Yeah, I was wondering if that'd help with the nexus security. Maybe if that doesn't work, intentionally blow up a nuclear plant on it so the radiation guards it? 

After a few day's reflection after reaching bedrock level in Rotarycraft, I feel myself wishing for other tech mods. I want somewhere to "go" from here, but Reactorcraft is all about generating more power, which I don't really have a use for, and to be honest it just makes me wish for BigReactors: There's a level of "realism" that goes too far for enjoyment, and when I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, that point has been reached.![]()
RotaryCraft feels like a great tech "intro," kinda like what Immersive Engineering wants to be: A starting tech mod to more realistically bridge vanilla minecraft mechanics and tech into more technically advanced areas. After I've reached the top of the tree though, it has me mostly really hankering for EnderIO. I've been watching videos for RFTools, trying to understand wtf it is, and it certainly does seem very complex and technical and worth looking into, but I haven't got my head around it yet.
welp, the energycube is way more expensive, and has some disadvanteges.
If I set up EnderIO, I have positively no intention of totally gating the pipes, so don't worry about that. Maybe the top-tier pipes.First, don't give him ideas with bedrock!
How well does refined relocation work with Applied Energistics Matter-Energy conduits? Also, does it bundle pipes together in a single block like EIO does, while still remaining separate, distinct entities?Also if it was possible maybe binder recipe that needs to be smelted with a friction heater in a specific temperture. Also, if you ask me, refined relocation dominates item transport.
Could you disable parts of mods you dislike?
I love Ender IO for its travel/world interaction stuff for example: The teleportation blocks and staff, the stuff using monster heads (so metal) and the integration with Simply Jetpacks for that tech tree. Also I always default to Ender IO pipes/wires over everything if I can, because they're thin, flexible, and make a lot of sense to me. You could put bedrock dust into the ingredient list for the binding composite.
Edit: Also XP storage, Ender IO's staff of experience is the only method of converting XP to a resource I've ever really been comfortable with. Ars Magica had a "journal" but that was too simple, and MineFactory is just too complicated to be "fun"