein, and it starts getting thinner and thinner, only to eventually vanish, then it means you are following the vein in the wrong direction, and you need to look in the opposite direction for where the vein continues. The fact that veins themselves can change direction randomly will make this somewhat harder, especially when a vein cuts through a cave system... just keep looking until you pick the vein back up. Additionally, sometimes, veins can split as they go out, away from the motherlode, causing other possible dead ends.
    • One more thing to be careful of: sometimes, the vein will seem to disappear, but actually the next block in the vein is cornerwise from the last one. Dig up the stone around the last ore dug out, in case this is just what happened.
  • Be especially careful in regards to diamond, emerald, or sulfur; diamond and sulfur are sprinkled around lava veins, and emeralds are sprinkled about silverfish colonies. Mining one might just expose you to the other.
  • Redstone and Lapis are vertical veins; they have no motherlode, but travel almost completely directly upwards.
  • Above all, when you see a flower patch, they won't necessarily be directly over an ore vein. You will need to do some digging around to find it. Once you get to the tech level, RotaryCraft includes a ground-penetrating radar that can help you map out the veins.
I hope this helps!

I'm also providing a video for those who want proof that ore is generating in Survival Industry. In the following video, I demonstrate the oregen's end result through the use of Single-Player Commands mod (/noclip) and the X-Ray mod. Once you see all the ore that gets generated, I go on to show that the caves look barren, even despite the ores seen with the X-Ray mod.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
we might have made hammers to op here, think of it, ores are pretty common so if you mine a bit with a hammer you find a vein


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not really. A player worked hard to collect sand, gravel, and clay to assemble a smelter, find and mine copper and aluminum, make casting molds, and expended the 4 blocks of ore to make the tool forge, and another 3 blocks of ore needed to make the hammer (after going to the hard work to ensure they were sheltered, rested, and fed during that time). In other words, to make the first hammer, you need a half-stack (counting smelter doubling) of ore. The hammer is a reward for all the hard work.

Also note that, as DoomSquirter mentioned, entire cave systems rarely intersected with ore veins. Do you really think that increasing the size of a tunnel from a 1x2 to a 3x3 will make a difference in finding ores? Yes, it will, but not without a clear idea of where to look. In essence, the hammer simply makes finding ores a little faster, due to more stone cleared in less time. However, a copper hammer will not break tin ore, even if tin is only next to the block being struck. There is no risk here.

Besides, finding ores may be easier, but finding the right ore is still a project that requires work, and even with hammers making things easier, there's still the tech progression to come. Remember: harder, but not hardcore.

Also, keep in mind that since the first hammer you can have is copper, it'll take longer to level than a pickaxe.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I cant whate for that Server. Just nede to download a new Video Recording softwere, dose aneone know of a good, free one?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update 1.1.0 should come out in a bit. Today in 11:30 hours i will be home and start a server with hamachi when possible. and between check if dulchipi or however you write it still wants and can open a server


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, we'll see... although I don't really know what other tech mods I could add without undermining the progression. I have some ideas for magic or mobs, though... I'm not sure if I'd want to play the game after boosting mobs...

<=--- Chicken

Eet Mor kowz! This message brought to you by the Beef Barn.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I added this because i talked to some people on the resonant rise irc and they seem to like it but a lot of them say it would be nice to have magic mods


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, if magic is called for, there's another Reika mod I wouldn't mind adding... although I'm still pretty confused as to the ChromatiCraft progression. I tend to prefer tech, myself. In fact, I have one more little modpack project on my hard drive, consisting of ChromatiCraft and Botania, called "The Mystical Spectrum." I never got anywhere with it, because I just couldn't get into it. :(

And "Protect me squier?" I got news for you, buddy, I have no affiliation with Hyperion. :p