[1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

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would you like the modpack to grow bigger with new mod?

  • yes, more magic

  • yes, more tech

  • yes, stronger mobs/other

  • no, keep it as it is

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Yeah, I was wondering if that'd help with the nexus security. Maybe if that doesn't work, intentionally blow up a nuclear plant on it so the radiation guards it? :P
So, I have an idea unrelated to tech/progression: Indian Mustard (the Silver indicator) would be better to craft into Mustard seeds (not the product also labeled "Mustard Seeds") from Harvestcraft rather than a dye. It just makes too much sense.
JSL, I like the cut of your jib, sailor! Granted, I prefer using a minefield and tesla... er... van de graaf generators, but that's just me thinking about playing Red Alert.

Fortanono, that does make sense. Done.
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After a few day's reflection after reaching bedrock level in Rotarycraft, I feel myself wishing for other tech mods. I want somewhere to "go" from here, but Reactorcraft is all about generating more power, which I don't really have a use for, and to be honest it just makes me wish for BigReactors: There's a level of "realism" that goes too far for enjoyment, and when I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, that point has been reached. :P

RotaryCraft feels like a great tech "intro," kinda like what Immersive Engineering wants to be: A starting tech mod to more realistically bridge vanilla minecraft mechanics and tech into more technically advanced areas. After I've reached the top of the tree though, it has me mostly really hankering for EnderIO. I've been watching videos for RFTools, trying to understand wtf it is, and it certainly does seem very complex and technical and worth looking into, but I haven't got my head around it yet.
After a few day's reflection after reaching bedrock level in Rotarycraft, I feel myself wishing for other tech mods. I want somewhere to "go" from here, but Reactorcraft is all about generating more power, which I don't really have a use for, and to be honest it just makes me wish for BigReactors: There's a level of "realism" that goes too far for enjoyment, and when I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, that point has been reached. :p

Once 1.2.0 is released (in the next few days or so), you might want to start over. A lot of changes are inbound, including bedrock gating for several of the more "super-tech" mods (namely, AE, RFTools' dimensional technology, Gendustry, Minechem, Advanced Genetics, and the Invasion mod), rift flux gating for ender tech (currently ender tech from Extra Utilities, as well as the ability to craft your own End Portal stones; more ender tech mods will be added in a future update), gendustry (if bees are your thing), and a new form of progression (which will nerf the Tinker's Construct tools and bring back vanilla tools).

Aside from this, keep in mind this is a "sandbox challenge." I limit what people can do while progressing through the game, in order to learn the available technology in the modpack, but it's ultimately up to the player to decide what to do with the technology and materials. That's why I refuse to make this a Hardcore Quest Mode pack. I don't want to limit creativity to "you must do this, then this, then this." It's not really following in the spirit of Minecraft. I set the progression (more or less), but the world is yours. Make it a good one. ;)

As for reactors, trust me, once you've build your first reactor, it gets much easier. My advice for ReactorCraft is to take time out from your survival game, and spend time in a creative game making a reactor. It doesn't have to be the Tokamak; I generally prefer the heat-transfer generator reactor, since failure just means that a core turns to lava instead of nuclear fallout. Here's a tutorial for one such reactor. Keep in mind that recent nerfs mean that HTGRs require more cores than this article uses (it needs at least 12 now), but the principles are sound, and the cores can be vertical multiblocks.

RotaryCraft feels like a great tech "intro," kinda like what Immersive Engineering wants to be: A starting tech mod to more realistically bridge vanilla minecraft mechanics and tech into more technically advanced areas. After I've reached the top of the tree though, it has me mostly really hankering for EnderIO. I've been watching videos for RFTools, trying to understand wtf it is, and it certainly does seem very complex and technical and worth looking into, but I haven't got my head around it yet.

Well, EnderIO is not going to be added, I'm afraid; it has too many components that directly compete with RotaryCraft. However, on the long-term burner is GalactiCraft, which, once I've smoothed out the current wrinkles, may be the next inclusion into this pack. It will be gated in the mad science category, though. ("The earth is mine! Next, I will conquer the mooooooon!")
if you ask me, if we can pull this off, we will add mekanism. i love it so much and i think that we might be able to pull it off successfully. but for now it is a no i am afraid. we will see about that, but for now, just learn rftools, it's worth it so much.
I'm going to have to disagree on Mekanism.

Remember, this modpack's core mod is RotaryCraft. I designed it specifically to avoid mods that can upstage RoC. After looking through the Mekanism documentation, I'm not finding much that doesn't replace one or another of RotaryCraft machines.

That being said, if it has some "can't live without" feature that can be hooked up to RotaryCraft, and I can disable the stuff that conflict with it (or can justify gating it), I'll consider it. Same goes with any other tech mod.

To be honest, now that I think about it, I am somewhat open regarding EnderIO, although I would need to disable a lot of things and write up a bunch of workaround recipes to make sure those didn't render other things uncraftable.
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mekanism does add some machines that can bypass rotarycraft. but it also adds things like the super cool energy bank and the atomic dissasembler and the robits and the digiminer which are pretty nice to have even in end game. so i think that if we manage to actually disable the things we don't want we can use it. the misc items from it are already worth adding it. but again, we will have to see
Let's see:
  • Energy cube replaces pretty much all of ElectriCraft.
  • Atomic disassembler would overshadow bedrock tools.
  • Robits would replace:
    • Rotarycraft's handheld crafting grid
    • OpenBlocks Luggage
    • OpenComputers Robots.
  • Digital miner would replace the RoC boring machine, pile driver, and ExU's Ender Quarry (in the ender-game gating level)
To be fair, I just saw the extended list of items in Mekanism. *sigh* Looks like I'll have a lot of things to do before I can make a final decision on this one. Or EnderIO. And if I accept either, I'm going to have a lot of work cut out for me. :( It'll probably have to wait until winter break, though; I don't have nearly enough time these days to do the amount of work to make those mods fit the pack.
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welp, the energycube is way more expensive, and has some disadvanteges. atomic disassembler doesn't have some of the special bedrock tools effects, and needs a lot of power.
robits run out of power super fast, and now that i think about it, they also get lost super easly if their house pad is not loaded/they are not loaded.
digital miner is another quarry type with super high power needs and not a really good range. it is made for more specific ore finding.
The RF Battery can store energy in the TeraRF level (12 zeroes). There's also an rf cable that has no limit to transfer rate. Both are extremely expensive, though.
The Auroral battery is the top-tier battery in ElectriCraft. It stores over 2.5 Tera-Joules of energy.

Both are single-block items.
Keep in mind, these batteries were designed to store the kind of energy generated by the ReactorCraft reactors.

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Could you disable parts of mods you dislike? I love Ender IO for its travel/world interaction stuff for example: The teleportation blocks and staff, the stuff using monster heads (so metal) and the integration with Simply Jetpacks for that tech tree. Also I always default to Ender IO pipes/wires over everything if I can, because they're thin, flexible, and make a lot of sense to me. You could put bedrock dust into the ingredient list for the binding composite. :p

Edit: Also XP storage, Ender IO's staff of experience is the only method of converting XP to a resource I've ever really been comfortable with. Ars Magica had a "journal" but that was too simple, and MineFactory is just too complicated to be "fun"
First, don't give him idias with bedrock!
Also if it was possible maybe binder recipe that needs to be smelted with a friction heater in a specific temperture. Also, if you ask me, refined relocation dominates item transport.
First, don't give him ideas with bedrock!
If I set up EnderIO, I have positively no intention of totally gating the pipes, so don't worry about that. Maybe the top-tier pipes.

Also if it was possible maybe binder recipe that needs to be smelted with a friction heater in a specific temperture. Also, if you ask me, refined relocation dominates item transport.
How well does refined relocation work with Applied Energistics Matter-Energy conduits? Also, does it bundle pipes together in a single block like EIO does, while still remaining separate, distinct entities?

Finally, I am unaware of a way to specify furnace temperature in Mine/ModTweaker. Remember, up until v7, Reika had prohibited MineTweaker, and Minetweaker, out of respect for Reika's decision, didn't interface with Reika's mods. And that includes the functions in DragonAPI that deal with temperatures.
Could you disable parts of mods you dislike?

I actually really like EnderIO, but many parts would undermine the purpose of this modpack. This is one of those mods I had to regretfully prune from the pack during the initial process of distilling the modpack into a unifying theme.

I love Ender IO for its travel/world interaction stuff for example: The teleportation blocks and staff, the stuff using monster heads (so metal) and the integration with Simply Jetpacks for that tech tree. Also I always default to Ender IO pipes/wires over everything if I can, because they're thin, flexible, and make a lot of sense to me. You could put bedrock dust into the ingredient list for the binding composite. :p

Edit: Also XP storage, Ender IO's staff of experience is the only method of converting XP to a resource I've ever really been comfortable with. Ars Magica had a "journal" but that was too simple, and MineFactory is just too complicated to be "fun"

Okay, let's take this in order:
  • Teleportation blocks are already handled by both RFTools (gated) and Enhanced Portals 3 (not gated).
  • The staff may not have an explicit duplication, but I'll have to check to be certain.
  • I'm not sure I know what you mean about the heads, but I can look into them.
  • Why do we need Simply Jetpacks? RotaryCraft has jetpacks, including the ability to attach a (Rotarycraft) glider, as well as the ability to fuse the jetpack with the chestplate.
  • Ender IO wires and piping is the reason the pruning was "regretful." I really want to bring them back, but to make workaround recipes for quite a few ingredients would be a time-consuming task to say the least.
  • OpenBlocks has the XP drain, which turns XP into a storable, pipeable liquid, and a shower that can convert XP back into orbs. Useful when placed in front of the friction-heated furnaces to collect the XP for later.
However, keep this in mind: I am a college student, and I have a job. I don't possess a lot of free time for an in-depth project like mapping the EIO (or Mekanism) progression, disabling all RoC-conflicting machines, and then rewriting all the recipes that the disablings break. Maybe when the semester is over and I have more free time, but it's not going to happen right now.
refined relocation has this: limited range (about 16 blocks) tessaracts kinda. also a block that can be attached to another block and serve as an input and output block for this block with full control on the input and output sides on the machine and on the block itself.

it has sorting systems that only need to be connected by sorting system blocks/special cables block sized.
this sorting system is so good i actually prefer it on AE, and maybe use AE to store the items and then connect them to the sorting system.
also with this mod i can make a fully automated base that if you put things in chests they will be sorted/processed, and add chests that don't sort like that. how cool is that?

also it adds fast item transport ducts with loads of cool models to play with, and a ton of customization. and the best part: it only adds items that fill less than 3 rows in nei (at least on my client)