[1.7.10] Survival industry [rotarycraft based tech]

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would you like the modpack to grow bigger with new mod?

  • yes, more magic

  • yes, more tech

  • yes, stronger mobs/other

  • no, keep it as it is

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I do, but that would just feel less wasteful. Also, you get 4x the mB in the filler if you put the ethanol in an engine and bucket it into the filler, rather than putting them directly into it. It's odd.
Seems more efficient to have all jetpacks fueled up and ready to go when you need them, rather than emptying them every time you finish using them.

Side note, I am pleased to announce that 1.2.0 has been released. So far, I've had no problems in playing it, so I hope this can be called a success. Dig in!
For now, Survival Industry has all the mods it needs to be complete (according to my design). Now comes the fun part: designing a challenge.

The game is a sandbox modpack specifically so the challenge doesn't get set in stone. It is up to you, the players, to decide how you want to advance, and what challenges you want to pursue. That said, nothing improves the fun of a game quite like a full-game voluntary challenge. If you have any challenges that you'd like to try with this pack, feel free to add them to this thread. Feel free to check some examples for inspiration.

I am working on a modification of the City Challenge, myself.
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Would be cool if the ingame wiki will be able to conect to it. Also, i already havesome ideas :mad:
By challenge, I'm referring to additional rules applied to the whole game to give it more of a challenge, as well as a theme to the challenge.

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Well, then the ctf should work, or just a war between two teams the whole game and dwcide your limits.

*the ctf is an idea we came up with for having a base for each team. Then have a nexus in each base and have activation catalists on both teams. Target, destroy the enemy nexus first without breaking it. GL.
Sorry for the silence, folx; I've been working on improvements to make to the modpack. Right now, I have the bulk of the new progression set; ore blocks no longer need Iguana's Tweaks to maintain their intended harvest level (thanks to the Block Properties mod), and I'm going to be replacing almost all pickaxes with progression-accurate ones (using customItems). The pickaxes will show level tooltips, and WAILA Harvestability will be configured to follow the new progression. I've found a mod that can create wooden buckets using a stick, three planks, and a cactus green (which can be gained by crafting the horsetail ore flower), so the loss of the clay bucket should be trivial. As for alloying, I have a plan to add a new alloying mechanic using the crafting table and furnace only, to get around the loss of the smelter without adding any other memory-heavy mods.

There's a few permission issues I need to smooth out before this is complete. Once complete, Tinker's Construct will be removed from the pack. If things go the way I think they will, The Great Tinker's Purge will occur at version 1.3.0. Once the purge is complete, the modpack should see a moderate performance increase, due to the reduced memory footprint.

Aside from this, I will be adding Refined Relocation to the modpack, minus the teleportation/wireless stuff, to make sorting storages easier.
Also. Refined relocation might be added as the highest sorting system tier. Higher than ae. But we will have to see.
For now, it's not. Unlike AE and the other "mad science" and "ender tech" mods, there is no single material to gate the whole series; I'd have to make recipes for each and every RR block to gate it. Not really interested in a project of that magnitude, so I figured to just take a chance and hope for the best.
The tube upgrades are most of the mod and they are most of the items. Also a lot of things in it are made with other machine and it comes down most of the times to one item from the mod to gate for each path.
On a side note, I am probably also going to recommend the removal of Thermal Foundation, as well as Thermal Dynamics. There's really nothing there we need for this game; I had thought it was important for RF-based mods, but apparently, this is not the case (removing both from my test instance did not cause any crashes on startup). RotaryCraft and AE (as well as RR) have all the item/fluid/energy transport conduits and storage we need, and Forestry provides the bronze (as well as the alloying process) needed for the mining progression. This should simplify the game somewhat, reducing its memory footprint more, and still allow all the challenge one expects.

Note, however, that pending permission issues, nothing has been submitted to GitHub yet. All this is just blue-sky planning intended for a ways down the road.


Hmmm... removing Thermal Expansion removes the copper pickaxe. But adding Metallurgy (while disabling all exotic materials) reinstates the lost metals, provides a dust grinder that can be automated, and removes recipes for materials for which there are no uses.
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Here's the completed challenge, designed to take full advantage of this modpack. I based it off of the City Construction Challenge from the Minecraft Forums. However, the theme changed somewhat, from just advancing in a kingdom city construction to something a little larger and more expansive... and which takes full advantage of the mods that are part of this pack.

I present to you the...

Survival Industry Ages Challenge

Age 1: Neolithic Age (The "Stone" Age)
The Stone Age is a broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make implements with a sharp edge, a point, or a percussion surface. The period lasted roughly 3.4 million years, and ended between 6000 BCE and 2000 BCE with the advent of metalworking. Stone Age artifacts include tools used by modern humans and by their predecessor species in the genus Homo, as well as the earlier partly contemporaneous genera Australopithecus and Paranthropus. Bone tools were used during this period as well but are rarely preserved in the archaeological record. The Stone Age is further subdivided by the types of stone tools in use.

  • You may use only wood or stone tools.
    • You cannot use any metals for crafting.
Requirements to Advance:
  • Each player must:
    • Own 1 stone (or cobblestone) hut to live in.
      • Dwelling must contain:
        • Bed

        • Crafting Table

        • Double-Wide Chest

        • Furnace
    • Have a protected farm with at least double-high fence (to protect against zombie griefing)
      • Must have at least 5 crops growing in farm
    • Have at least 1 fish trap in a nearby water source.

    • Have at least 1 animal trap placed in a nearby field.

    • Have the following in their inventory:
      • Stone Sword

      • Stone Pickaxe

      • Stone Shovel

      • Stone Axe

      • Stone Hoe

      • Stack of 64 torches

      • Leather Helmet

      • Leather Chestplate

      • Leather Leggings

      • Leather Boots
  • A central council hut must be constructed.
    • Laid out as an auditorium with:
      • Wooden table as a podium

      • Audience seats, minimum of 1 per player.

      • Double-wide chest
        • Have the following stored:
          • 10 items of edible food of "snack" quality per player.

          • 1 stack of logs per player.

          • 1 stack of cobble/stone per player.

          • A wooden bucket
  • All buildings must be connected to one another with stone paths.

Age 2: Bronze Age

The Bronze Age is a time period characterized by the use of bronze, proto-writing, and other early features of urban civilization. The Bronze Age is the second principal period of the three-age Stone-Bronze-Iron system, as proposed in modern times by Christian Jürgensen Thomsen, for classifying and studying ancient societies.

An ancient civilization is defined to be in the Bronze Age either by smelting its own copper and alloying with tin, arsenic, or other metals, or by trading for bronze from production areas elsewhere. Copper-tin ores are rare, as reflected in the fact that there were no tin bronzes in western Asia before trading in bronze began in the third millennium BC. Worldwide, the Bronze Age generally followed the Neolithic period, but in some parts of the world, the Copper Age served as a transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. Although the Iron Age generally followed the Bronze Age, in some areas, the Iron Age intruded directly on the Neolithic from outside the region.

Bronze Age cultures differed in their development of the first writing. According to archaeological evidence, cultures in Mesopotamia (cuneiform) and Egypt (hieroglyphs) developed the earliest viable writing systems.

  • All prior materials are permitted.
    • You cannot use any metals other than copper, tin, and bronze.
Requirements to Advance:
  • Huts should be replaced with houses.
    • Each house must contain:
      • A living area containing:
        • Coffee table surrounded by 2 or more chairs
      • A kitchen containing:
        • Kitchen Appliances:
          • Crafting bench, Furnace, Churn, and Quern
        • Single-Wide Chest containing Pam's cooking tools:
          • Cutting Board, Pot, Skillet, Saucepan, Bakeware, Mortar and Pestle, Mixing Bowl, and Juicer
        • Double-wide chest for ingredients.
      • A workshop containing:
        • Crafting Bench, Double-Wide Bench (or double-high locker), and Furnace
      • A bedroom, containing:
        • Bed and Bedside Cabinet

        • Optionally a locker
      • A front door

      • Windows with shutters
  • The council Hut should be replaced with a Town Hall.
    • Town hall must contain the following rooms:
      • Meeting room (decorated like the original hut, but with a fancy sign as a whiteboard)

      • Treasury (Room with multiple chests/lockers).

      • One other room (can be left empty)
  • All paths must be re-arranged to connect all buildings in the town.

  • A wall must surround all houses in use, the town hall and any other community building.
    • It must be safe from monsters at any point within the walls (except mob farms etc.)

    • The wall must have a gate. Use two Carpenter's Blocks doors as a gate.
  • A well must be placed within the town walls.
    • Use Pam's Water barrel, Stone Basin, Clay Jug, or Brick Well as a well.
  • A controlled tree farm within the town walls.

  • At least 1 more community structure must be built aside from the town hall (library, inn, baths/pool house, etc.)

  • The treasury must contain:
    • A wooden bucket

    • 2 stacks of logs per player

    • 2 stacks of cobble/stone per player

    • 2 stacks of ore per player

    • 10 items of edible food of "snack" quality per player.

    • 10 items of edible food of "light meal" quality per player
  • Each player must have in their inventory:
    • Bronze Sword

    • Bronze Pickaxe

    • Bronze Shovel

    • Bronze Axe

    • Stack of 64 torches

    • Bronze Helmet

    • Bronze Chest Plate

    • Bronze Leggings

    • Bronze Boots
Age 3: Iron Age
The Iron Age is the period generally occurring after the Bronze Age, marked by the prevalent use of iron. Iron production is known to have taken place in Anatolia at least as early as 1200 BC, with some contemporary archaeological evidence pointing to earlier dates.

The early period of the age is characterized by the widespread use of iron or steel. The adoption of these materials coincided with other changes in society, including differing agricultural practices, religious beliefs and artistic styles. The Iron Age as an archaeological term indicates the condition as to civilization and culture of a people using iron as the material for their cutting tools and weapons.[1] The Iron Age is the third principal period of the three-age system created by Christian Thomsen (1788–1865) for classifying ancient societies and prehistoric stages of progress.

In historical archaeology, the ancient literature of the Iron Age includes the earliest texts preserved in manuscript tradition. Sanskrit and Chinese literature flourished in the Iron Age. Other texts include the Avestan Gathas, the Indian Vedas and the oldest parts of the Hebrew Bible. The principal feature that distinguishes the Iron Age from the preceding ages is the introduction of alphabetic characters, and the consequent development of written language which enabled literature and historic record.

  • All prior materials are permitted.
    • Iron, steel, and all precious metals are permitted.

    • Only base redstone technology is permitted, including Expanded Redstone and Project:Red.
      • You cannot use miniaturization.

      • You cannot use any other tech mod, including RotaryCraft, Railcraft, or Redstone Flux technology.
    • You cannot make anything with crystals (including diamond) or obsidian.
Requirements to Advance:
  • Each house should have
    • A clock
  • A stable should be built, containing:
    • 1 horse per player.

    • The stable should have the following in its chest:
      • 1 saddle per horse

      • 1 iron horse armor per horse.
  • If the city is next to a large body of water, a docks should be built with:
    • A dock and boathouse for each player containing:
      • 1 deployed punt boat.

      • 3 small boats in the punt's chest (lifeboats).
  • A Keep should be made against the wall farthest from the gate, and the town hall should have its contents moved to the keep.

  • Paths should be replaced with roads, making sure they connect with all buildings in the city.

  • The wall must be upgraded to allow for the defense of the city, including battlements, archer slits, and a guardhouse surrounding the gate.
    • The gate should be a Carpenter's Blocks garage door applied with iron bars (making a portcullis).

    • The trigger for the portcullis should be a lever inside the guardhouse
  • At least 1 more community structure must be built aside from the town hall (library, inn, baths/pool house, etc.)

  • The treasury must contain:
    • A wooden bucket

    • 3 stacks of logs per player

    • 3 stacks of cobble/stone per player

    • 3 stacks of ore per player.

    • 10 items of edible food of "snack" quality per player.

    • 10 items of edible food of "light meal" quality per player (includes nourishing and unfulfilling)

    • 10 items of edible food of "meal" quality per player (includes nourishing and unfulfilling)
  • Each player must have in their inventory (For steel, it doesn't matter if it's Railcraft or HSLA):
    • An Antique Atlas

    • A (Bibliocraft) Atlas with 1 empty map.

    • A compass

    • A clock

    • A backpack

    • Steel Sword

    • Steel Pickaxe

    • Steel Shovel

    • Steel Axe

    • Stack of 64 torches

    • Steel Helmet

    • Steel Chest Plate

    • Steel Leggings

    • Steel Boots
Age 4: Industrial Age
The Industrial Age is a period of history that encompasses the changes in economic and social organization that began around 1760 in Great Britain and later in other countries, characterized chiefly by the replacement of hand tools with power-driven machines such as the power loom and the steam engine, and by the concentration of industry in large establishments.

  • All prior materials are permitted.
    • Diamond and Obsidian are permitted.

    • You cannot use bedrock blocks (bedrock dust and ingots are okay, though).
      • This means you cannot use the "Mad Science" technology.
    • You can only use the RotaryCraft (without the add-ons) and RailCraft tech mods.

    • You cannot use Redstone Flux.

    • You cannot use miniaturization of redstone.

    • You can use Bedrock to make tools and armor.
Requirements to Advance:
  • Distant mines should be made with automated mining equipment.

  • Distant woodcutting operations should be made with automated woodcutters
    • There should be operations for at least 2 different biomes (Jungle, taiga, forest)
  • A lumber mill should be made.
    • The lumber mill should have:
      • Storage for all types of wood harvested, as well as their planks and sticks.

      • A furnace to make charcoal; can be a friction-heated vanilla furnace, or a lava smelter.

      • Autocrafting unit with patterns for planks and sticks.
  • A processing plant should be made.
    • The processing plant should have:
      • Storage for:
        • Solid materials, including ores, ingots, blocks, stone and cobble, coal and coke, dusts and flakes, and crystals (including Ethanol).

        • Processed liquids, including lava, liquid ethanol, lubricant, and buildcraft oil.
      • An ore processing machine (grinder or extractor)

      • At least 1 furnace (for smelting ores)
        • This furnace can be a friction-heated vanilla furnace, or a lava smeltery.
      • Ethanol production

      • Creosote (and Coke fuel) production

      • Lava production
  • A pumping station should be made to collect and distribute water to all machines in the town, as well as the nearby farm. The station should also have a reservoir to store water for distribution when the pump stops working.

  • An automated farm should be made outside the town.
    • The farm should have:
      • A crop farm with fans, sprinklers, and an item vacuum.

      • A sugarcane farm, using a diamond block breaker to harvest sugarcane (diamond level can harvest for 12 blocks in front of it)

      • A canola farm to make lubricant.

      • (Optional) A cactus farm, also using diamond block breakers to harvest.
  • A warehouse should be made to store crops from the farms.
    • The warehouse should also contain a drying bed to collect salt from water.
  • A power station needs to be made in a part of town distant from the residences. The power station should be able to transport power to the lumber mill and processing plant. There should also be a coil winder, and a place to wind up an industrial coil (with the redstone in place to keep it from exploding). This power station needs to have room for expansion, and needs to be able to power everything in the town, as well as the nearby farm. Distant plants can have their own engines, as long as their fuel can be supplied automatically.

  • A Railway should be made with a train station.
    • This railway should contain:
      • One steam locomotive engine

      • One cart of each type.
    • The railway should connect to the lumber mill, the processing plant, the warehouse, the woodcutting operations, the mines, and the farm.
      • There should be automation to load the appropriate cart at the woodcutting operation, farm, and mine.

      • There should be automation to unload the appropriate cart at the lumber mill, warehouse, and processing plant.

      • There should be automation to load fuel.
    • The railway should also connect to the nearest testificate village, if one has been found at this point. Check the antique atlas to see if one has been marked.

    • There should be a friction boiler to produce the steam needed by the locomotive.
  • Make sure roads connect to all current buildings.

  • At least 1 automated defense placed in front of the gate.

  • At least 1 more community structure must be built aside from the town hall (library, inn, baths/pool house, etc.)

  • The treasury must contain:
    • A wooden bucket

    • 10 stacks of logs per player (now stored in the lumbermill)

    • 10 stacks of cobble/stone per player (now stored in the processing center)

    • 10 stacks of ore per player. (now stored in the processing center)

    • 1 reservoir (64 buckets) of each:
      • Lava

      • Lubricant

      • Buildcraft oil
    • 10 reservoirs of water.

    • 100 stacks of cobble/stone per player (now stored in the processing plant)

    • 10 items of edible food of "snack" quality per player.

    • 10 items of edible food of "light meal" quality per player

    • 10 items of edible food of "meal" quality per player

    • 10 items of edible food of "feast" quality per player
  • Each player must have in their inventory:
    • An Antique Atlas

    • A (Bibliocraft) Atlas with 1 empty map.

    • A compass

    • A clock

    • A backpack

    • Steel Sword (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Pickaxe (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Shovel (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Axe (Bedrock optional)

    • Stack of 64 torches (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Helmet (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Chest Plate (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Leggings (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Boots (Bedrock optional)
Age 5: Atomic Age
The Atomic Age, also known as the Atomic Era, is the period of history following the detonation of the first nuclear ("atomic") bomb, Trinity, on July 16, 1945 during World War II. Although nuclear chain reactions had been hypothesized in 1933 and the first artificial self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction (Chicago Pile-1) had taken place in December 1942, the Trinity test and the ensuing bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan that ended World War II represented the first large-scale use of nuclear technology and ushered in profound changes in sociopolitical thinking and the course of technology development. Atomic power was seen to be the epitome of progress and modernity.

However, the "nuclear dream" fell far short of what was promised because nuclear technology has produced a range of social problems, from the Nuclear arms race, to the Chernobyl disaster and Three Mile Island accident, and the unresolved difficulties of bomb plant cleanup and civilian plant waste disposal and decommissioning.

  • All prior materials are permitted.
    • You cannot use bedrock blocks (bedrock dust and ingots are okay, though).
      • This means you cannot use the "Mad Science" technology.
    • You can use all RotaryCraft add-ons, including ElectriCraft and ReactorCraft

    • You cannot use miniaturization of redstone.

    • You cannot use Redstone Flux.

    • You can use Bedrock to make tools and armor.
Requirements to Advance:
  • A ReactorCraft nuclear reactor should be created to supply heavy industry. This reactor should be far enough away from the town, and surrounded by enough concrete, that an accident resulting in a meltdown will not wipe the city off the map.
    • An electrical substation should be made to convert all RotaryCraft power into ElectriCraft power. This power will then be distributed to all buildings in the city, as well as all city and remote facilities (Including Nuclear reactors).

    • Each building in the city should have at least 1 ElectriCraft motor to convert electricity back into shaft power.
  • The railway should be expanded to include the reactor.

  • Make sure roads connect to all current buildings.

  • The city and all connected facilities should be protected with automated defenses..

  • At least 1 more community structure must be built (library, inn, baths/pool house, etc.)

  • The treasury must contain:
    • A wooden bucket

    • 1 reservoir (64 buckets) of each:
      • Lava

      • Lubricant

      • Buildcraft oil
    • 10 reservoirs of water.

    • 100 stacks of logs per player (now stored in the lumbermill)

    • 100 stacks of cobble/stone per player (now stored in the processing center)

    • 100 stacks of ore per player. (now stored in the processing center)

    • At least 1 Terajoule of power stored in batteries (at the substation).

    • 20 items of edible food of "snack" quality per player.

    • 20 items of edible food of "light meal" quality per player

    • 20 items of edible food of "meal" quality per player

    • 20 items of edible food of "feast" quality per player
  • Each player must have in their inventory:
    • An Antique Atlas

    • A (Bibliocraft) Atlas with 1 empty map.

    • A compass

    • A clock

    • A backpack

    • Steel Sword (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Pickaxe (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Shovel (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Axe (Bedrock optional)

    • Stack of 64 torches (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Helmet (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Chest Plate (Bedrock Optional)

    • Steel Leggings (Bedrock optional)

    • Steel Boots (Bedrock optional)

    • Jet Pack (Chestplate attachment and glider optional)
Age 6: Information Age
The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or new media Age) is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization. The onset of the Information Age is associated with the Digital Revolution, just as the Industrial Revolution marked the onset of the Industrial Age.

During the information age, the phenomenon is that the digital industry creates a knowledge-based society surrounded by a high-tech global economy that spans over its influence on how the manufacturing throughput and the service sector operate in an efficient and convenient way. In a commercialized society, the information industry is able to allow individuals to explore their personalized needs, therefore simplifying the procedure of making decisions for transactions and significantly lowering costs for both the producers and buyers. This is accepted overwhelmingly by participants throughout the entire economic activities for efficacy purposes, and new economic incentives would then be indigenously encouraged, such as the knowledge economy.

The Information Age formed by capitalizing on computer microminiaturization advances. This evolution of technology in daily life and social organization has led to the fact that the modernization of information and communication processes has become the driving force of social evolution.

  • All materials and mods are permitted with one exception:
    • *************** (REDACTED) *****************
Requirements to Advance:
  • Build a Grand Laboratory.
    • The Grand Laboratory should be outside the town, but connected to the rail and road systems.

    • The Grand Laboratory should be defended with automated defenses.

    • The Grand Laboratory should contain:
      • A genetics wing with labs to cover gendustry, fossils and prehistoric genetic research, and advanced genetics.

      • A chemistry lab, dedicated to the breakdown and synthesis of custom materials.

      • A computer lab, dedicated to advanced automation.

      • A metaphysics lab, focusing on the conversions of energy and matter.

      • A quantum mechanics lab, covering the creation of universes and instant transportation technologies, including teleporters and custom portals.
    • The Grand Laboratory should have its own nuclear reactor and backup power source, isolated from the city powergrid.
  • Each player must have in their inventory:
    • An Antique Atlas

    • A (Bibliocraft) Atlas with 1 empty map.

    • A compass

    • A clock

    • A backpack

    • Bedrock Sword

    • Bedrock Pickaxe

    • Bedrock Shovel

    • Bedrock Axe

    • Bedrock of 64 torches

    • Bedrock Helmet

    • Bedrock Chest Plate

    • Bedrock Leggings

    • Bedrock Boots

    • Jet Pack (Chestplate attachment and glider optional)
  • In an alternate universe, begin collecting (REDACTED) for study, using the (REDACTED). However, be prepared for unforeseen consequences.
Jack the system, man! They don't want you to know about the truth! They don't want you makin' ender rift flux technology! They want the alien tech for themselves! What you need to make is a rift nexus, man! But... ah... you didn't hear it from me!

Age 7: The End

(This information is classified as TOP SECRET. You are not cleared for this information. There are no further ages. You have been misinformed.)
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So far so good. Most of the features of tinkers construct, and iguanas tinker tweaks, have had replacements found for them. Wooden buckets replace fired clay buckets. 3x1 and 3x3 mining, as well as right-click placement, can be added to vanilla tools using the anvil. The mining progression will be set to 6 levels. Dusts will be used to alloy ores, but without the math problems (for example, 1 copper and 1 tin make 2 bronze).

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At this point, I am coming across some sticky points that may require the creation of one or more mods to make the necessary tweaks. I am unskilled with Java (and I get overwhelmed every time I try to learn it), so I figured I'd ask... are there any java programmers who are willing to help out by writing mods for tweaking the game?

At the moment, I'm looking to tweak the material properties for vanilla, Project Red, and Applied Energistics materials, specifically their harvest levels, in order to finish the new progression system, and I would like to try and add a "conduct" mechanic (an idea picked up from Nethack) which tracks the things you've never done, rather than the accomplishments you've completed (You are a vegan, you are a pacifist, you are in the stone age, etc.).
Nethack-like tracking?

You never ate
You never ate meat
You never killed a villager
Species genocided: @

You are a pacifist (never killed anything). You are peaceful (never killed peaceful animals or villagers). You respect property (never broke village blocks). You are a vegan (never ate meat or animal products). You died (x) times (which can be avoided using the Sync mod). You are in the stone age (never smelted ores). ...and so on.

In any event, I'm simply looking for the help of a coder to make the progression completely independent of Tinker's Construct, without going through complicated (and error-prone) strategies with other mods that only "sorta" have the ability to give me the end result I need by forcing me to hand-configure every block and pickaxe to meet the mining levels I'm aiming for.

The conducts mod is just something that occurred to me in the last couple days as a way to assist in the design of challenges for this modpack without using something like HQM... After all, what better way to encourage challenges than to have provable bragging rights, right?
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